
amblyomma aureolatum and ixodes auritulus (acari: ixodidae) on birds in southern brazil, with notes on their ecology.between january 1999 and december 2000, 876 bird specimens were captured in three different ecological environments from the reinhard maack park, curitiba, state of paraná, southern brazil. a total of 142 birds (16.2%) were infested with amblyomma aureolatum (pallas 1772) (n=699) and/or ixodes auritulus neumann, 1904 (n=18) ticks. questing a. aureolatum nymphs (n=2) and adults (n=5) were also collected from the soil and the vegetation. none of the i. auritulus were collected off-host. we collect ...200314974693
a collection of ticks (ixodidae) from wild birds in uruguay.thirty nine wild birds from seven families (alcedinidae, emberizidae, furnariidae, parulidae, trochilidae, turdidae and tyrannidae) were caught from 4 to 7 of february, 2004 at rincón da vassoura (31 degrees 15' s 56 degrees 03' w) department of tacuarembó, uruguay. ninety one nymphs and forty one larvae of ixodidae were recovered from them. the majority of ticks were conventionally identified but 16s mitochondrial rdna sequences were obtained for larvae and nymphs of amblyomma with uncertain sp ...200516132744
genotyping of cryptosporidium spp. from free-living wild birds from wild and domestic birds, cryptosporidiosis is often associated with infections by cryptosporidium galli, cryptosporidium baileyi and cryptosporidium meleagridis. in addition to these species, a number of avian cryptosporidium species yet to be fully characterized are commonly found among exotic and wild avian isolates. the present study aimed to detect and identify samples of cryptosporidium spp. from free-living wild birds, in order to contribute to the knowledge of the variability of this p ...201021035268
effects of land cover on the movement of frugivorous birds in a heterogeneous landscape.movement is a key spatiotemporal process that enables interactions between animals and other elements of nature. the understanding of animal trajectories and the mechanisms that influence them at the landscape level can yield insight into ecological processes and potential solutions to specific ecological problems. based upon optimal foraging models and empirical evidence, we hypothesized that movement by thrushes is highly tortuous (low average movement speeds and homogeneous distribution of tu ...201627257810
the assembly and annotation of the complete rufous-bellied thrush mitochondrial genome.among known bird species, oscines are one of the few groups that produce complex vocalizations due to vocal learning. one of the most conspicuous oscine passerines in southeastern south america is the rufous-bellied thrush, turdus rufiventris. the complete mitochondrial genome of this species was sequenced with the illumina hiseq platform (illumina inc., san diego, ca), assembled using mitobim software and annotated by mitos web server and artemis software. this mitogenome contained 16 669 bases ...201726679427
urbanization breaks up host-parasite interactions: a case study on parasite community ecology of rufous-bellied thrushes (turdus rufiventris) along a rural-urban gradient.urbanization drastically alters natural ecosystems and the structure of their plant and animal communities. whereas some species cope successfully with these environmental changes, others may go extinct. in the case of parasite communities, the expansion of urban areas has a critical effect by changing the availability of suitable substrates for the eggs or free-larval stages of those species with direct life cycles or for the range of hosts of those species with complex cycles. in this study we ...201425068271
molecular and morphological characterization of a brazilian lineage of plasmodium (novyella) unalis in turdus spp. (passeriformes) of the atlantic forest, with remarks on new hosts and high genetic variation.plasmodium spp. are haemosporidian protozoans that alternate their live cycles between bloodsucking culicidae dipterans and vertebrate hosts (mammals, reptiles and birds). in birds, these parasites are the causative agents of the so called avian malaria, a disease associated with considerable declines and extinctions in the avifauna in different geographical regions. in this work, we applied a multidisciplinary approach, light microscopy and cytochrome oxidase b (cyt b) gene sequence analysis fo ...201728930498
seasonal influences on parasite community structure of turdus rufiventris (aves).seasonality has strong effects on natural systems by influencing resource availability, thereby interfering in plant-herbivore, prey-predator, and host-parasite interactions. we compared the seasonal structure of the helminth community of rufous-bellied thrushes (turdus rufiventris), assessed its correlation with environmental variables, and interpreted temporal patterns of parasite abundance in relation to their life cycles and likely changes in the availability of intermediate hosts and vector ...201322924905
using shannon entropy on measuring the individual variability in the rufous-bellied thrush turdus rufiventris vocal communication.we applied the information theory concepts to notes repertoire characteristics combined with temporal parameters of the rufous-bellied thrush turdus rufiventris song, using this particular case to test a new method of analysing quantitatively complex animal communication systems. like most turdus thrushes, rufous-bellied thrushes are remarkable for their long, varied and melodious songs. for the analysis of the species repertoire, we used recordings of 44 individuals from 24 localities covering ...200011027479
community of arthropod ectoparasites of two species of turdus linnaeus, 1758 (passeriformes: turdidae) in southern rio grande do sul, brazil.this study was aimed at describing the community of arthropod ectoparasites associated with sympatric populations of turdus amaurochalinus and turdus rufiventris and analyzing the aggregation patterns of the chewing lice species, during reproductive and nonreproductive periods, of both turdus species in three areas of the atlantic forest in southern rio grande do sul state (rs), brazil. altogether, we captured 36 specimens of t. amaurochalinus and 53 specimens of t. rufiventris. we identified tw ...201323093206
characterization and distribution of isospora sabiai n. sp. (apicomplexa: eimeriidae) from thrushes turdus spp. (passeriformes: turdidae) from brazil.a new coccidian species (protozoa: apicomplexa: isospora) is described parasitizing white-necked thrushes turdus albicollis vieillot, 1818, rufous-bellied thrushes turdus rufiventris vieillot, 1818, pale-breasted thrushes turdus leucomelas vieillot, 1818 and yellow-legged thrushes turdus flavipes vieillot, 1818 from 3 different localities in brazil. isospora sabiai n. sp. has oocysts that are sub-spherical to ellipsoidal, 20.9 × 18.6 µm, with smooth, delicate, bilayered wall, ~1.1 μm thick. micr ...201728319677
molecular cytogenetic characterization of multiple intrachromosomal rearrangements in two representatives of the genus turdus (turdidae, passeriformes).turdus rufiventris and turdus albicollis, two songbirds belonging to the family turdidae (aves, passeriformes) were studied by c-banding, 18s rdna, as well as the use of whole chromosome probes derived from gallus gallus (gga) and leucopternis albicollis (lal). they showed very similar karyotypes, with 2n = 78 and the same pattern of distribution of heterochromatic blocks and hybridization patterns. however, the analysis of 18/28s rdna has shown differences in the number of nor-bearing chromosom ...201425058578
atlantic-frugivory: a plant-frugivore interaction dataset for the atlantic forest.the dataset provided here includes 8320 frugivory interactions (records of pairwise interactions between plant and frugivore species) reported for the atlantic forest. the dataset includes interactions between 331 vertebrate species (232 birds, 90 mammals, five fishes, one amphibian and three reptiles) and 788 plant species. we also present information on traits directly related to the frugivory process (endozoochory), such as the size of fruits and seeds and the body mass and gape size of frugi ...201728317110
new host records of haemaphysalis leporispalustris (acari: ixodidae) on birds in brazil.birds are an important component of the life histories and bioecology of a number of tick species and of some tick associated pathogens. an examination of the data concerning bird/tick associations in the neotropics, showed that the tick haemaphysalis leporispalustrisis (packard, 1869) was rarely recorded infesting birds. the current study reports parasitism by h. leporispalustris in wild birds collected from atlantic rain forest environments in the states of rio de janeiro (4ll) and minas gerai ...201626965425
occurrence of toxoplasma gondii antibodies in birds from the atlantic forest, state of são paulo, brazil.avian are considered important intermediate hosts for toxoplasma gondii because they serve as source of infection for felidae, which shed environmentally resistant oocysts after ingesting infected tissues. little is known of epidemiology of toxoplasmosis in wild birds. in the present study, antibodies to t. gondii were determined in 202 wild birds of 37 species captured in seven small areas of the atlantic forest, in the state of são paulo, brazil, and provided information on possible associated ...201424332961
rickettsial infection in ticks infesting wild birds from two eco-regions of argentina.several tick-borne rickettsia species are recognized human pathogens in argentina. here we evaluated rickettsial infection in ticks collected on passerine birds during 2011-2012 in two eco-regions of argentina. the ticks were processed by molecular analysis through polymerase chain reaction (pcr) detection and dna sequencing of fragments of two rickettsial genes, glta and ompa. a total of 594 tick specimens (532 larvae and 62 nymphs), representing at least 4 species (amblyomma tigrinum, ixodes p ...201627580393
presence of borrelia in different populations of ixodes pararicinus from northwestern argentina.this work was performed to evaluate the presence of borrelia in different populations of ixodes pararicinus from northwestern argentina (jujuy, salta and tucumán provinces). questing adults and nymphs of i. pararicinus were collected from vegetation, and i. pararicinus nymphs were also collected on birds. eighty-two ticks were tested for borrelia presence by pcr targeting the gene flagellin and the rrfa-rrlb intergenic spacer region. pools of ticks positive to borrelia were formed by two nymphs ...201728262480
seasonal changes in the song control nuclei of the rufous-bellied thrush, turdus rufiventris (oscine, passeriformes, and turdidae).in vocal learning birds, memorization and song production rely on a set of telencephalic nuclei referred to as the song control system. seasonal changes in song production are correlated with changes in the volume of the song control nuclei and are influenced by photoperiodic conditions and hormonal cues. the seasonal volume changes in the avian brain that controls singing are thought to involve regulation of neuronal replacement, which is a striking example of neuronal plasticity. the rufous-be ...201931004403
wild birds as host of borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in northwestern argentina.borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (s. l.) spirochetes are associated with a wide range of vectors and hosts. birds are important hosts in the ecology of some hard ticks (ixodidae) in northwestern argentina, where b. burgdorferi s.l. have been detected in ixodes pararicinus. we evaluated borrelia infection in ticks collected from wild birds by molecular analysis through the presence of borrelia dna (by nested-pcr targeting the fla gene). a total of 381 ticks (357 larvae and 24 nymphs) belonging to ...201830104124
borrelia genospecies in ixodes sp. cf. ixodes affinis (acari: ixodidae) from argentina.the aim of this work was to evaluate the presence of borrelia infection in ixodes sp. cf. ixodes affinis ticks from argentina. specimens of ixodes sp. cf. i. affinis were collected on vegetation and birds in five locations belonging the most humid part of the chaco biogeographic province. specimens were tested for borrelia infection by nested-pcr targeting the flab gene and the rrfa-rrlb intergenic spacer region (igs), sequenced and phylogenetically analyzed. a total of 48 ixodes sp. cf. i. affi ...202032993952
morphological and molecular identification of isospora massardi lopes, berto, luz, galvão, ferreira & lopes, 2014 (chromista: miozoa: eimeriidae) from thrushes turdus spp. (passeriformes: turdidae) in south the current work, isospora massardi lopes, berto, luz, galvão, ferreira & lopes, [10] is identified from white-necked thrushes turdus albicollis vieillot, 1818, rufous-bellied thrushes turdus rufiventris vieillot, 1818 and from a new host, the yellow-legged thrush turdus flavipes (vieillot, 1818) in a new locality, the itatiaia national park, in southeastern brazil, providing a preliminary genotypic characterization via sequencing of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (coi) and ...202031843685
atlantic bird traits: a data set of bird morphological traits from the atlantic forests of south america.scientists have long been trying to understand why the neotropical region holds the highest diversity of birds on earth. recently, there has been increased interest in morphological variation between and within species, and in how climate, topography, and anthropogenic pressures may explain and affect phenotypic variation. because morphological data are not always available for many species at the local or regional scale, we are limited in our understanding of intra- and interspecies spatial mor ...201930845354
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