
filaroid nematodes in the central nervous system of free-tailed bats (molossus ater). 19873695409
capillary supply of heart and skeletal muscle of small bats and non-flying mammals.capillary density (cd), fiber cross-section area, capillary-to-fiber ratio and intercapillary distance of papillary and a calf muscle were evaluated in four species of bats (body weight 23-150 g) and six non-flying mammalian species (2.5-170 g). in bats the pectoralis muscle was studied additionally. in both groups cd increased in papillary as well as in calf muscle with decreasing body weight. the papillary muscles showed the highest cd in the 2.5 g shrew suncus etruscus (7287 cap./mm2) and the ...19827163654
karyotypic patterns of seven species of molossid bats (molossidae, chiroptera)g- and c-banding patterns of seven species of the bat family molossidae, eumops glaucinus, e. perotis, molossops abrasus, m. temminckii, molossus ater, m. molossus, and nyctinomops laticaudatus, were identified. comparisons among the karyotypes of these species showed extensive homologies between e. perotis, m. ater, m. molossus, m. abrasus, and n. laticaudatus, demonstrating inter- and intrageneric conservatism, and a lesser degree of homologies in m. temminckii and e. glaucinus, reflecting int ...19968565627
[isolation of rabies virus in molossus ater in (chiroptera: molossidae)in são paulo state, brazil].this is a report of rabies infection in insectivorous bat molossus ater in the city districts of araçatuba, penápolis and são josé do rio preto, in são paulo state, brazil. fluorescent antibody test detected the virus in the brain and isolation was obtained by intracerebral inoculation of mice with nervous tissue and organs suspension. there was no contact with humans or other animals.199910689381
karyotypic characterization of the bat species molossus ater, m. molossus and molossops planirostris (chiroptera, molossidae) using fish and banding techniques.the karyotypes of the bat species molossus ater, m. molossus (2n = 48; nf = 64) and molossops planirostris (2n = 34; nf = 60) were analyzed by g-, c-banding, silver nitrate staining (agno3), base-specific fluorochromes and fluorescent in situ hybridization (fish). the two species of molossus presented the constitutive heterochromatin (ch) in the pericentromeric regions of all autosomes and in the x chromosome, while the y chromosome was completely heterochromatic. molossops planirostris showed c ...200312921160
embryonic staging system for the black mastiff bat, molossus rufus (molossidae), correlated with structure-function relationships in the embryonic staging system for molossus rufus (also widely known as molossus ater) was devised using 17 reference specimens obtained during the postimplantation period of pregnancy from wild-caught, captive-bred females. this was done in part by comparing the embryos to a developmental staging system that had been created for another, relatively unrelated bat, carollia perspicillata (family phyllostomidae). particular attention was paid to the development of species-specific features, such as w ...200919089888
isolation of enteric pathogens from bats in trinidad.bats are one of the most widely distributed mammals in the world, and they are reservoirs or carriers of several zoonoses. bats were trapped in 27 geographic locations across trinidad and tobago, and following euthanasia, gastrointestinal tracts were aseptically removed. contents were subjected to bacteriologic analysis to detect salmonella spp., escherichia coli, and campylobacter spp. isolates of salmonella were serotyped, and e. coli isolates were screened for o157 strains and antimicrobial s ...200919901371
co-expression of cytokeratins and vimentin by highly invasive trophoblast in the white-winged vampire bat, diaemus youngi, and the black mastiff bat, molossus ater, with observations on intermediate filament proteins in the decidua and intraplacental trophoblast.histological and immunocytochemical studies of gravid reproductive tracts obtained from the white-winged vampire bat (diaemus youngi) and the black mastiff bat (molossus ater) have established that both species develop unusually invasive trophoblast. this is released by the developing discoidal haemochorial placenta, expresses both cytokeratins and vimentin, and invades the myometrium and adjacent tissues (including the ovaries) via interstitial migration within the walls of maternal blood vesse ...199810070361
eimeria peltocephali n. sp., (apicomplexa:eimeriidae) from the freshwater turtle peltocephalus dumerilianus (chelonia:pelomusidae) and eimeria molossi n. sp., from the bat, molossus ater (mammalia:chiroptera).the oocyst is described of eimeria peltocephali n.sp. from faeces of the freshwater turtle peltocephalus dumerilianus from barcelos, state of amazonas, brazil. sporulation is exogenous and fully developed oocysts are elongate, ellipsoidal or cylindrical, frequently curved to a banana-shape, 54.4 x 19.1 (37.5-68.7 x 18.7-20.0 microns), shape-index 2.8 (1.8-3.9). the oocyst wall is a single thin, colourless layer about 1 micron thick, with no micropyle. there is a bulky oocyst residuum, at first s ...20139698847
endothelial cell hyperproliferation and stratification in uteroplacental blood vessels of the black mastiff bat, molossus rufus.placentation was studied histologically and immunocytochemically in black mastiff bats obtained at frequent intervals throughout pregnancy. these were bred in a captive colony or collected from a reproductively-synchronized wild population. during late pregnancy, the single fetus was largely sustained by a discoidal, hemochorial placenta located at the cranial end of the right uterine horn. this invariant positioning was determined by a vascular tuft that developed there both during early pregna ...201121764447
pregnancy in with other aspects of their biology, bats exhibit considerable diversity in their reproductive characteristics. while early embryonic development in many species generally adheres to the pattern shown by more commonly studied eutherian mammals, others demonstrate advanced development in the oviduct (to the zona-free blastocyst stage) and a prolonged tubal journey of the embryo in a temporal sense. in some bats, the process for transporting ova through the oviducts can distinguish between livi ...19938371094
development of the discoidal hemochorial placenta in the black mastiff bat, molossus ater: evidence for a role of maternal endothelial cells in the control of trophoblastic an effort to define further the factors that can influence trophoblastic growth, development of the discoidal chorioallantoic placenta was examined histologically in laboratory-bred black mastiff bats, molossus ater. this placenta normally forms only at the cranial end of the right uterine horn. its positioning was found to be related to the development of an unusual vascular tuft in the endometrium at this site following ovulation. when a decidual reaction occurred, the endothelial cells of ...19911862759
spontaneous decidual reactions and menstruation in the black mastiff bat, molossus ater.uterine function was assessed histologically in nonpregnant molossus ater removed from a laboratory breeding colony. during the luteal phase of the cycle, bilateral decidual reactions were found to develop spontaneously in the absence of either embryos or experimental manipulation of the uterus. these included the formation of early decidual giant cells, closure of the uterine lumina, and morphological changes in the endometrial blood vessels. some endothelial cell hypertrophy was noted in much ...19912063806
implantation, development of the fetal membranes, and placentation in the captive black mastiff bat, molossus ater.uterine events during pregnancy were examined histologically in laboratory-bred black mastiff bats (molossus ater) as part of an effort to develop this species as a model for studies of the factors controlling trophoblastic growth. embryos entered the uterus at the morula stage and in most cases shed their zonae pellucidae reasonably intact, apparently as blastocyst expansion occurred. implantation was superficial and observed to occur only in the right uterine horn. during implantation to the e ...19902301273
the black mastiff bat (molossus ater): a novel, mammalian model for studies of ovarian, uterine, and placental biology.the reproductive biology of the black mastiff bat has been examined using animals maintained in a laboratory colony. ovulation was found to be spontaneous and occurred only from the right ovary. the corpora lutea appeared to be functional, and decidual reactions developed in the uterus during the luteal phase of the cycle even in the absence of an implanting blastocyst. at the end of nonpregnant, ovulatory cycles much of the endometrium became necrotic and was desquamated with associated bleedin ...19901974797
ovarian function in the captive black mastiff bat, molossus nearly all animals from a laboratory breeding colony that were examined (85/86) the right ovary was significantly larger than the left. although primordial follicles were present in both ovaries, graafian follicles and cl were noted only in the right ovary. the left ovary usually had a much less prominent intraovarian vascular supply, and it is suggested that this may play a central role in limiting the ability of follicles to grow on that side. many of the bats examined very soon after the i ...19883339600
prolonged receptivity to the male and the fate of spermatozoa in the female black mastiff bat, molossus ater.observations were made on the reproductive biology of black mastiff bats maintained in a laboratory colony. many of the females were inseminated within 24 h after the introduction of the males, and most exhibited a period of 10-50 days during which spermatozoa were present in their vaginal smears almost every day. the frequency of sperm-positive smears began to fall off around the time of implantation, but some smears taken much later in pregnancy were positive. the extent to which spermatozoa i ...19873646338
interaural time and intensity coding in superior olivary complex and inferior colliculus of the echolocating bat molossus ater.single-unit responses to tonal stimulation with interaural disparities were recorded in the nuclei of the superior olivary complex (soc) and the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus (icc) of the echolocating bat, molossus ater. seventy-six units were recorded from the icc and 74 from the soc; of the soc units, 31 were histologically verified in the medial superior olive (mso), 10 in the lateral superior olive (lso), and 33 in unidentified areas of the soc. best frequencies (bfs) of the uni ...19853973664
unusual lipid composition of erythrocytes from the insectivorous bat molossus molossus.the lipid composition of washed erythrocytes from molossus molossus and molossus ater were studied. in comparison with other mammalian species, bat erythrocytes were characterized by very high cholesterol/phospholipid molar ratios, as well as by low sphingomyelin content. the lipid composition of bat erythrocytes was similar to that of patients suffering from lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase deficiency, but the physiological significance of this in bats is unknown.19852858297
sunset-related timing of flight activity in neotropical bats.the times of onset and completion of the hunting flights of three colonies of neotropical bats, each comprising 100-200 individuals, were observed for nine months. the colonies were of different species: molossus ater (m.a.) and molossus molossus (m.m.) of the molossidae, and myotis nigricans (my. n.) of the vespertilionidae. individuals of phyllostomus hastatus (p.h., phyllostomidae) were also observed. all the bats roosted in a building near restrepo, colombia (4°16'n, 73°34'w). times of emerg ...197828309285
characteristics of the endometrium in menstruating species: lessons learned from the animal kingdom†.here we have summarized what is currently known about menstruating animal species with special emphasis on non-primate species: length of their menstrual cycle, ovulation, implantation, placentation, decidualization, and endometrial characteristics. having an overview of all the possible animal models that can be used to study menstruation and the menstrual cycle could be useful to select the one that better matches the needs of the individual research projects. the most promising species to stu ...202032129461
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