
monophyletic origin of beta-division proteobacterial endosymbionts and their coevolution with insect trypanosomatid protozoa blastocrithidia culicis and crithidia spp.some trypanosomatid protozoa (order kinetoplastida) are well known to harbor bacterial endosymbionts. their phylogenetic positions and evolutionary relationships with the hosts were deduced by comparing the rrna gene sequences. earlier, we observed that these symbionts from three crithidia spp. are identical and are closely related to bordetella bronchiseptica. we have now sequenced the genes of another endosymbiont and the host protozoan blastocrithidia culicis. the 16s rrna genes of the blasto ...19947521530
influence of the endosymbiont of blastocrithidia culicis and crithidia deanei on the glycoconjugate expression and on aedes aegypti interaction.blastocrithidia culicis and crithidia deanei are trypanosomatid protozoa of insects that normally contain intracellular symbiotic bacteria. the protozoa can be rid of their endosymbionts by antibiotics, producing a cured cell line. here, we analyzed the glycoconjugate profiles of endosymbiont-harboring and cured strains of b. culicis and c. deanei by western blotting and flow cytometry analyses using lectins that recognize specifically sialic acid and mannose-like residues. the absence of the en ...200516216441
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