taxonomic position of chinese voles of the tribe arvicolini and the description of 2 new species from xizang, china. | china has 26 species in the tribe arvicolini. the taxonomic status of these voles remains controversial despite much effort. herein, we evaluate the taxonomic position of 22 species plus 2 unidentified taxa using mitochondrial dna gene sequences (cytb + co1). we also evaluate 18 species and 2 unidentified taxa using morphological data. phylogenetic analyses of cytb resolve monophyly for the genera alexandromys, lasiopodomys, microtus, neodon, proedromys, and volemys with strong support. stenocra ... | 2017 | 29674783 |
further assessment of the genus neodon and the description of a new species from nepal. | recent molecular systematic studies of arvicoline voles of the genera neodon, lasiopodomys, phaiomys, and microtus from central asia suggest the inclusion of phaiomys leucurus, microtus clarkei, and lasiopodomys fuscus into neodon and moving neodon juldaschi into microtus (blanfordimys). in addition, three new species of neodon (n. linzhiensis, n. medogensis, and n. nyalamensis) have recently been described from tibet. analyses of concatenated mitochondrial (cytb, coi) and nuclear (ghr, rbp3) ge ... | 2019 | 31314770 |
chromosomal mechanisms underlying the karyotype evolution of the oriental voles (muridae, eothenomys). | we have investigated the karyotype relationships of two oriental voles, i.e. the yulong vole (eothenomys proditor, 2n = 32) and the large oriental vole (eothenomys miletus, 2n = 56) as well as the clarke's vole (microtus clarkei, 2n = 52), by a combined approach of cross-species chromosome painting and high-resolution g-banding comparison. chromosome-specific painting probes were generated from flow-sorted chromosomes of e. proditor and hybridized onto metaphases of e. proditor, e. miletus and m ... | 2006 | 16717450 |