
morphological characterization and hsp70-, igs-based phylogenetic analysis of two microsporidian parasites isolated from antheraea pernyi.two microsporidian isolates were extracted from single infected egg-laying tussah silk moth (antheraea pernyi) in liaoning province, china. the microsporidia were subsequently grown in silk moth larvae, isolated, and subjected to morphological characterization (by light and transmission electron microscopy) and phylogenetic analysis (based on conserved genes). one type of spore was long-axis-oval in shape, measuring 4.71 × 1.95 μm, and the other type was short-axis-oval, measuring 3.64 × 2.17 μm ...201728111712
the characterization of microsporidian isolates (nosematidae: nosema) from five important lepidopteran pests in taiwan.microsporidian isolates from five lepidopteran pests-spodoptera litura, spodoptera exigua, helicoverpa armigera, plutella xylostella, and pieris spp.-were compared by spore morphology, infectivity to s. litura, western-blot banding patterns, the sequences of small subunit rrna gene (ssurrna sequence), and random amplified polymorphic dna polymerase chain reaction (rapd-pcr). all the isolates could infect experimentally and multiply in the larvae of s. litura. the s. exigua isolate showed the hig ...200312725812
morphological and molecular studies of a microsporidium (nosema sp.) isolated from the thee spot grass yellow butterfly, eurema blanda arsakia (lepidoptera: pieridae).a microsporidium possessing molecular and morphological characteristics of the genus nosema was isolated from larvae of the thee-spot grass yellow butterfly, eurema blanda arsakia. the complete rrna gene sequences of the e. blanda isolate contained 4,428 base pairs (genbank accession no. eu338534). the organization of the rrna genes is lsu rrna-its-ssu rrna-igs-5s, which corresponds with that of nosema species closely related to nosema bombycis. phylogenetic analysis based on rrna gene sequences ...200919041874
phylogenetic analysis of two putative nosema isolates from cruciferous lepidopteran pests in this study, a new microsporidian, px2, was isolated from the diamondback moth, plutella xylostella, and then compared with another isolate (px1), and with nosema spodopterae and n. bombycis. sequence data showed that the rrna gene organizations of px1 and px2 exhibited a typical nosema-specific organization: 5'-lsurrna (large subunit ribosomal rna)-its (internal transcribed spacer)-ssurrna-igs (intergenic spacer)-5s-3'. phylogenetic analysis (maximum likelihood, neighbor joining, maximum pars ...200717266983
morphological and molecular characterization of a new microsporidian (protozoa: microsporidia) isolated from spodoptera litura (fabricius) (lepidoptera: noctuidae).a microsporidium was isolated from larvae of spodoptera litura (fabricius) collected from tamil nadu, india. this microsporidian species is monomorphic, disporous and develops in direct contact with the cytoplasm of the host cell. the nuclear configuration of merogonic and sporogonic stages was diplokaryotic. the merogonic proliferative stage was unusual that normal development with 1, 2 and 4 binucleated forms were common, while large multinucleate meronts containing 8 and 12 small compact hors ...200616469201
complete sequence and gene organization of the nosema spodopterae rrna sequencing the entire ribosomal rna (rrna) gene of nosema spodopterae, we show here that its gene organization follows a pattern similar to the nosema type species, nosema bombycis, i.e. 5'-large subunit rrna (2,497 bp)-internal transcribed spacer (185 bp)-small subunit rrna (1,232 bp)-intergenic spacer (277 bp)-5s rrna (114 bp)-3'. gene sequences and the secondary structures of large subunit rrna, small subunit rrna, and 5s rrna are compared with the known corresponding sequences and structu ...200515702980
nosema sp. pm-1, a new isolate of microsporidian from infected papilio machaon linnaeus, based on ultrastructure and molecular identification.a new microsporidium, nosema sp. pm-1, was first isolated from papilio machaon linnaeus. the spore shape of the pm-1 isolate was a long oval with an average size of 3.22 μm × 1.96 μm. ultrastructure observation showed that pm-1 had a typical nosema common diplokaryotic nuclei structure with 10-13 polar filament coils, spore wall, plasma membrane, and anchoring disk. the complete rrna gene sequences were obtained by polymerase chain reaction amplification and each rrna unit was arrayed as follows ...201526204003
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