
effect of bacterial pyrogen on three lizard species.1. three lizard species (callopistes maculatus, gerrhosaurus major, and varanus exanthematicus) were tested for their response to intraperitoneal injection of alcohol-killed aeromonas sobria. 2. a paired experimental design, in which each animal received an injection of sterile saline and 1 x 10(10) a. sobria, was utilized. 3. c. maculatus demonstrated a statistically significant increase in mean selected body temperature (msbt) after bacteria injection. 4. g. major and v. exanthematicus did not ...19901976479
two new species of ornithodoros (ixodida; argasidae) from the southern cone of south america.two new species of the genus ornithodoros were described from larvae collected in argentina and chile. ornithodoros xerophylus n. sp. was described from specimens collected on the small rodent graomys centralis in argentina. the diagnostic characters for this species are a combination of dorsal plate slightly oval with a length of approximately 250 µm, 16 pairs of dorsal setae, hypostome with apex rounded and dental formula 2/2 in most rows, 3/3 apically, and capsule of the haller's organ oval i ...201525702203
tracking down the lizards from gravenhorst's collection at the university of wrocław: type specimens of callopistes maculatus gravenhorst, 1838 and three liolaemus species rediscovered.johann ludwig christian gravenhorst's herpetological collection at the museum of natural history, university of wrocław included numerous important specimens of amphibians and reptiles. the majority, if not the entirety, of this collection has long been thought to be lost. however, we were able to rediscover some type specimens of lizards. the rediscovered specimens include the holotypes of liolaemus conspersus and l. hieroglyphicus, one syntype of callopistes maculatus (here designated as the l ...201930809465
motor innervation of the bursalis muscle (nictitating membrane) in the lizard callopistes maculatus.the motor neurones which innervate the bursalis muscle of the lizard callopistes maculatus were identified by means of intra-axonal retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. these neurones were distributed in the oculomotor abducens and accessory abducens nuclei. in the oculomotor nucleus one group of neurones was located in the ventral subnucleus of the contralateral side while the other group was found in the dorsolateral subnucleus of the ipsilateral side. in the abducens and accessory ...19873631531
a new genus and species of pterygosomatid mite (acari: pterygosomatidae) parasitizing callopistes maculatus (squamata: teiidae) from chile.a new genus and species callopistiella atacamensis gen. nov. and sp. nov. (acariformes: pterygosomatidae) are described from callopistes maculatus (squamata: teiidae) in chile. in this species, both sexes are characterized by the hypostome without a velum, the chelicerae proximally globose and very thin distally, ending in a movable digit curved outward, the fixed cheliceral digit reduced to a membranous and sparsely serrate structure, presence of seta 2c, tarsus i with seta ft nude and 2 times ...201526249482
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