
expansion of the sooty blotch and flyspeck complex on apples based on analysis of ribosomal dna gene sequences and morphology.sooty blotch and flyspeck (sbfs) is a late-season disease of apple and pear fruit that cosmetically damages the cuticle, resulting in produce that is unacceptable to consumers. previous studies reported that four species of fungi comprise the sbfs complex. we examined fungal morphology and the internal transcriber spacer (its) and large subunit (lsu) regions of rdna of 422 fungal isolates within the sbfs complex from nine orchards in four midwestern states (usa) and compared them to previously i ...200516722219
response of two fungi in the apple sooty blotch complex to temperature and relative humidity.abstract peltaster fructicola and leptodontium elatius, two of the causal fungi of apple sooty blotch, responded differently to temperature and relative humidity in vitro. conidia of l. elatius germinated from 12 to 32 degrees c at relative humidities >/=97%, whereas conidia of p. fructicola germinated from 12 to 24 degrees c at relative humidities >/=95%. germination of conidia of l. elatius was optimum at 32 degrees c and 99% relative humidity compared with 24 degrees c and 97 or 99% relative ...200018944585
etiology of apple sooty blotch disease in north carolina.abstract sooty blotch disease of apples (malus x domestica), previously attributed to the fungus gloeodes pomigena, was shown to be a disease complex caused by fungi previously considered mycelial types of g. pomigena. peltaster fructicola and geastrumia polystigmatis were associated with the ramose mycelial type. a fungus similar to p. fructicola, but with smaller pycnothyria and conidia, was associated with the punctate mycelial type. the diffuse fuliginous mycelial type was caused by leptodon ...199718945159
diversity and biogeography of sooty blotch and flyspeck fungi on apple in the eastern and midwestern united states.sooty blotch and flyspeck (sbfs) fungi on apple fruit were sampled from nine orchards in four midwestern u.s. states during 2000 and 30 orchards in 10 eastern u.s. states during 2005 in order to estimate taxonomic diversity and discern patterns of geographic distribution. forty apple fruit per orchard were arbitrarily sampled and colonies of each mycelial phenotype were counted on each apple. representative colonies were isolated, cultures were purified, and dna was extracted. for representative ...201020205538
re-examination of peltaster fructicola, a member of the apple sooty blotch complex.peltaster fructicola is one of several fungi that causes sooty blotch on apple. johnson et al (1996, 1997) correctly described p. fructicola but illustrated two different fungi. one is p. fructicola and the other is an unidentified ascomycete. in this paper, p. fructicola is more completely described and accurately illustrated.200421148908
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