
the infectivity of some nematode parasites of reindeer (rangifer tarandus l.) and elk (alces alces l.) for cattle and sheep.cross infections were carried out by dosing parasite-free calves and lambs with third stage nematode larvae cultured from the faeces of reindeer and elk. two lambs each received 20,000 larvae from reindeer, and one lamb 20,000 larvae from elk. one calf received 50,000 larvae from reindeer and one 50,000 from elk. the animals were killed 28 days after infection. egg output did not differ significantly between the lambs nor between the calves, but in the lambs the output was much higher than in th ...19827113357
use of random amplified polymorphic dna for identification of ruminant trichostrongylid nematodes.the aim of this work was to evaluate random amplified polymorphic dna (rapd) as a source of markers for species identification and phylogenetic analysis of ruminant trichostrongylid nematodes. as these nematodes are often polymorphic, species identification may be difficult. we tested eight species and several of their morphs: haemonchus contortus (three vulvar morphotypes: flap, smooth, and knobbed), teladorsagia circumcincta, ashworthius gagarini, spiculopteragia boehmi, ostertagia leptospicul ...19957724508
the systematics of nematodes that cause ostertagiasis in domestic and wild ruminants in north america: an update and a key to species.studies of medium stomach worms (subfamily ostertagiinae) of domestic and wild ruminants in north america have refined our understanding of the systematics, host distribution and biogeography of these nematodes. strong support for recognition of monophyly for the ostertagiinae has resulted from preliminary phylogenetic analyses of morphological characters among these and other trichostrongylids. evaluation of morphological and biochemical characters in our laboratory and elsewhere has not refute ...19938484224
[helminth fauna of free living european bison bison bonasus (l.) in bieszczady mountains (karpatian mountains, poland)].four free living european bison from białowieza/caucasus line shot in february 1997 within lutowiska forestry district in the bieszczady mountains were used in investigations. all examined animals were infected with helminths. there were found 10 species of parasites. five species of them ostertagia leptospicularis, o. kolchida, spiculopteragia boehmi, cooperia pectinata and ashworthius sidemi are thypical parasites of cervides, and from them were infected bison in bieszczady. in all necropsied ...200016886353
[forming of gastro-intestinal nematodes fauna of free ranging european bison in bialowieza primeval forest during last 17 years (1984-2001)].28 european bison of both sexes and in different age shot in białowieza primeval forest in january 1984, (10 animals), january 1992 (10 animals) and in january and the beginning of february 2001 (8 animals) have been necropsied. the examined animals in mentioned years were of similar age. there were examined abomasa and duodena of shot animals. all necropsied bison were infected with gastro-intestinal nematodes. the highest intensity of infection with nematodes of abomasum was found in 1992 year ...200216894720
[the occurrence of intestinal parasites of roe deer and red deer in the western pomerania voivodeship].the aim of the study was to establish the parasite prevalence of roe deer and red deer in western pomerania.200516913504
the parasitic fauna of the european bison (bison bonasus) (linnaeus, 1758) and their impact on the conservation. part 1. the summarising list of parasites noted.during the current century, 88 species of parasites have been recorded in bison bonasus. these are 22 species of protozoa (trypanosoma wrublewskii, t. theileri, giardia sp., sarcocystis cruzi, s. hirsuta, s. hominis, s. fusiformis, neospora caninum, toxoplasma gondii, cryptosporidium sp., eimeria cylindrica, e. subspherica, e. bovis, e. zuernii, e. canadensis, e. ellipsoidalis, e. alabamensis, e. bukidnonensis, e. auburnensis, e. pellita, e. brasiliensis, babesia divergens), 4 trematodes species ...201425119348
endoparasites of the fallow deer (dama dama) of the antheringer au in salzburg, austria.although the annual harvest of fallow deer increased markedly in austria in the past two decades, only little is known about the parasites of fallow deer in austria. to add current faunistic knowledge on the endoparasites of fallow deer in the country, viscera from six adult males and one male fawn from the game preserve antheringer au, salzburg, were examined in 2009-2010 using standard techniques, and spleen samples were screened for dna of tick-borne pathogens (polymerase chain reaction). inf ...201424535173
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