investigation on the transfer of fleas among small mammals using radioactive phosphorus. | the transfer of fleas megabothris turbidus, ctenophthalmus agyrtes, nosopsyllus fasciatus etc. was investigated by labelling the bank vole (clethrionomys glareolus schreb.) with radioactive phosphorus. on the one hand, the process of flea transfer was traced among different individuals of the same host species, and on the other, among different host species (c. glareolus, apodemus flavicollis melch.). the investigations revealed that the flea transfer in a rodent nest visited by another host dep ... | 1979 | 396209 |
the prevalence of small terrestrial mammals infected with tick-borne encephalitis virus and leptospirae in the foothills of the southern bavarian forest, germany. | in the district of grafenau/freyung (bavaria, germany), 266 specimens of small terrestrial mammals of 8 species were captured using live traps. from these mammals, apodemus flavicollis (42.1%) and clethrionomys glareolus (39.5%) were prevalent. all animals were tested for neutralizing antibodies to tick-borne encephalitis (tbe) virus and agglutinating antibodies to leptospirae. seropositivity against tbe virus was 14.0% and against leptospirae 7.9%, respectively. seropositivity to leptospirae ap ... | 1993 | 8298661 |
investigation of haematophagous arthropods for borreliae--summarized data, 1988-1996. | blood-sucking arthropods, collected in south moravia, czech republic, were examined by darkfield microscopy for borreliae from 1988 to 1996. among host-seeking ixodid ticks (8481 ixodes ricinus (l.), 372 dermacentor reticulatus (fabr.), 167 haemaphysalis concinna koch), borreliae were only observed in adult (23.2%), nymphal (17.2%) and larval (6.3%) i. ricinus. the prevalence of borreliae in i. ricinus did not vary considerably among habitats except for lower values in agroecosystems, xerothermi ... | 1998 | 9516997 |
[the seasonal dynamic of fleas (siphonaptera) abundance on apodemus uralensis in the northen part of novgorod region]. | seven fleas species were revealed on apodemus uralensis. only three of them (ctenophthalmus agyrtes, ct. uncinatus, megabothris turbidus) are the main parasites of this rodent species and have similar phenology of imago. they appear in april, parasitise during spring and summer periods and disappear in autumn, in september-october. the abundance of all three species shows two peaks in a year, which correspond to two generations. four species (amalaraeus penicilliger, ct. bisoctodentatus, peromys ... | 2005 | 16134781 |
parasites of two abundant sympatric rodent species in relation to host phylogeny and ecology. | in the present study, two abundant sympatric rodent species (27 apodemus flavicollis and 33 a. sylvaticus) were studied for their endo- and ectoparasite fauna. the rodents were trapped in dormagen, a city in north rhine-westphalia, germany. a total of 20 different parasites species were identified, 13 endoparasite (2 digenea, 5 cestoda and 7 nematoda) and 7 ectoparasite (5 insecta and 2 arachnida) species. thirteen parasite species were found inhabiting both rodent species. the predominant endop ... | 2007 | 17120043 |
[species composition, host association and niche differentiation in fleas of small mammals in the ilmen-volkhov lowland]. | species composition, abundance, annual cycles, and host association of fleas parasitizing small mammals were investigated. the problem of niche differentiation in these insects is considered on the base of the comparative analysis of their annual cycles. the annual cycles of the fleas are revealed to be similar in the case of few number of flea species in parasite community. thus, two species parasitizing sorex araneus (doratopsylla dasycnema and palaeopsylla soricis), as well as three species a ... | 2006 | 17144403 |
[fleas community in introduced siberian chipmunks (tamias sibiricus laxmann) in forest of sénart, france]. | we examined the fleas community in an introduced population of siberian chipmunks, tamias sibiricus, between 2005 and 2007, in the forest of sénart (essonne, france). we collected and identified 383 fleas on 463 chipmunks (total: 1,891 captures on 471 chipmunks). in 2005, 120 fleas were also collected on 65 bank voles, clethrionomys glareolus, and on 25 wood mice, apodemus sylvaticus, trapped within the same area. ceratophyllus sciurorum sciurorum formed 73.6% of the chipmunks' flea community, w ... | 2008 | 18416245 |
the occurrence of borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in certain ectoparasites (mesostigmata, siphonaptera) of apodemus flavicollis and myodes glareolus in chosen localities in the czech republic. | ticks represent the primary vectors of several serious diseases, including the lyme disease caused by borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (bbsl). in this study two dominant ectoparasitic groups of arthropods (mesostigmata, siphonaptera) were investigated for the presence of borrelian dna in order to determine their potential role of vectors (or carriers) of this bacterium. all individuals (235) were collected from wild-living rodents obtained in three localities in the czech republic (bažantula, bab ... | 2013 | 23990432 |
rickettsia species in fleas collected from small mammals in slovakia. | epidemiological and epizootiological studies of rickettsia felis and other rickettsia spp. are very important, because their natural cycle has not yet been established completely. in total, 315 fleas (siphonaptera) of 11 species of ceratophyllidae, hystrichopsyllidae and leptopsyllidae families were tested for the presence of rickettsia species and coxiella burnetii with conventional and specific quantitative real-time pcr assays. fleas were collected from five rodent hosts (myodes glareolus, ap ... | 2015 | 26346455 |
identification of hepatozoon erhardovae krampitz, 1964 from bank voles (myodes glareolus) and fleas in southern hungary. | in order to investigate the prevalence and life cycle of apicomplexan parasites, small mammals were live-trapped with modified sherman traps in southern hungary between 2010 and 2012. altogether, 528 rodents (apodemus flavicollis melchior, 1834, apodemus agrarius pallas, 1771, myodes glareolus schreber, 1780, microtus agrestis linnaeus, 1761, mus musculus linnaeus, 1758 and micromys minutus pallas, 1771) were collected and four shrews (sorex spp.) were by-catched. captured animals belonging to n ... | 2016 | 27003406 |
fleas (siphonaptera) in the nests of dormice (gliridae: rodentia) in lithuania. | negative effects of flea (siphonaptera) parasitism on the host may be expressed in different ways. the aim of this study was to assess distribution of the flea fauna in nests of dormice in lithuania. nests of glis glis (l.), dryomys nitedula (pallas), and muscardinus avellanarius (l.) were collected from nest boxes in 2012 and 2013. fleas were collected from nests in the laboratory and put into plastic tubes with 70% ethanol. flea species were identified using morphological keys. from 400 nest b ... | 2015 | 26334823 |
parasite fauna of the bank vole (clethrionomys glareolus) in an urban region of germany: reservoir host of zoonotic metazoan parasites? | in the present study, 29 bank voles (clethrionomys glareolus) were studied for their endo- and ectoparasite fauna. the rodents were trapped in dormagen, a city in north rhine-westphalia, germany. a total of ten different parasite species were identified: four endoparasite (four nematoda) and six ectoparasite (three insecta, three arachnida) species. the predominant endoparasite was the nematode aonchotheca murissylvatici, followed by the nematode heligmosomum costellatum, while the flea ctenopht ... | 2007 | 17849150 |