
reevaluation of the phylogenetic relationship between mobilid and sessilid peritrichs (ciliophora, oligohymenophorea) based on small subunit rrna genes sequences.based on morphological characters, peritrich ciliates (class olygohymenophorea, subclass peritrichia) have been subdivided into the orders sessilida and mobilida. molecular phylogenetic studies on peritrichs have been restricted to members of the order sessilida. in order to shed more light into the evolutionary relationships within peritrichs, the complete small subunit rrna (ssu rrna) sequences of four mobilid species, trichodina nobilis, trichodina heterodentata, trichodina reticulata, and tr ...200616968459
phylogenetic analyses of trichodinids (ciliophora, oligohymenophora) inferred from 18s rrna gene sequence data.partial 18s rrna gene sequences of the three trichodinids, namely trichodina modesta lom, 1970, trichodina paraheterodentata tang and zhao 2012. and trichodinella epizootica (raabe 1950) šrámek-hušek, 1953, were acquired and used to construct phylogenetic trees. the results revealed that trichodinella epizootica clustered with trichodinella sp.; trichodina paraheterodentata tang and zhao 2012 was sister to the clade composed of trichodina heterodentata duncan, 1977 and trichodina nobilis chen, 1 ...201323196703
survey of parasitic fauna of different ornamental freshwater fish species in iran.parasitic diseases are harmful and limiting factors in breeding and rearing ornamental fish industry. in this study, 400 apparently healthy ornamental fishes from five species (each species 80 specimens) including: goldfish (carassius auratus), guppy (poecilia reticulate), angelfish (pterophyllum scalare), discus (symphsodon discus) and sailfin mollies (poecilia latipinna) was obtained from a local ornamental fish farm in the north of iran during 2011 to 2012. the primary purpose of this study w ...201525992255
ciliate ectoparasites (ciliophora: trichodinidae/chilodonellidae) on gills of carassius auratus from the yangtze river, china, with the description of trichodina luzhoues sp. n.three species of the genus trichodina ehrenberg, 1838 and one species of the genus chilodonella strand, 1926 were collected from gills of carassius auratus. they are trichodina luzhoues sp. n., trichodina mutabilis kazubski and migala, 1968, trichodina reticulata hirschman and partsch, 1955, and chilodonella hexasticha kiernik, 1909. t. luzhoues sp. n. is a medium-sized trichodinid, and its denticles are very distinctive: the blade is narrow rhombus shaped, the section connecting the blade and c ...201222374308
trichodina nobilis chen, 1963 and trichodina reticulata hirschmann et partsch, 1955 from ornamental freshwater fishes in the present work trichodina reticulata and t. nobilis (ciliophora: trichodinidae) are morphologically characterised from ornamental freshwater fish culture in the state of santa catarina, brazil. the prevalence of infection and a list of comparative measurements are discussed. we examined "southern platyfish" xiphophorus maculatus (n = 35), "goldfish" carassius auratus (n = 31), "guppy" poecilia reticulata (n = 20), "sailfin molly" poecilia latipinna (n = 6), "beta" betta splendens (n = 2) an ...201222735135
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