
axenic germination of scutellospora erythropa and scutellospora nigra in in vitro conditions.spores of scutellospora erythropa and scu. nigra isolated from neem rhizosphere soils from coastal regions of chennai were tested for axenic germination in in vitro conditions. they showed positive results in media of different composition using root exudates, soil extract, thiamine hcl and inositol. the combined medium increased the spore germination in scu. erythropa and in scu. nigra over water agar control. the germ tube often grew up to 3.8 cm on combined media but no vegetative spores and ...200011395963
diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with plants growing in fly ash pond and their potential role in ecological restoration.root colonization and diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (amf) were analyzed in plants growing in fly ash pond. eight species could be separated morphologically, while phylogenetic analyses after pcr amplification of the its region followed by rflp and sequencing revealed seven different am fungal sequence types. phylogenetic analysis showed that these sequences cluster into four discrete groups, belonging to the genus glomus and archaeospora. inoculation of plants with spores of am funga ...201121739250
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