susceptibility of four different vegetable brassicas to cabbage whitefly (aleyrodes proletella l., aleyrodidae) attack. | cabbage whitefly (aleyrodes proletella l.) is one of the most noticeable pests on cultivated brassica species in the continental part of slovenia. in year 2000 a susceptibility of four different vegetables of brassica genus to cabbage whitefly attack had been examined. the highest number of imagoes and larvae was found on kale, significantly less on savoy cabbage and brussels sprouts and only individual specimen on cabbage. due to relatively small parcels, the most appropriate way of determining ... | 2002 | 12696419 |
temperature-dependent development of aleyrodes proletella (homoptera: aleyrodidae) on two cultivars of broccoli under constant temperatures. | laboratory experiments were conducted to estimate developmental rates and nymphal survival of aleyrodes proletella linnaeus (homoptera: aleyrodidae) on two broccoli brassica oleracea l. variety italica plenck cultivars (marathon and agripa) at eight constant temperatures (16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, and 30 degrees c). the times required to complete development of egg and first instar decreased with increasing temperature, but the developmental times of second, third, fourth instars, all instars, ... | 2009 | 19791593 |
temporal consistency in herbivore responses to glucosinolate polymorphism in populations of wild cabbage (brassica oleracea). | natural populations of wild cabbage (brassica oleracea) show significant qualitative diversity in heritable aliphatic glucosinolates, a class of secondary metabolites involved in defence against herbivore attack. one candidate mechanism for the maintenance of this diversity is that differential responses among herbivore species result in a net fitness balance across plant chemotypes. such top-down differential selection would be promoted by consistent responses of herbivores to glucosinolates, t ... | 2010 | 20596728 |
pyrethroid insecticide resistance in british populations of the cabbage whitefly, aleyrodes proletella. | background: the cabbage whitefly, aleyrodes proletella l., is emerging as a significant pest of field brassica crops in certain regions of the united kingdom. in order to investigate the contribution of pesticide resistance to this phenomenon, a. proletella populations were sampled from five different areas in england in 2008 and 2009. adult residual leaf-dip bioassays were carried out using pyrethroid and neonicotinoid insecticides. results: significant resistance to pyrethroids was found in mu ... | 2011 | 21800412 |
novel genes affecting the interaction between the cabbage whitefly and arabidopsis uncovered by genome-wide association mapping. | plants have evolved a variety of ways to defend themselves against biotic attackers. this has resulted in the presence of substantial variation in defense mechanisms among plants, even within a species. genome-wide association (gwa) mapping is a useful tool to study the genetic architecture of traits, but has so far only had limited exploitation in studies of plant defense. here, we study the genetic architecture of defense against the phloem-feeding insect cabbage whitefly (aleyrodes proletella ... | 2015 | 26699853 |
efficacy and dose response of soil-applied neem formulations in substrates with different amounts of organic matter, in the control of whiteflies, aleyrodes proletella and trialeurodes vaporariorum (hemiptera: aleyrodidae). | neem products have been used frequently as an alternative to synthetic pesticides, because of their insecticidal, insect antifeedant, and growth-regulating effects. moreover, new formulations are continually being developed and therefore, they have to be evaluated for their efficacy and persistence. in this regard, two soil-applied products-a liquid-based drenching solution neemazal-t and neemazal granules-were evaluated against two whitefly species, aleyrodes proletella l. and trialeurodes vapo ... | 2015 | 26470244 |
bottom-up and top-down herbivore regulation mediated by glucosinolates in brassica oleracea var. acephala. | quantitative differences in plant defence metabolites, such as glucosinolates, may directly affect herbivore preference and performance, and indirectly affect natural enemy pressure. by assessing insect abundance and leaf damage rate, we studied the responses of insect herbivores to six genotypes of brassica oleracea var. acephala, selected from the same cultivar for having high or low foliar content of sinigrin, glucoiberin and glucobrassicin. we also investigated whether the natural parasitism ... | 2014 | 24352843 |
effect of zinc and glucosinolates on nutritional quality of noccaea caerulescens and infestation by aleyrodes proletella. | the zn hyperaccumulating plant, noccaea caerulescens, was grown under controlled conditions at a range of zn concentrations (0-1000 mg kg(-1) dwt. soil) to determine the effectiveness of hyperaccumulation in deterring the cabbage whitefly, aleyrodes proletella, and to establish the relationship between levels of foliar zn and glucosinolates (organic defence compounds). two weeks after introducing a. proletella adults to the plants, next generation nymphs were quantified. this sucking insect caus ... | 2015 | 25525711 |