
fish tissue quality in the lower mississippi river and health risks from fish consumption.between 1990 and 1994, samples of three shellfish species (i.e. blue crab, callinectes sapidus;crayfish, procambarus acutis; and river shrimp, macrobrachium ohionii) and 16 fish species and were collected at six sites along the lower mississippi river by the louisiana department of environmental quality, office of water resources in coordination with the us environmental protection agency. the fish species included: bigmouth buffalo (ictiobus cyanellus); blue catfish (ictalurus furcatus); carp ( ...200312526903
the culture of diplostomum spathaceum metacercariae on the chick chorioallantois.metacercariae (2,828) obtained from the lens of naturally infected aplodinotus grunniens were transplanted onto chorioallantoic membranes (cam's) of 94 eggs (means 30/egg) 5 to 12 days old. membranes were examined 2 to 8 days later and 381 flukes were recovered. two hundred fifty-nine chorioallantoic-grown worms were transferred to 28 additional embryos 3 to 8 days after the initial inoculation. these eggs were examined 3 to 11 days later. fifty-three serially transferred worms were recovered af ...19863783350
population biology and behavior of larval eustrongylides tubifex (nematoda: dioctophymatida) in poikilothermous hosts.a total of 178 channel catfish (ictalurus punctatus), 162 freshwater drum (aplodinotus grunniens), 60 smallmouth bass (micropterus dolomieui) and 2,488 yellow perch (perca flavescens) were examined for larval eustrongylides tubifex (nitzsch 1819) jägerskiold 1909 during 1973 and 1974. older, large fish exhibited higher prevalence, larger mean numbers of larvae in infected fish, larger mean numbers of larvae in all fish examined, and wider range of intensity of infection. infections were most ext ...1978627946
defining fish community structure in lake winnipeg using stable isotopes (δ(13)c, δ(15)n, δ(34)s): implications for monitoring ecological responses and trophodynamics of mercury & other trace elements.the ecological integrity of freshwater lakes is influenced by atmospheric and riverine deposition of contaminants, shoreline development, eutrophication, and the introduction of non-native species. changes to the trophic structure of lake winnipeg, canada, and consequently, the concentrations of contaminants and trace elements measured in tissues of native fishes, are likely attributed to agricultural runoff from the 977,800 km(2) watershed and the arrival of non-native zooplankters and fishes. ...201425129159
handling and storage procedures have variable effects on fatty acid content in fishes with different lipid is commonly assumed that the most accurate data on fatty acid (fa) contents are obtained when samples are analyzed immediately after collection. for logistical reasons, however, this is not always feasible and samples are often kept on ice or frozen at various temperatures and for diverse time periods. we quantified temporal changes of selected fa (μg fame per mg tissue dry weight) from 6 fish species subjected to 2 handling and 3 storage methods and compared them to fa contents from muscle t ...201627479304
residues of organochlorine insecticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in fish from lakes saint clair and erie, canada--1968-76.eighteen species of fish from lake saint clair and 19 species from lake erie were analyzed for organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs) between 1968 and 1976. mean residues of sigma ddt peaked at 1.19 ppm in longnose gar (lepisosteus osseus) caught in lake saint clair in 1970-71, but had declined in all species by 1975-76. dieldrin levels in fish tissues increased over the same period. white bass (morone chrysops), caught in 1975 in lake erie, had the highest mean residue o ...2000101968
detection of vhsv ivb within the gonads of great lakes fish using in situ hybridization.viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (vhsv) genotype ivb was recently detected as the cause of numerous mortality events in great lakes fish. in situ hybridization was used to examine the gonads from 13 fish, including freshwater drum aplodinotus grunniens and muskellunge esox masquinongy that were infected naturally, as well as rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss and fathead minnows pimphales promelas, which were experimentally infected. although the ovaries and testes of fish infected by vhsv iv ...201121797039
the bacterial community associated with the leech myzobdella lugubris leidy 1851 (hirudinea: piscicolidae) from lake erie, michigan, usa.leeches are widespread in the great lakes basin, yet their potential to harbor disease-causing agents has not been investigated. the purpose of this study was to identify the bacterial community of the commonly occurring leech, myzobdella lugubris, within the lake erie watershed. leech samples were collected from the pectoral fins of channel catfish, ictalurus punctatus, and freshwater drum, aplodinotus grunniens, from lake erie in commercial trap nets and pooled into two samples based on host a ...201020597437
recent appearance and pathology of actinobdella pediculata (hirudinea) on freshwater drum, aplodinotus grunniens rafinesque, in hay bay, lake ontario. 200818261036
mortality event in freshwater drum aplodinotus grunniens from lake ontario, canada, associated with viral haemorrhagic septicemia virus, type iv.a mortality event primarily affecting freshwater drum aplodinotus grunniens was noted during april and may 2005 in the bay of quinte, lake ontario, canada. a conservative estimate of the number of dead drum was approximately 100 metric tonnes. large numbers of dead round goby neogobius melanostomus were also seen, as well as a few muskellunge esox masquinongy. in the drum, there was a consistent histological pattern of variably severe panvasculitis, a necrotising myocarditis, meningoencephalitis ...200717760383
variations in pcb concentrations between genders of six warmwater fish species in lake logan martin, alabama, usa.we collected and analyzed 955 individual fish (six species) for sexual differences in pcb bioaccumulations from a southeastern, usa reservoir. using 2-way ancovas, we found significant differences in fillet pcb concentrations between sexes for channel catfish (ictalurus punctatus), largemouth bass (micropterus salmoides) and spotted bass (micropterus punctulatus). striped bass (morone saxatilus), black crappie (pomoxis nigromaculatus) and freshwater drum (aplodinotus grunniens) did not display d ...200717490714
tissue alkaline phosphatase activity in selected freshwater teleosts.1. kinetic studies of tissue alkaline phosphatase activity were carried out on eight species of teleost fishes taken from the mississippi river. 2. liver alkaline phosphatase activity expressed in mumoles of p-nitrophenol released per minute per gram of protein were as follows: micropterus salmoides, 20.31; stizostedion vitreum, 19.22; pomoxis nigromaculatus, 18.76; lepisosteus platostomus, 16.26; esox lucius, 16.14; hiodon tergisus, 13.83; ictalurus punctatus, 10.87; aplodinotus grunniens, 7.94 ...1978318337
heterogeneity in levels of serum neutralizing antibodies against viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus genotype ivb among fish species in lake st. clair, michigan, usa.the presence of neutralizing antibodies against viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (vhsv-ivb) was investigated in sera of 13 fish species collected from lake st. clair, michigan, usa, a vhsv-endemic water body. we tested 297 sera collected may 2004-june of 2010, using a complement-dependent 50% plaque neutralization test (50% pnt). neutralizing antibodies were detected in 23% (67/297) of the samples. the highest overall antibody prevalence (85%, 34/40) and mean positive antibody titer (12,113 ± ...201222493115
temporal variation in viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus antibodies in freshwater drum (aplodinotus grunniens) indicates cyclic transmission in lake winnebago, wisconsin.viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (vhsv) is an emerging pathogen that causes mass mortality in multiple fish species. in 2007, the great lakes freshwater strain, type ivb, caused a large die-off of freshwater drum (aplodinotus grunniens) in lake winnebago, wisconsin, usa. to evaluate the persistence and transmission of vhsv, freshwater drum from lake winnebago were tested for antibodies to the virus using recently developed virus neutralization (vn) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent (elisa) assay ...201526135873
temporal trends of young-of-year fishes in lake erie and comparison of diel sampling periods.we explored temporal trends of young-of-year (yoy) fishes caught in bottom trawl hauls at an established offshore monitoring site in lake erie in fall during 1961-2001. sampling was conducted during morning, afternoon, and night in each year. catches per hour (cph) of alewife (alosa pseudoharengus) yoy were relatively low and exhibited no temporal trend. this result was consistent with the species' intolerance to lake erie's adverse winter water temperatures. gizzard shad (dorosoma cepedianum) y ...200716957842
a new species of crepidostomum (digenea: allocreadiidae) from hiodon tergisus in mississippi and molecular comparison with three congeners.a new species, crepidostomum affine n. sp., is described from hiodon tergisus in mississippi, and morphological data are provided for crepidostomum auritum from aplodinotus grunniens in mississippi and for crepidostomum illinoiense from hiodon alosoides in minnesota. the new species is most similar morphologically to c. illinoiense, but has a shorter intertesticular space, measuring 0-74 μm (mean = 19.3 ± 23.1 sd in 73 specimens) compared with 0-229 μm (mean = 57.3 ± 56.7 sd in 34 specimens), an ...201323915018
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