
molecular characterization of a partitivirus from the plant pathogenic ascomycete rosellinia necatrix.the w8 isolate of the phytopathogenic fungus, rosellinia necatrix that causes white root rot, contained three segments of double-stranded (ds) rna, namely l1, l2 and m. purified viral particles of about 25 nm in diameter contained an rna segment with almost the same mobility as m-dsrna, but the band was sensitive to s1 nuclease. molecular analysis revealed that m-dsrna consisted of two (rna 1 and rna 2) similarly sized species of 2299 and 2279 bp excluding an interrupted poly (a or u) tail of 16 ...200515750865
infection of rosellinia necatrix with purified viral particles of a member of partitiviridae (rnpv1-w8).isolate w8 of the white root rot fungus, rosellinia necatrix, harbors three dsrna segments, l1-, l2- and m-dsrnas, and showed an irregular colony margin, slow growth, and moderate virulence. the m-dsrna was previously shown to be the genome of a partitivirus, rnpv1-w8. here a transfection protocol was developed for rnpv1-w8. protoplasts of two virus-free isolates of r. necatrix were inoculated with purified viral particles using a polyethylene glycol-mediated method. virus infection was confirme ...200616307176
extending the fungal host range of a partitivirus and a mycoreovirus from rosellinia necatrix by inoculation of protoplasts with virus particles.the potential host range of mycoviruses is poorly understood because of the lack of suitable inoculation methods. recently, successful transfection has been reported for somatically incompatible fungal isolates with purified virus particles of two mycoviruses, the partitivirus rnpv1-w8 (rnpv1) and the mycoreovirus rnmyrv3/w370 (myrv3), from the white root rot fungus rosellinia necatrix (class sordariomycetes, subclass xylariomycetidae). these studies examined and revealed the effect of the mycov ...201020701490
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