
[leptomonas jaculum (leger, 1902) woodcock 1914: a leptomonas or a blastocrithidia?].flagellates leptomonas jaculum, inhabiting the intestine of the water scorpion nepa cinerea posses promastigote organization, typical of the genus leptomonas. nevertheless phylogenetic analysis of the 18s rrna gene revealed that these trypanosomatids form a common phylogenetic clade with cyst-forming representatives of the genus blastocrithidia. morphological characters supporting the unity of the group blastocrithidia + l. jaculum and the probability of including l. oncopelti in it are discusse ...200717578245
infection with acanthocephalans increases the vulnerability of gammarus pulex (crustacea, amphipoda) to non-host invertebrate predators.phenotypic alterations induced by parasites in their intermediate hosts often result in enhanced trophic transmission to appropriate final hosts. however, such alterations may also increase the vulnerability of intermediate hosts to predation by non-host species. we studied the influence of both infection with 3 different acanthocephalan parasites (pomphorhynchus laevis, p. tereticollis, and polymorphus minutus) and the availability of refuges on the susceptibility of the amphipod gammarus pulex ...200818371238
predatory potential of nepa cinerea against mosquito larvae in laboratory conditions.biocontrol potential of nepidae bug, nepa cinerea against immature stages of anopheles stephensi, anopheles culicifacies, culex quinquefasciatus and aedes aegypti was studied under laboratory conditions. it was found that n. cinerea had the highest predation against an. stephensi followed by an. culicifacies, cmx quinquefasciatus and ae. aegypti. from the analysis, it was found that n. cinerea has good predation efficacy. it can be used as a biological control agent to control of mosquito breedi ...200416295671
mosquito larvae change their feeding behavior in response to kairomones from some predators.the efficacy of using predators for the biological control of mosquito disease vectors will be reduced if mosquito larvae respond to predator presence. the larvae of two mosquito species were investigated to study whether they responded to predator kairomones by increasing surface filter-feeding, which is a less active and thus less risky feeding strategy than bottom feeding. culex quinquefasciatus say is normally found in highly polluted water, where it will have little contact with predators. ...201424724285
miscellaneous observations on protozoan infections of nepa cinerea linnaeus including descriptions of two previously unknown species of microsporidia, nosema bialoviesianae sp. n. and thelohania nepae sp.n. 19664957658
water scorpions (heteroptera, nepidae) and giant water bugs (heteroptera, belostomatidae): sources of new members of the adipokinetic hormone/red pigment-concentrating hormone family.two novel octapeptide members of the akh/rpch family have been identified from the corpora cardiaca (cc) of two species of water bugs. the giant water bug lethocerus indicus (family: belostomatidae) contains a peptide code-named letin-akh with the sequence pglu-val-asn-phe-ser-pro-tyr-trp amide, and the water scorpion nepa cinerea (family: nepidae) has the peptide code-named nepci-akh with the sequence pglu-leu/ile-asn-phe-ser-ser-gly-trp amide. the sequences were deduced from the multiple ms(n) ...200717604877
a chromosomal analysis of nepa cinerea linnaeus, 1758 and ranatra linearis (linnaeus, 1758) (heteroptera, nepidae).an account is given of the karyotypes and male meiosis of the water scorpion nepa cinerea linnaeus, 1758 and the water stick insect ranatra linearis (linnaeus, 1758) (heteroptera, nepomorpha, nepidae). a number of different approaches and techniques were tried: the employment of both male and female gonads and mid-guts as the sources of chromosomes, squash and air-drying methods for chromosome preparations, c-banding and fluorescence in situ hybridization (fish) for chromosome study. we found th ...201729114353
first observations in turkish thrace on water mite larvae parasitism of ranatra linearis by hydrachna gallica (acari: hydrachnidia).many aquatic insect species, including aquatic hemiptera, are parasitized by water mite larvae. although this situation may cause damaging impacts to the hosts, the mites can disperse and colonize new localities in this way. little is known about the frequency of water mite ectoparasitism amongst the aquatic hemiptera in turkey. in this study, larval water mite parasitism on aquatic hemiptera, which have been collected from different localities in turkish thrace, was evaluated. it was found that ...201323377913
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