
[on some culicoides (diptera: ceratopogonidae) of normandy. description of culicoides picturatus n. sp]. 196114459566
contribution to the knowledge of culicoides (diptera: ceratopogonidae) host preferences in france.knowledge on host-feeding pattern of blood-sucking insects helps to understand the epidemiology of a vector-born disease. we determined blood meal origin from blood-fed culicoides thanks to molecular techniques. a set of primers was used to selectively amplify segment of vertebrates' prepronociceptin gene from abdomen of engorged culicoides (diptera: ceratopogonidae). vertebrate dna was successfully amplified in 91% of blood-fed culicoides assayed. direct sequencing and comparison of resultant s ...201020967462
morphological and molecular analysis of the genus culicoides (diptera: ceratopogonidae) in slovakia with five new records.the biodiversity of culicoides from eastern slovakia was investigated by light trapping. an integrative taxonomy approach combining dna barcode sequence and morphological analyses was used to accurately identify specimens. five species were newly recorded from slovakia: culicoides picturatus kremer & deduit, c. gejgelensis dzhafarov, c. clastrieri callot et al., c. griseidorsum kieffer and c. odiatus austen. the checklist of the culicoides species recorded from sk has been updated to 63 species ...201425544100
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