
diversity and localization of bacterial endosymbionts from whitefly species collected in brazil.whiteflies (hemiptera: aleyrodidae) are sap-sucking insect pests, and some cause serious damage in agricultural crops by direct feeding and by transmitting plant viruses. whiteflies maintain close associations with bacterial endosymbionts that can significantly influence their biology. all whitefly species harbor a primary endosymbiont, and a diverse array of secondary endosymbionts. in this study, we surveyed 34 whitefly populations collected from the states of sao paulo, bahia, minas gerais an ...201425259930
the complete mitochondrial genome of aleurocanthus camelliae: insights into gene arrangement and genome organization within the family aleyrodidae.there are numerous gene rearrangements and transfer rna gene absences existing in mitochondrial (mt) genomes of aleyrodidae species. to understand how mt genomes evolved in the family aleyrodidae, we have sequenced the complete mt genome of aleurocanthus camelliae and comparatively analyzed all reported whitefly mt genomes. the mt genome of a. camelliae is 15,188 bp long, and consists of 13 protein-coding genes, two rrna genes, 21 trna genes and a putative control region (genbank: ku761949). the ...201627827992
entomophthora leyteensis villacarlos & keller sp. nov. (entomophthorales: zygomycetes) infecting tetraleurodes acaciae (quaintance) (insecta, hemiptera: aleyrodidae), a recently introduced whitefly on gliricidia sepium (jaq.) walp. (fabaceae) in the philippines.entomophthora leyteensis villacarlos & keller sp. nov., a species of entomophthorales infecting the whitefly tetraleurodes acaciae on gliricidia sepium in the philippines is described. disease prevalence monitored weekly for 8 weeks indicated that the fungus could cause 8-31% infection within the whitefly population. epizootics due to this fungus occurred in inopacan, leyte. sampling live whitefly adults and dissecting them on glass slides for microscopic examination of fungal structures was fou ...200312725807
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