correlations between serum corticosterone concentration and reproductive conditions in the white-footed mouse (peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis). | 1. adrenal size and activity in reproductively inhibited young born into laboratory populations of the white-footed mouse were examined. measurements were made of body weight, reproductive organ weight and adrenal weight. serum corticosterone was measured by radioimmunoassay. 2. data from reproductively inhibited animals were compared with corresponding values from reproductively capable animals of the same sex. the mean paired testis and seminal vesicle, or paired ovary and uterus, weights, wer ... | 1992 | 1359938 |
new host and locality record for trypanosoma peromysci. | trypanosoma peromysci watson, 1912 (sarcomastigophora: kinetoplastida), is described from a new host and locality. one of 20 (5.0%) peromyscus leucopus collected from pottawatomie and riley counties in kansas was found to harbor the parasite. morphometric and statistical analysis confirmed the trypanosome to be indistinguishable from t. peromysci, the only difference being a greater mean flagellar length than reported previously. this is the first reported occurrence of t. peromysci in the white ... | 1990 | 2319433 |
relationships among three criteria of puberty in peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis. | | 1974 | 4857269 |
lability of tail length of the white-footed mouse, peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis. | | 1970 | 5455373 |
circadian activity rhythm of the deer mouse, peromyscus: effect of deuterium oxide. | chemical modification of a vertebrate activity rhythm, the circadian (approximately 24-hour) rhythm of peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis, has been demonstrated. activity in a running wheel was used to measure the rhythms of mice kept individually in conditions of continuous darkness. deuterium oxide was presented in the drinking water. the length of the periods of rhythm increased directly and linearly with the increase in concentration of deuterium oxide. there is no threshold for this effect, ... | 1968 | 5647846 |
an experimental study of inbreeding depression in a natural habitat. | inbreeding is known to lead to decreased survival and reproduction in captive populations of animals. it is also important to know whether inbreeding has deleterious effects in natural habitats. an estimate was made of the effects of inbreeding in white-footed mice, peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis, derived from a wild population. this study demonstrates that inbreeding had a significant detrimental effect on the survivorship of mice reintroduced into a natural habitat. this effect was more se ... | 1994 | 7939661 |
relative immunity of the american forest deer mouse, peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis, against hyperinfection and reinoculations with trypanosoma brucei. | | 1950 | 15401977 |
effects of genetic captive-breeding protocols on sperm quality and fertility in the white-footed mouse. | mice (peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis) from a captive-breeding program were used to test the effects of three genetic breeding protocols (minimizing mean kinship [mk], random breeding, and selection for docility [doc]) and inbreeding levels on sperm traits and fertility. earlier, in generation 8, one doc replicate went extinct because of poor reproductive success. by generation 10, spermatozoa from doc mice had more acrosome and midpiece abnormalities, which were shown to be strong determinan ... | 2010 | 20519695 |
interspecific comparison of hantavirus prevalence in peromyscus populations from a fragmented agro-ecosystem in indiana, usa. | comparatively little is known about hantavirus prevalence within rodent populations from the midwestern us, where two species of native mice, the prairie deer mouse ( peromyscus maniculatus bairdii) and the white-footed mouse ( peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis), are dominant members of rodent communities. we sampled both species in central indiana and tested individuals for presence of hantavirus antibodies to determine whether seroprevalence (percent of individuals with antibodies reactive to ... | 2018 | 28977768 |
coexistence of white-footed mice and deer mice may be mediated by fluctuating environmental conditions. | white-footed mice, peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis, and deer mice, p. maniculatus nubiterrae, occur sympatically throughout much of the appalachian mountains of the eastern united states. previous studies have shown that these two species are behaviorally and ecologically similar and do not partition food or microhabitat. in this paper i use a 14-year data set to demonstrate that the two species have differential population growth and survival rates in response to food abundance and season, w ... | 1996 | 28307870 |
experimental tests of nest site competition in two peromyscus species. | the importance of interspecific competition for nest sites between the white-footed mouse (peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis) and the cloudland deermouse (p. maniculatus nubiterrae) were investigated in the montane forests of southwestern virginia over 3 years. trials were conducted for both species using large, outdoor enclosures in order to examine: (i) nest site preference in isolation and (ii) nest site selection made in the presence of potential competitors. both species demonstrated a str ... | 1996 | 28307125 |
response to cecropia cocoons of mus musculus and two species of peromyscus. | in rural areas cocoons of overwintering hyalophora cecropia spum close to the ground are opened and the pupae eaten by small mammals, but in urban areas, where cecropia populations are much larger, the cocoons are almost never opened by mammals. peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis and p. maniculatus bairdii are abundant in rural areas, but are largely replaced by mus musculus in urban areas. in laboratory experiments p. l. noveboracensis invariably opened cecropia cocoons and ate the pupae. p. m. ... | 1972 | 28306859 |
reproduction during two annual cycles in a population of peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis. | | 1976 | 965848 |
resistance of the white-footed field mouse (peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis) to the carcinogenic action of urethane. | | 1953 | 13106842 |
organophosphorus insecticide induced decrease in plasma luteinizing hormone concentration in white-footed mice. | oral intubation of 50 and 100 mg/kg acephate inhibited brain acetylcholinesterase (ache) activity by 45% and 56%, and reduced basal luteinizing hormone (lh) concentration by 29% and 25% after 4 h in white-footed mice (peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis). dietary exposure to 25, 100, and 400 ppm acephate for 5 days substantially inhibited brain ache activity, but did not affect plasma lh concentration. these preliminary findings suggest that acute exposure to organophosphorus insecticides may aff ... | 1985 | 3975930 |
adrenal weight in prairie deer mice (peromyscus maniculatus bairdii) and white-footed mice (peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis). | | 1967 | 6070648 |