
an outbreak of bucephalosis in fish of the main river.high losses due to metacercaria of bucephalus polymorphus especially in cyprinids were observed in summer 1984 during a period of a sudden increase in water temperature. pathology of diseased fish is described. factors, such as eutrophication of the water system and overcrowding of distinct fish species, are discussed to be the main causes provoking outbreak of the parasitosis.19902389830
[infestation of unio pictorum and anodonta piscinalis (mollusca, lamellibranchia) by parthenitae of bucephalus polymorphus baer (trematodes) and the action of the parasites on the hosts' organism]. 19744420355
[pathogenic effects of the cercariae of bucephalus polymorphus (baer, 1827) (trematoda, bucephalidae) on the fish population of seine basin]. 19674963617
comparison of rdna sequences from colchicine treated and untreated sporocysts of phyllodistomum folium and bucephalus polymorphus (digenea).the most frequently used antimitotic agent in cytogenetic studies is colchicine. we investigated whether the initial treatment of trematodes for karyological analysis with colchicine would have mutagenic or degradational effect on rdna sequences. dreissena polymorpha is the intermediate host of phyllodistomum folium and bucephalus polymorphus, and the sporocyst stage of these trematode species develop, respectively, in the gills and gonads of this mussel. sporocysts of p. folium and b. polymorph ...200415468529
the colonization of the invasive round goby neogobius melanostomus by parasites in new localities in the southwestern baltic sea.the round goby neogobius melanostomus is a bottom-dwelling fish native for the ponto-caspian basin, which started to colonize the baltic sea since 1991. the parasites of this fish species in the southwestern baltic region are studied for the first time. the round goby in the sw baltic sea was infected with 12 parasite species: 1 species of microsporidia, 1 species of monogenea, 1 of cestoda, 3 species of trematoda, 3 species of nematoda, 2 of acanthocephala, and 1 species of bivalvia. microspori ...201121409440
[a recent necrosing disease of fish teguments and fins: larval bucephalosis due to bucephalus polymorphus (baer, 1827)]. 19685752929
different host exploitation strategies in two zebra mussel-trematode systems: adjustments of host life history traits.the zebra mussel is the intermediate host for two digenean trematodes, phyllodistomum folium and bucephalus polymorphus, infecting gills and the gonad respectively. many gray areas exist relating to the host physiological disturbances associated with these infections, and the strategies used by these parasites to exploit their host without killing it. the aim of this study was to examine the host exploitation strategies of these trematodes and the associated host physiological disturbances. we h ...201222448287
involvement of apoptosis in host-parasite interactions in the zebra mussel.the question of whether cell death by apoptosis plays a biological function during infection is key to understanding host-parasite interactions. we investigated the involvement of apoptosis in several host-parasite systems, using zebra mussels dreissena polymorpha as test organisms and their micro- and macroparasites. as a stress response associated with parasitism, heat shock proteins (hsp) can be induced. in this protein family, hsp70 are known to be apoptosis inhibitors. mussels were diagnose ...201323785455
differentiation of european freshwater bucephalids (digenea: bucephalidae) based on karyotypes and dna sequences.three species of bucephalid digeneans are known in european freshwater habitats. in this study parthenitae of rhipidocotyle campanula (dujardin, 1845) and r. fennica gibson, taskinen & valtonen, 1992, infecting unionid bivalves, and adult bucephalus polymorphus von baer, 1827 from perch (perca fluviatilis l.) were investigated using karyological analysis and dna sequencing. our previously published data on genetic characteristics of parthenitae of b. polymorphus from dreissena polymorpha pallas ...201424474041
rhipidocotyle fennica (digenea: bucephalidae) from anodonta anatina and pike esox lucius in lithuania.ribosomal dna sequences of rhipidocotyle sp. adults from esox lucius were shown to be identical to sequences of larval rhipidocotyle fennica, occurring in anodonta anatina in lake vilkokšnis, lithuania. morphological features and host specificity of this adult worm correspond with that, determinate in the first description of r. fennica in finland. these data give the first evidence that a viable population of r. fennica exists in east central europe. bucephalus polymorphus which was reported in ...201425190013
non-native gobies facilitate the transmission of bucephalus polymorphus (trematoda).introduced species can modify local host-parasite dynamics by amplifying parasite infection which can 'spill-back' to the native fauna, whether they are competent hosts for local parasites, or by acting as parasite sinks with 'dilution' of infection decreasing the parasite burden of native hosts. recently infection by the trematode bucephalus polymorphus has increased in several european rivers, being attributed to the introduction of intermediate host species from the ponto-caspian region. usin ...201526187653
species richness and diversity of the parasites of two predatory fish species - perch (perca fluviatilis linnaeus, 1758) and zander (sander lucioperca linnaeus, 1758) from the pomeranian bay.pomeranian bay as an ecotone is a transition zone between two different biocenoses, which is characterized by an increase in biodiversity and species density. therefore, pomeranian bay is a destination of finding and reproductive migrations of fish from the rivers entered the area. the aim of the study was to compare parasitic fauna of two predatory fish species from the pomeranian bay, collected from the same fishing grounds at the same period. a total of 126 fish studied (53 perches and 73 zan ...201526342503
Is there a link between shell morphology and parasites of zebra mussels?The shell morphology of zebra mussels, Dreissena polymorpha, was analyzed to determine if alterations in shell shape and asymmetry between valves were related to its infection status, i.e. infected or not by microparasites like ciliates Ophryoglena spp. or intracellular bacteria Rickettsiales-like organisms (RLOs), and by macroparasites like trematodes Phyllodistomum folium and Bucephalus polymorphus. For microparasites, two groups of mussels were observed depending on shell measurements. Mussel ...201122146241
bucephalus polymorphus baer, 1827 - a new fish parasite in austria?during parasitological studies of the invasive round goby fish species apollonia melanostoma (pallas, 1814) from the danube river in 2007 the digenean bucephalus polymorphus baer, 1827 was detected for the first time in austria. encysted metacercariae of the parasite were found on the fins, skin and gills of the fish. the occurrence of the parasite is strictly dependant on the zebra mussel dreissena polymorpha (pallas, 1771), which acts as the obligatory first intermediate host in its life cycle ...200919915818
parasites of apollonia melanostoma (pallas 1814) and neogobius kessleri (guenther 1861) (osteichthyes, gobiidae) from the danube river in austria.two invasive fish species, the round goby apollonia melanostoma syn. neogobius melanostomus (pallas 1814) and the bighead goby neogobius kessleri (günther, 1861), have established a firm population in austrian waters during the past 15 years. as there have been no records of the parasite fauna from these populations, a total of 79 specimens of a. melanostoma and 12 specimens of n. kessleri were examined for parasites between may and october 2007 from three different sampling sites from the danub ...201019627624
[clonal and population rapd variation of cercariae obtained from bucephalus polymorphus sporocysts (trematoda: bucephalidae)].three arbitrary primers produced 114 rapd markers for 37 cercariae from nine bucephalus polymorphus sporocysts obtained from three dreissena polymorpha mollusks, which were collected in two water reservoirs of the volga basin. analysis of the rapd patterns established a unique genotype for each cercaria. the topology of an upgma dendrogram did not reliably differentiate the cercaria according to the corresponding sporocysts. however, three groups of genotypes were isolated and corresponded to th ...200919239100
a comparative study on the parasite fauna of perch, perca fluviatilis l., collected from a freshwater coastal lake, brackish-water baltic sea, and the interconnecting canal.parasitological surveys of freshwater fishes rarely include comparisons between two ecologically different bodies of water. such studies might help to understand processes of establishment of parasite faunas in estuary areas. the results obtained could also provide useful tools for discriminating various fish populations based on the composition of their parasite faunas. the present authors attempted to study such data from resko lake-a freshwater coastal lagoon (6 km2 surface area), and the adj ...200516913502
histological analysis of trematodes in dreissena polymorpha: their location, pathogenicity, and distinguishing morphological characteristics.four families of trematodes were observed in histological sections during a 1992-1997 investigation of the parasites of zebra mussels dreissena polymorpha. these included aspidogastridae, i.e., aspidogaster, echinostomatidae, bucephalidae, i.e., bucephalus polymorphus, and gorgoderidae, i.e., phyllodistomumfolium. this article describes the precise location of these trematodes in the tissues of d. polymorpha, provides graphic evidence of their effect on the organs they inhabit, and highlights th ...200212435120
[ciliary activity of cells of gill and leg glimmeral epithelium of unionidae invaded by trematodes of aspidogaster conchicola and bucephalus polymorphus].the paper provides data concerning the influence of the parasitic worms aspidogaster conchicola and bucephalus polymorphus on the rate and duration of ciliary beating of gill and leg in 7 species of unionidae (unio conus borysthenicus, u. tumidus falcatulus, u. rostratus rostratus, u. limosus graniger, u. pictorum ponderosus, colletopterum piscinale falcatum, c. ponderosum rumanicum). the high level of infection of molluscs with b. polymorphus oppresses the glimmeral epithelium activity of gill ...200111871258
[characterization of the cercaria of bucephalus polymorphus baer, 1827 (trematoda, bucephalidae): chetotaxy and excretory system].we describe the excretory system and the chetotaxy of the cercaria of bucephalus polymorphus baer, 1827 which develops in dreissena polymorpha (lamellibranch, dreissenidae) in south-east of france. we compare our observations with those realised in poland and we discuss about the differences observed.19846524822
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