
common diseases of pet animals in west africa.a brief review of the major disease of exotic pet animals in west africa is presented, based on experience, mainly in nigeria; with pet animals imported from europe. the conditions mentioned are: ticks, and tickborne diseases, rabies, distemper, feline panleukopenia, trypanosomiasis, hookworm and tumbu-fly infections. the control measures before departure are emphasized.1979473154
furuncular myiasis caused by the larvae of cordylobia anthropophaga in an alsatian bitch and her owners in apapa, nigeria. 1976988653
[myiasis caused by cordylobia anthropophaga in sheep at dakar, senegal]. 19761005843
letter: furuncular myiasis caused by larva of cordylobia anthropophaga in ibadan, nigeria. 19751145709
[tumbu fly or don't sitt in the sand south of sahara]. 19761250013
myiasis due to cordylobia anthropophaga in zambia.dermal or subdermal myiasis due to larvae of the african tumbu fly cordylobia anthropophaga is described from zambia for the first time. differential diagnosis from the closely allied c. rodhaini is considered. a patient presenting with the lesion on the penis is described. multiple infection with different developmental stages is discussed in relation to multiple exposure or immunity. many cases of myiasis may not reach the attention of medical personnel because of the tendency of the mature la ...19761258140
tumbu fly infestation. 19921285144
cutaneous myiasis caused by tumbu fly larvae, cordylobia anthropophaga in southwestern saudi cases of human cutaneous myiasis caused by maggots of the tumbu fly, cordylobia anthropophaga are reported from asir region, southwestern saudi arabia. boil-like swellings infested with individual fly larvae, varied from one to four and occurred in both unprotected and usually protected areas of the skin. twenty five fly maggots were retrieved from separate furunculoid lesions on the body surface of a massive case of a 4-year old boy. the present observations confirm that this calliphorine ...19921519026
tumbu fly (cordylobia anthropophaga) myiasis in a quarantined dog in england. 19921557870
cutaneous myiasis due to tumbu fly.a case of cutaneous myiasis due to larvae of the tumbu fly cordylobia anthropophaga is reported. the clinical presentation, treatment and prevention of this infestation is described.19921567531
[cordylobia anthropophaga furuncular myiasis. efficacy of a lindane-amyleine-chlorhydrate combination]. 19901694996
a descriptive study of the canine population in a rural town in southern africa.the health status of a population of dogs (n = 220) from a rural southern african town is described. a cross sectional survey was done to collect the necessary information. all animals examined were mongrels with a mean condition score of 1.93. the oldest dog found in the population was 8 years old. rhipicephalus sanguineus was the dominant tick species encountered on the dogs, echidnophaga gallinacea the dominant flea species, while cordylobia anthropophaga and demodex canis also affected the h ...19911770490
distribution and incidence of ectoparasites on small mammals in a rainforest belt of southern nigeria.a total of 174 small mammalian hosts were trapped in ekpoma, bendel state, nigeria from october, 1986 to september, 1987 and examined for ectoparasites. 108 infested hosts had 10 species of ectoparasites comprising three species of mites (laelaps (echinolaelaps) muricola, laelaps (e.) gigantea and laelaps (e.) echidninus); two species of ticks (amblyomma variegatum and ixodes sp.); two species of fleas (xenopsylla cheopis and x. braziliensis); and on especies each of sucking lice (polyplax spinu ...19911928798
furuncular myiasis.two cases of cutaneous myiasis are described. the first, acquired in west africa, consisting of 36 furuncle-like lesions, was caused by the larvae of cordylobia anthropophaga. an adult fly was raised from one larva. in the second patient, the infestation was caused by five larvae of dermatobia hominis acquired in central america. neither patient was aware of any infestation, but the clinical presentation, although also suggestive of bacterial skin infection, showed a typical course and symptoms ...19901969207
cutaneous myiasis caused by the african tumbu fly (cordylobia anthropophaga).we describe a patient with cutaneous myiasis caused by the african tumbu fly (cordylobia anthropophaga). this case demonstrates the need for a detailed travel history and an understanding of the fly life cycle to prevent erroneous diagnosis and to expedite prompt treatment. the nature of the lesions, larval morphological features, histological characteristics, and immune response directed toward fly maggots are described.19902301958
myiasis due to tumbu fly. 19852860372
tackling tumbu fly larvae. 19852861474
tumbu fly myiasis in a child. 19883188171
[furonculoid myasis caused by cordylobia anthropophaga. study using scanning electron microscopy]. 19873579132
[myiasis caused by the "tumbú" fly]. 19863763996
cutaneous myiasis caused by larvae of cordylobia anthropophaga acquired in europe. 19853922538
letter: tumbu fly (cordylobia) infection outside africa. 19734788773
two cases of myiasis in the united states by the african tumbu fly, cordylobia anthropophaga (diptera, calliphoridae). 19725007189
tumbu fly. 19725022054
clinical and epidemiological aspects of the dermal tumbu-fly-myiasis in equatorial-africa. 19715111686
[case in paris of furuncular myiasis caused by cordylobia anthropophaga contracted at m'beya (tanzania)]. 19675590518
[observations on casses of canine myiasis due to cordylobia anthropophaga blanchard in bobo-dioulasso, republic of upper volta]. 19675628962
[myiasis of the skin caused by cordylobia anthropophaga]. 19695810007
[cutaneous furunculous myiasis due to cordylobia anthropophaga blanchard observed in belgium]. 19665901975
tumbu-fly myiasis in marshfield, wis. 19676016309
[tumbu fly, cordylobia anthropophaga. a case of subcutaneous myiasis]. 19705456875
myiasis due to tumbu fly larva. 19826122931
myiasis due to tumbu fly larva. 19826123803
cutaneous myiasis due to tumbu-fly, cordylobia anthropophaga in ilorin, kwara state, nigeria.the occurrence and public health significance of cutaneous myiasis were investigated in ilorin, kwara state, nigeria between june and september, 1981. the findings indicated that human myiasis caused by the maggot of african tumbu-fly, cordylobia anthropophaga was relatively common and constituted potential public health problems in the affected parts of the state capital. the importance of animal myiasis due to larvae of sheep bot-fly, oesteris ovis and the cattle grubs, hypoderma bovis, was as ...19826131594
[furunculoid myiasis due to cordylobia anthropophaga in a traveler returning from africa and review of the literature].a 45-year old tourist returning from dakar, senegal had furunculoid cutaneous myiasis caused by larvae of cordylobia anthropophaga. the diagnosis was made on the return to vienna by identification of the larvae found in the skin lesions. since the cutaneous lesions may be easily confused with ordinary types of furunculosis, the diagnosis of cordylobiasis should be excluded in all travelers returning from endemic areas (africa south to the sahara), because this disease may be much more common tha ...19817015709
cordylobia anthropophaga (diptera: calliphoridae) myiasis in an infant and dog and a technique for larval rearing. 19827120311
[furuncular myiasis caused by dermatobia hominis larva].the imported tropical dermatoses include the various manifestations of dermal myiasis. cases of the furuncular form of cutaneous myiasis are infrequently seen and occur much more seldom than creeping eruption. nearly exclusively furuncular lesions appear after infestation with the larvae of dermatobia hominis, the human botfly, in central and south america and with the larvae of the tumbu-fly, cordylobia anthropophaga, in tropical africa. we had the opportunity to see a patient, who had acquired ...19817216766
cordylobia anthropophaga infestation. 19817287270
furuncular swelling caused by larva of cordylobia anthropophaga in kaduna, nigeria. 19817330930
extensive myiasis from tumbu fly larvae in ghana, west africa. 19807357778
[furunculoid myiasis caused by cordylobia anthropophaga contracted in africa: report of a case in paris]. 19705453939
furunculoid myiasis in a dog caused by cordylobia anthropophaga.two days after returning with its owners from a 60-day visit to liberia, an 8-year-old 6.5-kg spayed female miniature schnauzer was examined by a veterinarian in the united states. a 1.0 x 1.0-cm raised erythematous nodule was noticed on the medial aspect of the right pinna. in the center of the nodule was a 1.0 x 1.0-mm pore from which a 0.5 x 0.5 x 1.0-cm white larva was extracted. the larva was identified as a third-stage larva of cordylobia anthropophaga, the african tumbu fly, a fly restric ...19957559067
cutaneous myiasis: review of 13 cases in travelers returning from tropical countries.cutaneous myiasis is frequently reported in patients from tropical countries. most commonly infestation is due to cordylobia anthropophaga and dermatobia hominis, whereas hypoderma lineatum is less likely to affect humans.19957591459
inflammatory papules on the back of a traveling businessman. tumbu fly myiasis. 19957632070
[furuncular myiasis caused by cordylobia anthropophaga: description of a case from tanzania].we report a case of a tourist, coming back from tanzania, who presented with a foruncle on the left thigh diagnosed as a bacterial infection, which eventually turned out to be a myiasis foruncle. the patient said he had sat on the ground in short trousers. the lesion was covered with petroleum jelly and the larva was observed migrating from the lesion and subsequently extracted with forceps. the morphology of larval spiracles allowed to characterize the species as cordylobia anthropophaga. behav ...19947637995
[cordylobia anthropophaga]. 19725018425
[cutaneous myiasis caused by cordylobia anthropophaga(blanchard, 1872): description of 5 cases froma coastal regions of senegal].five cases of furuncular myiasis due to cordylobia anthropophaga are reported in italian tourists coming from senegal. people who go to tropical and sub-tropical regions should be aware from now on to the possibility and the way to acquire myiasis.19938065820
myiasis due to cordylobia anthropophaga (tumbu-fly). 19948157395
cutaneous myiasis caused by larvae of cordylobia anthropophaga (blanchard).cordylobia anthropophaga (blanchard) is a nonhematophagous dipteron belonging to the calliphoridae family. it produces a myiasis called "tumbu fly" or "ver de cayor" or "mango fly" or "skin maggot fly".19938444529
[myiasis in female travelers to the tropics].myiasis is a rare disease in europe and the usa; it is defined by the development of parasitic, mostly tropical maggots in the human body. they are best identified by the pattern of their terminal spiracles and the shape of their stigmal plates. in spite of the size of the larvae of cordylobia anthropophaga, there is only low-grade inflammation; the clinical course is benign.19938451227
furuncular myiasis due to cordylobia anthropophaga, endemic in the same locality for over 130 years. 19938561531
[cordylobia anthropophaga as a cause of cutaneous myiasis in a dog in germany].this paper reports on a case of cutaneous myiasis due to cordylobia anthropophaga in a dog imported from cameroon to germany. an account is given of the biology and ecology of this skin maggot fly as well as the clinics, diagnosis and treatment of the cutaneous myiasis are reviewed.19968999598
[imported arthropod-borne parasites and parasitic arthropods in dogs. species spectrum and epidemiologic analysis of the cases diagnosed in 1995/96].between january 1995 and december 1996 nonendemic or only regionally occurring arthropodborne parasites including ehrlichiae and parasitic arthropods in germany were detected in 484 dogs, whereby at least 15 species were involved. listed in decreasing order, leishmania infections occurred most frequently, followed by infections/infestations with babesia canis, ehrlichia canis, rhipicephalus sanguineus, dirofilaria immitis and dermacentor reticulatus. the other species, namely babesia gibsoni, tr ...19989531673
furuncular tumbu fly myiasis of man in gabon, equatorial africa. 19676029080
[skin changes caused by the fly cordylobia anthropophaga]. 19807403580
guess what! non-inflammatory cutaneous myiasis caused by the larva of cordylobia anthropophaga. 19989882153
troublesome myiasis complicated by peri-nephric abscess.a normally fit european resident of east africa developed a staphylococcal peri-nephric abscess following repeated episodes of furuncular myiasis caused by the tumbu fly, cordylobia anthropophaga. a few lesions had required surgical intervention and one, presumably the source of sepsis, had become infected. there are very few descriptions in the literature of serious complications of myiasis and this is the first report of peri-nephric abscess from this source. this paper discusses the managemen ...19957671423
[cutaneous myiasis--a vacation souvenir].cutaneous myiasis is a temporary infestation of the skin with fly larvae. travelling to subtropical areas accounts for a higher risk and increasing incidence in europeans. in middle- and south american myiasis is mainly caused by the botfly (dermatobia hominis). blood-suckling arthropods, usually mosquitoes, transmit the larvae of the botfly via phoresis, a unique mechanism of egg deposition. in africa cutaneous myiasis is mostly due to the tumbu fly (cordylobia anthropophaga). infection with th ...199910231691
removal of tumbu fly larvae. 19969815427
cordylobia anthropophaga mastitis mimicking breast cancer: case report.a case of furuncular myiasis of the breast due to infestation by the larva of cordylobia anthropophaga in a young lady is presented. some of the physical presentations of cordylobia anthropophaga mastitis are similar to those of carcinoma of the breast. high index of suspicion in endemic areas, including patients who had visited such areas, the characteristic intense itching of the affected breast, the use of the magnifying hand lens and subsequent extraction of the offending maggots are the inv ...199910442136
imported tumbu fly myiasis in belgrade. 19949815321
an imported case of furuncular myiasis due to cordylobia anthropophaga which emerged in japan. 200011069493
[a case of furuncular myiasis from cordylobia anthropophaga in morocco]. 200011258070
[cordylobia anthropophaga cutaneous myiasis].the progressive increase in the number of people traveling to tropical countries has led to imported diseases becoming of increasingly greater importance. cutaneous myasis (or fly larva infestations) are found among this type of diseases particularly frequent in tropical countries. based on the observation of a case of massive cutaneous myasis by cordylobia antropophaga of a 34 year old woman upon her return from a trip to senegal, a review has been made of the major cases of furunculoid cutaneo ...200111400412
[diagnostic image (109). a man with furuncles. cutaneous myiasis].a 27-year-old man had 'furuncles' after a one-month stay in gambia, which proved to be cutaneous myiasis due to cordylobia anthropophaga.200212404909
imported furuncular myiasis in germany.furuncular myiasis is a parasitic infestation of human and other vertebrate tissues by fly larvae of primarily two species: dermatobia hominis (human botfly, t6rsalo, or berne) in mexico and south and central america and cordylobia anthropophaga (tumbu fly or mango fly) in africa. cuterebra species (rabbit and rodent botflies) are also rarely reported to cause furuncular myiasis only within the united states. although these species inhabit different geographic regions and have different life cyc ...200212502173
furuncular myiasis by tumbu study cases of furuncular myiasis by tumbu fly (cordylobia anthropophaga) among pakistani troops in sierra leone, africa.200312718772
the tumbu fly, cordylobia anthropophage (blanchard), in southern africa. 195913847922
[cutaneous parasitic granulomatosis caused by cordylobia anthropophaga (discription of a case of furuncular myiasis)]. 196213933488
cordylobia anthropophaga myiasis in a dog returning to italy from a tropical country. 200314516116
myiasis with lund's fly (cordylobia rodhaini) in travelers.myiasis is an infestation of human tissue by the larvae of certain flies. there are many forms of myiasis, including localized furuncular myiasis, creeping dermal myiasis and wound and body cavity myiasis.1 cordylobia anthropophaga (the tumbu fly) and dermatobia hominis (the human botfly) are the most common causes of myiasis in africa and tropical america respectively. the genus cordylobia also contains two less common species, c. ruandae and c. rodhaini. the usual hosts of c. rodhaini are vari ...200314531984
two cases of myiasis on board ship, due to the larvae of cordylobia anthropophaga. 195114878399
[myiasis caused by dermatoba hominis after an organized tours in amazonia].human cutaneous myiasis is a common disease in endemic tropical zones. the incidence of imported cases follows the development of organized tours in the tropics.199910636010
cutaneous myiasis due to the tumbu fly during operation keeling.cutaneous myiasis is a temporary infestation of the skin with fly larvae (1). the following is a description of a case of cutaneous myiasis caused by the african tumbu fly (cordylobia anthropophaga). the clinical presentation and treatment of this infestation is discussed. a review of the tumbu fly's lifecycle with emphasis on the prevention of the disease in the operational environment is also described.200415149008
cordylobia anthropophaga (diptera: calliphoridae) outside africa: a case of furuncular myiasis in a child returning from travel to tropical countries accounts for an increasing incidence of imported diseases. an unusual case of furuncular myiasis due to cordylobia anthropophaga (blanchard) is reported in northern france in a 9-mo-old infant, after a 4-mo stay in congo. a review has been made of the major cases of imported furuncular myiasis due to cordylobia, as well as identification of second larval instars and management of the myiasis.200515799529
[cutaneous myiasis from cordylobia anthropophaga in a traveller returning from senegal: a case study].myiasis is the infestation of human or animal tissues by fly larvae. the disease is widespread especially in tropical countries. here we report a case of myiasis due to cordylobia anthropophaga that occurred in a traveller returning from senegal. this case has some peculiar characteristics, regarding the site of the lesion and the clinical presentation.200516220031
acute balanoposthitis caused by infestation with cordylobia anthropophaga. 199910228649
case of the month: cutaneous myiasis in a returning traveller from the algarve: first report of tumbu maggots, cordylobia anthropophaga, acquired in portugal.a 61 year old woman returning to the uk from the algarve and complaining of boil-like lesions was found to have cutaneous myiasis caused by tumbu maggots, cordylobia anthropophaga. this is apparently the first report of acquisition of this form of myiasis in portugal.200616498169
[myasis due to cordylobia anthrophaga (diptera: calliphoirdae): description of a clinical case and review of the literature].a case of myiasis due to cordylobia anthropophaga is reported. the patient, an italian man 44 years old, had come back from nigeria and ghana. he presented two nodular erythematous lesions of about 1 cm in diameter, on his back and right arm. from the lesions two third larval stage of c. anthropophaga were extracted. the authors report a short review about myiasis cases described in the scientific literature in italy.199810376289
cutaneous myiasis presenting as chronic furunculosis--case report.myiasis is the infection of tissue or organ of living humans or animals by the maggot or larval stages of flies. in africa, the most common fly responsible for cutaneous myiasis is the tumbu fly, cordylobia anthropophaga. we present two cases of cutaneous myiasis seen on the upper abdominal wall and anterior chest wall. both were initially diagnosed as furuncle (common boil), but from high index of suspicion of myiasis, followed by application of petroleum jelly and palm oil to occlude the spira ...200516483056
incidence of multiple myiases in breasts of rural women and oral infection in infants from the human warble fly larvae in the humid tropic-niger delta.twenty-eight rural women of the niger delta were infected with the human warble fly (tumbu fly) larva, cordylobia anthropophaga, and of the women examined, 22 (78.5%) were nursing-mothers. among the percentage of women with cutaneous myiasis, 20 had multiple myiases in their breasts. larvae were also extracted from the upper and lower lips of breast-fed infants. a positive correlation was drawn between the incidence of breast and oral myiases.200616961511
[furunculoid skin lesions after travel to the tropics].we present a case of cutaneous myiasis (tumbu fly; cordylobia anthropophaga) in a german traveller returning from africa. myiasis is caused by dipterous larvae invading human or animal tissues. the diagnosis is based on the travel history and specific features of the furunculoid skin lesions. larvae are extracted with forceps or are surgically removed.200717285307
sonographic detection of subcutaneous fly larvae in human myiasis.sonographers increasingly face imported diseases such as subcutaneous myiasis. in myiasis, some fly species such as the american dermatobia hominis and the african cordylobia anthropophaga use humans as intermediate hosts for the maturation of their larvae. high-resolution gray-scale and color doppler sonography enabled us to identify d hominis larvae in 2 travelers to central america by visualizing their typical shape, segmentations, and the continuous fluid transport inside the larval body cav ...200817685458
exotic myiasis caused by 19 larvae of cordylobia anthropophaga in namibia and identified using molecular methods in japan.a case of exotic myiasis caused by tumbu fly (cordylobia anthropophaga) parasitism acquired while travelling in the republic of namibia is reported. this is the fifth case reported in japan, and is very unusual in that the patient was infected with 19 larvae. this is also the first case diagnosed using molecular methods in japan. we cultured the extracted larvae in vitro and successfully obtained pupae.200818384823
cutaneous myiasis of cordylobia anthropophaga.we report on a case of glans penis cutaneous myiasis with cordylobia anthropophaga acquired from somalia. the mode of transmission and preventative measures are discussed.200818436285
[myiasis caused by cordylobia anthropophaga from south africa]. 200818478782
identification of subcutaneous myiasis using bedside emergency physician performed ultrasound.subcutaneous myiasis, a maggot infiltration of human tissue, is common in tropical countries. however, physicians in the united states may be unlikely to consider this etiology of dermatologic abnormalities even when a travel history suggests the diagnosis should be included in the differential.201118947960
a review of the off-label use of selamectin (stronghold/revolution) in dogs and cats.since its introduction approximately seven years ago, selamectin (stronghold/revolution, pfizer inc.) has been used off-label to treat a number of ecto- and endoparasite conditions in dogs and cats. it has been used as a successful prophylactic against dirofilaria repens and as a treatment for aelurostrongylus abstrusus in cats. it has also been used to treat notoedric mange, infestation with the nasal mite pneumonyssoides caninum, cheyletiella spp. and neotrombicula autumnalis infestations and ...200819032763
imported non-endemic, arthropod-borne and parasitic infectious diseases in austrian increasing number of imported non-endemic arthropod-borne diseases and other rare parasitic diseases in dogs in austria were the basics for this report. number and species of imported pathogens as well as the origin of the carrying dogs were of special interest.200819066775
'furuncular myiasis of the breast caused by the larvae of the tumbu fly (cordylobia anthropophaga)'.cutaneous myiasis of the breast due to infestation by the larva of cordylobia anthropophaga is rare. to the best of our knowledge, only one case has been reported in the english literature. this rarity calls for an awareness of its possibility as a cause of furuncular breast lesions, especially in areas where the c. anthropophaga (tumbu fly) is endemic or in patients returning from such areas. as it can be easily confused with other furuncular breast lesions (like tuberculosis, mycosis, actinomy ...200415113429
the dangers of an adventurous partner: cordylobia anthropophaga infestation in london.we describe a case of cutaneous myiasis caused by cordylobia anthropophaga acquired in the uk from contact with another person's clothes. we propose that this diagnosis should be considered in both returning travellers and also their household contacts.201019818464
cutaneous myiasis: a review of the common types of myiasis.myiasis is derived from the greek word, myia, meaning fly. the term was first introduced by hope in 1840 and refers to the infestation of live human and vertebrate animals with dipterous (two-winged) larvae (maggots) which, at least for a certain period, feed on the host's dead or living tissue, liquid body-substance, or ingested food. myiasis is the fourth most common travel-associated skin disease and cutaneous myiasis is the most frequently encountered clinical form. cutaneous myiasis can be ...201020883399
common diseases of pet animals in west africa.summary a brief review of the major disease of exotic pet animals in west africa is presented, based on experience, mainly in nigeria, with pet animals imported from europe. the conditions mentioned are: ticks and tickborne diseases, rabies, distemper, feline panleukopenia, trypanosomiasis, hookworm and tumbu-fly infections. the control measures before departure are emphasized.197922039775
molecular identification of cordylobia anthropophaga blanchard (diptera: calliphoridae) larvae collected from dogs (canis familiaris) in jos south, plateau state, nigeria.myiasis-causing larvae were extracted from dogs attending veterinary clinics in plateau state, nigeria and subjected to molecular analysis involving polymerase chain reaction amplification of the 28s rrna gene of blowflies, cloning and sequencing techniques. all larvae were confirmed as cordylobia anthropophaga blanchard (diptera: calliphoridae) after the initial morphological identification. this is the first molecular identification of any myiasis-causing fly species in nigeria and may serve a ...201223327303
cutaneous myiasis caused by hypoderma lineatum.cutaneous myiasis is a temporary parasitic infestation of the skin of domestic and wild animals and occasionally of humans by the larvae of flies. larvae of many flies from various geographic areas can cause myiasis: in central and south america, human cutaneous myiasis is mainly caused by the larvae of dermatobia hominis; in africa, by the larvae of cordylobia anthropophaga; in the northern hemisphere (north america, europe, africa and asia), by the larvae of hypoderma spp. a case of cutaneous ...200819083166
cutaneous myiasis caused by cordylobia anthropophaga.cutaneous myiasis is a temporary parasitic infestation of the skin of human and other vertebrates by fly larvae, primarily species of the flies dermatobia and cordylobia. in central and south america cutaneous myiasis is mainly caused by the larvae of dermatobia hominis; in africa it is mostly due to the larvae of cordylobia spp. we describe a case of cutaneous myiasis in a family who returned to slovenia from a three-week trip to ghana. the parasites, in tumor-like swellings about 1-2 cm in dia ...200616773485
furuncular myiasis of the face caused by larva of the tumbu fly (cordylobia anthropophaga). 200716858441
report of a case of cutaneous (furuncular) and gastrointestinal myiasis (dermatobia hominis) in a nigerian child.myiasis is a tropical disease due to tissue invasion b ythe larvae of certain flies, principally the tumbu fly (cordylobiaanthropophaga) and the human botfly (dermotobia hominis).these larvae may be contracted via the bite of mosquitoes like hypoderma bovis and chrysomya bezziana, and may present with local or systemic clinical effects.201323925989
parasitic fauna of domestic cavies in the western highlands of cameroon (central africa).domestic cavies (cavia porcellus) are increasingly reared in rural areas of cameroon for meat and income generation. unfortunately, health constraints due to various pathogens including parasites stand as one of the major obstacles to the development of cavy industry in the country. the main objective of this study was to investigate the species of gastrointestinal parasites in cavy husbandry in the western highlands of cameroon and to detect external parasites in those animals affected with der ...201526612729
a case of furuncular myiasis due to cordylobia anthropophaga in a korean traveler returning from uganda.a fly larva was recovered from a boil-like lesion on the left leg of a 33-year-old male on 21 november 2016. he has worked in an endemic area of myiasis, uganda, for 8 months and returned to korea on 11 november 2016. the larva was identified as cordylobia anthropophaga by morphological features, including the body shape, size, anterior end, posterior spiracles, and pattern of spines on the body. subsequent 28s rrna gene sequencing showed 99.9% similarity (916/917 bp) with the partial 28s rrna g ...201728719958
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