
the robust phylogeny of korean wild boar (sus scrofa coreanus) using partial d-loop sequence of order to elucidate the precise phylogenetic relationships of korean wild boar (sus scrofa coreanus), a partial mtdna d-loop region (1,274 bp, nc_000845 nucleotide positions 16576-1236) was sequenced among 56 korean wild boars. in total, 25 haplotypes were identified and classified into four distinct subgroups (k1 to k4) based on bayesian phylogenetic analysis using markov chain monte carlo methods. an extended analysis, adding 139 wild boars sampled worldwide, confirmed that korean wild boars ...200919855937
seroprevalence of porcine proliferative enteropathy among wild boars in the republic of korea.the importance of the wild boar as a reservoir of lawsonia intracellularis was assessed by investigating the seroprevalence of this pathogen among wild boars in the republic of korea. the extent of exposure to l. intracellularis among wild boars (sus scrofa coreanus) was monitored by a country-wide serological survey using an immunoperoxidase monolayer assay.201424393381
cross-reactivity of porcine immunoglobulin a antibodies with fecal immunoglobulins of wild boar (sus scrofa) and other animal species.fecal samples obtained from wild boar habitats are useful for the surveillance of diseases in wild boar populations; however, it is difficult to determine the species of origin of feces collected in natural habitats. in this study, a fecal iga elisa was evaluated as a method for identifying the porcine species from fecal samples. both domestic pigs (sus scrofa domestica) and wild boars (sus scrofa coreanus) showed significantly higher levels of fecal iga than other animal species. additionally, ...201627340389
phylogenetic characterization of classical swine fever viruses isolated in korea between 1988 and 2003.twenty-four isolates of classical swine fever (csf) virus which were obtained from csf outbreaks during 1988 and 2003 in the republic of korea were genetically characterized for partial e2 gene (190 nucleotides) and compared with csf viruses reported by other countries. phylogenetic analyses classified korean field isolates between1988 and 1999 into subgroup 3.2, forming an independent clade distinct from csf viruses identified in other countries. in contrast, the viruses isolated during 2002-20 ...200717328983
first record of bourgelatia diducta (nematoda: chabertiidae) from wild boars in the republic of korea.this study describes the first record of bourgelatia diducta (nematoda: chabertiidae) from wild boars in the republic of korea (=south korea). gastrointestinal tracts of 87 korean wild boars (sus scrofa coreanus) hunted in mountains in the south-western part of south korea between 2009 and 2012 were examined for their visceral helminths. b. diducta, as identified by morphological characteristics of the head and tail, were recovered from the large intestine of 47 (54%) wild boars. the average len ...201324039287
mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in a domesticated korean wild boar ( sus scrofa coreanus).tuberculosis, a chronic progressive disease, has been reported in bovine, swine, and primate species. here, we report the first case of mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in a korean wild boar ( sus scrofa coreanus). the owners this domesticated boar brought it to the gyeongbuk veterinary service laboratory in korea after it was found dead and severely emaciated. demarcated yellowish white nodules were found around the larynx and retropharyngeal lymph node during necropsy. the lungs had diffus ...201728485632
prevalence of antibodies to toxoplasma gondii in south korean wild boar (sus scrofa coreanus).abstract toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular protozoan parasite and a commonly encountered pathogen in humans and animals. the wild boar (sus scrofa coreanus) is considered a good indicator when monitoring environmental contamination by t. gondii. we surveyed the prevalence of antibodies against t. gondii in wild boars from south korea. blood samples were collected from 426 wild boars captured in eight provinces of south korea during the hunting seasons in 2008-12. antibodies against ...201425014905
identification and prevalence of globocephalus samoensis (nematoda: ancylostomatidae) among wild boars (sus scrofa coreanus) from southwestern regions of korea.this study describes the first record of globocephalus samoensis (nematoda: ancylostomatidae) recovered in wild boars from southwestern regions of korea. gastrointestinal tracts of 111 korean wild boars (sus scrofa coreanus) hunted from mountains in suncheon-si, gwangyang-si, and boseong-gun between 2009 and 2012 were examined for their visceral helminths. g. samoensis, as identified by morphological characteristics of the head and tail, were recovered from the small intestine of 51 (45.9%) wild ...201526537041
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