blood parasites of taiwan birds. | blood films were examined from 1477 birds of taiwan (193 species, 49 families). haemoproteus kruse was by far the commonest parasite, with leucocytozoon danilewski a not very close second. it is probable that some of the haemoproteus infections represented new species, and 1 occurring in the bamboo partridge (bambusicola thoracica sonorivox gould) seemed characteristic enough to justify recognition as such; the name haemoproteus bambusicolae sp. n. is proposed for this organism. malaria was foun ... | 1976 | 826624 |
the characterization of low pathogenic avian influenza viruses isolated from wild birds in northern vietnam from 2006 to 2009. | due to concerns that wild birds could possibly spread h5n1 viruses, surveillance was conducted to monitor the types of avian influenza viruses circulating among the wild birds migrating to or inhabiting in northern vietnam from 2006 to 2009. an h5n2 virus isolated from a eurasian woodcock had a close phylogenetic relationship to h5 viruses recently isolated in south korea and japan, suggesting that h5n2 has been shared between vietnam, south korea, and japan. an h9n2 virus isolated from a chines ... | 2013 | 24054984 |
molecular investigation of cryptosporidium in small caged pets in northeast china: host specificity and zoonotic implications. | this study screened 151 pet-derived fecal specimens randomly collected from four commercial markets in northeast china for the presence of cryptosporidium by genus-specific nested pcrs of the small subunit rrna gene. of these, 14 specimens (9.3 %) from nine species of birds, two types of rodents, and a hedgehog were positive for cryptosporidium. sequence analysis on the pcr-positive isolates facilitated identification of three cryptosporidium species (c. baileyi, c. galli, and c. ubiquitum) and ... | 2016 | 27107987 |
incipient speciation with gene flow on a continental island: species delimitation of the hainan hwamei (leucodioptron canorum owstoni, passeriformes, aves). | because of their isolation, continental islands (e.g., madagascar) are often thought of as ideal systems to study allopatric speciation. however, many such islands have been connected intermittently to their neighboring continent during recent periods of glaciation, which may cause frequent contact between the diverging populations on the island and continent. as a result, the speciation processes on continental islands may not meet the prerequisites for strictly allopatric speciation. we used m ... | 2016 | 27233437 |
phenotypic flexibility of thermogenesis in the hwamei (garrulax canorus): responses to cold acclimation. | cold acclimation in birds involves a comprehensive array of physiological and morphological adjustment ranging from changes in aerobic enzyme activity to metabolic rate and organ mass. in the present study, we investigated phenotypic variation in thermogenic activity in the hwamei (garrulax canorus) under normal (35°c) or cold (15°c) ambient temperature conditions. acclimation to an ambient temperature of 15°c for 4 wk significantly increased the body mass, basal metabolic rate (bmr), and energy ... | 2016 | 26661097 |
complete mitochondrial genome of the chinese hwamei (garrulax canorus). | chinese hwamei (garrulax canorus) is native to eastern asia, which is a member of leiothrichidae, passeriformes. in this study, the complete mitochondrial genome of g. canorus was sequenced. the genome is 17 828 bp in length and consists of 13 protein-coding genes, 22 trna genes, 2 rrna genes and 2 control regions. phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that the mitogenomic sequence of g. canorus was most closely related to the sequences from other species of garrulax. | 2016 | 26539759 |
complete mitochondrial genome of the chinese hwamei garrulax canorus (aves: passeriformes): the first representative of the leiothrichidae family with a duplicated control region. | the chinese hwamei garrulax canorus, a member of the family leiothrichidae, is commonly found in central and southern china, northern indochina, and on hainan island. in this study, we sequenced the complete mitochondrial genome of g. canorus. the circular mitochondrial genome is 17,785 bp in length and includes 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer rna (trna) genes, and two ribosomal rna genes. in addition, two copies of highly similar putative control regions were observed in the mitochondrial ... | 2015 | 26345828 |
seasonal variation in body mass, body temperature and thermogenesis in the hwamei, garrulax canorus. | the basal thermogenesis of birds is beginning to be viewed as a highly flexible physiological trait influenced by environmental fluctuations, particularly changes in ambient temperature (ta). many birds living in regions with seasonal fluctuations in ta typically respond to cold by increasing their insulation and adjusting their metabolic rate. to understand these metabolic adaptations, body temperature (tb), metabolic rate (mr), thermal neutral zone (tnz) and thermal conductance were measured w ... | 2015 | 25263127 |
rejecting strictly allopatric speciation on a continental island: prolonged postdivergence gene flow between taiwan (leucodioptron taewanus, passeriformes timaliidae) and chinese (l. canorum canorum) hwameis. | allopatry is conventionally considered the geographical mode of speciation for continental island organisms. however, strictly allopatric speciation models that assume the lack of postdivergence gene flow seem oversimplified given the recurrence of land bridges during glacial periods since the late pliocene. here, to evaluate whether a continental island endemic, the taiwan hwamei (leucodioptron taewanus, passeriformes timaliidae) speciated in strict allopatry, we used weighted-regression-based ... | 2010 | 20070521 |
sailing through the late pleistocene: unusual historical demography of an east asian endemic, the chinese hwamei (leucodioptron canorum canorum), during the last glacial period. | pleistocene climate fluctuations shaped the patterns of genetic diversity observed in extant species. in contrast to europe and north america where the effects of recent glacial cycles on genetic diversity have been well studied, the genetic legacy of the late pleistocene for east asia, a region of great topographical complexity and presumably milder historical climate, remains poorly understood. we analysed 3.86 kb of the mitochondrial genome of 186 chinese hwamei birds, leucodioptron canorum c ... | 2009 | 19215583 |
arsenic concentrations and speciation in wild birds from an abandoned realgar mine in china. | birds are at a higher level in the food chain; however, the potential bioaccumulation and biotransformation of arsenic (as) in birds in as mines has rarely been studied. in this study, four passerine bird species (tree sparrow [passer montanus], light-vented bulbul [pycnonotus sinensis], garrulax canorus [leucodioptron canorus], and magpie [pica pica]) were collected from an abandoned as mine in china. the highest recorded as concentrations were 4.95 mg/kg and 51.65 mg/kg in muscles and feathers ... | 2018 | 29175405 |
physiological and biochemical thermoregulatory responses in male chinese hwameis to seasonal acclimatization: phenotypic flexibility in a small passerine. | many small birds living in regions with seasonal fluctuations and ambient temperatures typically respond to cold by increasing metabolic thermogenesis, internal organ mass and the oxidative capacity of certain tissues. in this study, we investigated seasonal adjustments in body mass, resting metabolic rate (rmr), evaporative water loss (ewl), the mass of selected internal organs, and two indicators of cellular aerobic respiration (mitochondrial state-4 respiration and cytochrome c oxidase activi ... | 2019 | 31966307 |