
survey of crop losses in response to phytoparasitic nematodes in the united states for 1994.previous reports of crop losses to plant-parasitic nematodes have relied on published results of survey data based on certain commodities, including tobacco, peanuts, cotton, and soybean. reports on crop-loss assessment by land-grant universities and many commodity groups generally are no longer available, with the exception of the university of georgia, the beltwide cotton conference, and selected groups concerned with soybean. the society of nematologists extension committee contacted extensio ...199919270925
soil properties and olive cultivar determine the structure and diversity of plant-parasitic nematode communities infesting olive orchards soils in southern spain.this work has studied for the first time the structure and diversity of plant-parasitic nematodes (ppns) infesting olive orchard soils in a wide-region in spain that included 92 locations. it aims at determining which agronomical or environmental factors associated to the olive orchards are the main drivers of the ppns community structure and diversity. classical morphological and morphometric identification methods were used to determine the frequency and densities of ppns. thirteen families, 3 ...201525625375
morphological and molecular characterisation, and phylogenetic position of x. browni sp. n., x. penevi sp. n. and two known species of xiphinema americanum-group (nematoda, longidoridae).using ribosomal (18s, its1, its2, d2-d3 expansion segments of 28s rdna) and mitochondrial (partial cox1 and nad4) dna markers in a study of several populations of xiphinema americanum-group from europe and morocco, two cryptic species xiphinema browni sp. n. (formerly reported as xiphinema pachtaicum) and xiphinema penevi sp. n. were revealed. the species are described, illustrated and their phylogenetic relationships discussed. the first species is most similar to xiphinema parasimile and is a ...201627110175
genetic structure of xiphinema pachtaicum and x. index populations based on mitochondrial dna variation.the dagger nematodes xiphinema pachtaicum and x. index are two of the most widespread and frequently occurring xiphinema spp. co-infesting vineyards and other crops and natural habitats worldwide. sexual reproduction is rare in these species. the primary objective of this study was to determine the genetic structure of x. pachtaicum and x. index populations using eight and seven populations, respectively, from different "wine of denomination of origin (d.o.) zones" in spain and sardinia (italy), ...201121554182
mitochondrial genome diversity in dagger and needle nematodes (nematoda: longidoridae).dagger and needle nematodes included in the family longidoridae (viz. longidorus, paralongidorus, and xiphinema) are highly polyphagous plant-parasitic nematodes in wild and cultivated plants and some of them are plant-virus vectors (nepovirus). the mitochondrial (mt) genomes of the dagger and needle nematodes, xiphinema rivesi, xiphinema pachtaicum, longidorus vineacola and paralongidorus litoralis were sequenced in this study. the four circular mt genomes have an estimated size of 12.6, 12.5, ...201728150734
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