
characterization of kenyan leishmania spp. and identification of mastomys natalensis, taterillus emini and aethomys kaiseri as new hosts of leishmania major.a survey to examine rodents for leishmanias was initiated in the perkerra settlement scheme, marigat, baringo district, kenya, 789 rodents of ten different species were trapped and examined. leishmanial parasites were isolated from the spleen and liver of 17 animals of five different species: seven from tatera robusta, five from arvicanthis niloticus, two from mastomys natalensis, two from taterillus emini and one from aethomys kaiseri. these were identified as l. major by enzyme electrophoresis ...19863632097
chromosomal and molecular characterization of aethomys kaiseri from zambia and aethomys chrysophilus from tanzania (rodentia, muridae).aethomys is a common and widespread rodent genus in the african savannas and grasslands. however, its systematics and taxonomy are still unclear as no study has covered the entire range. in fact it might not be a monophyletic genus and perhaps should be split into two subgenera, micaelamys and aethomys. in this paper, we present findings based on the cytogenetics and the entire cytochrome b sequence of two species from zambia (a. kaiseri) and tanzania (a. chrysophilus), and we compare them with ...200315061808
two new species of sucking lice (phthiraptera: anoplura: hoplopleuridae and polyplacidae) from grant's rock mouse, micaelamys granti, in south africa.two new species of sucking lice (phthiraptera: anoplura), hoplopleura granti n. sp. (hoplopleuridae) and polyplax megacephalus n. sp. (polyplacidae), are described from grant's rock mouse, micaelamys granti (wroughton), from northern cape province, south africa. adults of both sexes are illustrated via line drawings and differential interference contrast microscopy images, and are compared with previously described related species that parasitize related hosts: hoplopleura patersoni johnson from ...202032679590
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