
diversity of dna beta, a satellite molecule associated with some monopartite begomoviruses.dna beta molecules are symptom-modulating, single-stranded dna satellites associated with monopartite begomoviruses (family geminiviridae). such molecules have thus far been shown to be associated with ageratum yellow vein virus from singapore and cotton leaf curl multan virus from pakistan. here, 26 additional dna beta molecules, associated with diverse plant species obtained from different geographical locations, were cloned and sequenced. these molecules were shown to be widespread in the old ...200312890625
cotton leaf curl disease is associated with multiple monopartite begomoviruses supported by single dna beta.for bipartite begomoviruses (family geminiviridae) trans-replication of the dna b component by the dna a-encoded replication-associated protein (rep) is achieved by virtue of a shared sequence, the "common region", which contains repeated motifs (iterons) which are sequence-specific rep binding sites and form part of the origin of replication. recently cotton leaf curl disease (clcud), a major constraint to cotton production on the indian subcontinent, has been shown to be caused by a monopartit ...200314551819
isolation and identification of a super strong plant promoter from cotton leaf curl multan virus.the activity of the c1 and the v1 gene promoter of cotton leaf curl multan virus (clcumv) was investigated in transgenic plants with the gus gene as a reporter gene. quantitative gus activity analysis of the transgenic plant leaves showed the average activity of the clcumv c1 gene promoter was 3- to 5-fold higher than that of the camv 35s promoter, with maximal expression being 10-fold higher. clcumv v1 gene promoter activity was only about 1/10th that of the camv 35s promoter in the absence of ...200314756302
replicative intermediates of tomato leaf curl virus and its satellite dnas.several plant geminiviruses have been shown recently to utilize both rolling-circle replication (rcr) and recombination-dependent replication (rdr) strategies. a highly specific binding of the viral replication-associated protein (rep) to its cognate dna is essential for initiation of viral dna replication and for the recognition of dna components of the bipartite geminiviruses of the begomovirus genus. we have extended the replication analysis to the monopartite australian tomato leaf curl viru ...200515629786
[molecular characterization of cotton leaf curl multan virus and its satellite dna that infects hibiscus rosa-sinensis].virus isolate g6 was obtained from hibiscus rosa-sinensis showing yellow and leaf curl symptoms in guangzhou, guangdong province. the complete nucleotide sequence of dna-a was determined to be 2 737 nucleotides encoding six potential orfs. comparison showed that g6 dna-a had more than 89% sequence identify with all isolates of cotton leaf curl multan virus (clcumv) and shared the highest sequence identify (96.1%) with clcumv isolate 62. g6 dna-a had 87.1%-89.8% sequence identity with those of cl ...200818320825
replication promiscuity of dna-beta satellites associated with monopartite begomoviruses; deletion mutagenesis of the ageratum yellow vein virus dna-beta satellite localizes sequences involved in replication.pseudorecombination studies in nicotiana benthamiana demonstrate that ageratum yellow vein virus (ayvv) and eupatorium yellow vein virus (epyvv) can functionally interact with dna-beta satellites associated with ayvv, epyvv, cotton leaf curl multan virus (clcumv) and honeysuckle yellow vein virus (hyvv). in contrast, clcumv shows some specificity in its ability to interact with distinct satellites and hyvv is able to interact only with its own satellite. using an n. benthamiana leaf disk assay, ...200819008407
identification of sequence elements regulating promoter activity and replication of a monopartite begomovirus-associated dna beta satellite.dna beta is a circular single-stranded satellite dna associated with certain monopartite begomoviruses (family geminiviridae) which causes economically important diseases such as cotton leaf curl disease. dna beta contains a single gene, betac1, which encodes a pathogenicity protein responsible for symptom production. transient expression studies in nicotiana tabacum using the beta-glucuronidase reporter gene driven by a betac1 promoter-deletion series of the dna beta associated with cotton leaf ...200919088296
interaction with a host ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme is required for the pathogenicity of a geminiviral dna beta satellite.dna beta is a single-stranded satellite dna which encodes a single gene, betac1. to better understand the role of betac1 in the pathogenicity of dna beta, a yeast two-hybrid screen of a tomato cdna library was carried out using betac1 from cotton leaf curl multan virus (clcumv) dna beta as the bait. a ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, designated slubc3, which functionally complemented a yeast mutant deficient in ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes was identified. the authenticity and specificity of the in ...200919445598
the hypersensitive response induced by the v2 protein of a monopartite begomovirus is countered by the c2 protein.a functional analysis of the v2 protein of two monopartite begomoviruses, papaya leaf curl virus (palcuv) and cotton leaf curl kokhran virus (clcukov), has been performed. expression of the v2 gene from a potato virus x (pvx) vector resulted in severe leaf curling followed by a hypersensitive response (hr) in nicotiana benthamiana and n. tabacum, demonstrating that the v2 protein is a pathogenicity determinant and a target of host defence responses. agroinfiltration of a pvx vector expressing th ...201020447273
selection of target sequences as well as sequence identity determine the outcome of rnai approach for resistance against cotton leaf curl geminivirus complex.cotton leaf curl disease is caused by a geminivirus complex that involves multiple distinct begomoviruses and a disease-specific dna satellite, cotton leaf curl multan betasatellite (clcumb), which is essential to induce disease symptoms. here we have investigated the use of rna interference (rnai) for obtaining resistance against one of the viruses, cotton leaf curl multan virus (clcumv), associated with the disease. three hairpin rnai constructs were produced containing either complementary-se ...201121410988
a common set of developmental mirnas are upregulated in nicotiana benthamiana by diverse begomoviruses.begomoviruses are single-stranded dna viruses that cause economically important diseases of many crops throughout the world and induce symptoms in plants, including enations, leaf curling and stunting, that resemble developmental abnormalities. micrornas (mirnas) are small endogenous rnas that are involved in a variety of activities, including plant development, signal transduction and protein degradation, as well as response to environmental stress, and pathogen invasion.201121447165
suppressors of rna silencing encoded by the components of the cotton leaf curl begomovirus-betasatellite complex.begomoviruses (family geminiviridae) are single-stranded dna viruses transmitted by the whitefly bemisia tabaci. many economically important diseases in crops are caused by begomoviruses, particularly in tropical and subtropical environments. these include the betasatellite-associated begomoviruses causing cotton leaf curl disease (clcud) that causes significant losses to a mainstay of the economy of pakistan, cotton. rna interference (rnai) or gene silencing is a natural defense response of pla ...201121751853
reactions of nicotiana species to inoculation with monopartite and bipartite begomoviruses.some nicotiana species are widely used as experimental hosts for plant viruses. nicotiana species differ in ploidy levels, chromosome numbers and have diverse geographical origins. thus, these species are useful model systems to investigate virus-host interactions, co-evolution of pathogens and hosts and the effects of ploidy level on virus resistance/susceptibility.201122011413
virus-induced gene silencing using a modified betasatellite: a potential candidate for functional genomics of crops.betasatellites are geminivirus-associated single-stranded dna molecules that play an important role in symptom modulation. a vigs vector was developed by modifying cotton leaf curl multan betasatellite (clcumb). clcumb dna was modified by replacing the βc1 gene with a multiple cloning site. the silencing ability of the modified clcumb was investigated by cloning a fragment of a host gene (su) or a reporter transgene (uida) into the modified clcumb and co-agroinoculation with cotton leaf curl mul ...201424610555
cotton leaf curl multan betasatellite dna as a tool to deliver and express the human b-cell lymphoma 2 (bcl-2) gene in plants.the betasatellite dna associated with cotton leaf curl multan virus (clcumb) contains a single complementary-sense orf, βc1, which is a pathogenicity determinant. clcumb was able to replicate in plants in the presence of diverse helper geminiviruses, including tomato leaf curl virus-australia (tlcv-au), iranian isolate of tomato yellow leaf curl virus (tylcv-[ab]), and beet curly top virus (bctv-svr), and can be used as a plant gene delivery vector. to test the hypothesis that clcumb has the pot ...201627041273
multiple begomoviruses found associated with cotton leaf curl disease in pakistan in early 1990 are back in cultivated cotton.the first epidemic of cotton leaf curl disease (clcud) in early 1990's in the indian subcontinent was associated with several distinct begomoviruses along with a disease-specific betasatellite. resistant cotton varieties were introduced in late 1990's but soon resistance was broken and was associated with a single recombinant begomovirus named burewala strain of cotton leaf curl kokhran virus that lacks a full complement of a gene encoding a transcription activator protein (trap). in order to un ...201728386113
diversity, mutation and recombination analysis of cotton leaf curl geminiviruses.the spread of cotton leaf curl disease in china, india and pakistan is a recent phenomenon. analysis of available sequence data determined that there is a substantial diversity of cotton-infecting geminiviruses in pakistan. phylogenetic analyses indicated that recombination between two major groups of viruses, cotton leaf curl multan virus (clcumuv) and cotton leaf curl kokhran virus (clcukov), led to the emergence of several new viruses. recombination detection programs and phylogenetic analyse ...201626963635
cotton leaf curl burewala virus with intact or mutant transcriptional activator proteins: complexity of cotton leaf curl disease.cotton leaf curl disease (clcud) is a serious disease of cotton on the indian subcontinent. in the present study, three cotton leaf curl viruses, cotton leaf curl burewala virus (clcubuv), cotton leaf curl kokhran virus (clcukov) and cotton leaf curl multan virus (clcumv), and their associated satellites, cotton leaf curl multan betasatellite (clcumb) and cotton leaf curl multan alphasatellite (clcuma), were detected. clcubuv with either intact (clcubuv-1) or mutant (clcubuv-2) transcriptional a ...201525772572
autophagy functions as an antiviral mechanism against geminiviruses in plants.autophagy is an evolutionarily conserved process that recycles damaged or unwanted cellular components, and has been linked to plant immunity. however, how autophagy contributes to plant immunity is unknown. here we reported that the plant autophagic machinery targets the virulence factor βc1 of cotton leaf curl multan virus (clcumuv) for degradation through its interaction with the key autophagy protein atg8. a v32a mutation in βc1 abolished its interaction with nbatg8f, and virus carrying βc1( ...201728244873
cotton leaf curl multan virus-derived viral small rnas can target cotton genes to promote viral infection.rna silencing is a conserved mechanism in plants that targets viruses. viral small rnas (vsirnas) can be generated from viral double-stranded rna replicative intermediates within the infected host, or from host rna-dependent rna polymerases activity on viral templates. the abundance and profile of vsirnas in viral infections have been reported previously. however, the involvement of vsirnas during infection of the geminiviridae family member cotton leaf curl virus (clcud), which causes significa ...201627540385
clcumub βc1 subverts ubiquitination by interacting with nbskp1s to enhance geminivirus infection in nicotiana benthamiana.viruses interfere with and usurp host machinery and circumvent defense responses to create a suitable cellular environment for successful infection. this is usually achieved through interactions between viral proteins and host factors. geminiviruses are a group of plant-infecting dna viruses, of which some contain a betasatellite, known as dnaβ. here, we report that cotton leaf curl multan virus (clcumuv) uses its sole satellite-encoded protein βc1 to regulate the plant ubiquitination pathway fo ...201627315204
high genetic homogeneity points to a single introduction event responsible for invasion of cotton leaf curl multan virus and its associated betasatellite into china.cotton leaf curl multan virus (clcumuv) is a whitefly transmitted geminivirus (wtg) endemic to the india subcontinent and is notorious as a causal agent of cotton leaf curl disease (clcud), a major constraint to cotton production in south asia. we found clcumuv infecting hibiscus rosa-sinensis in guangzhou, china in 2006. the spread and evolution of the invading clcumuv were monitored in the following nine years.201526445958
[novel dna-beta associated molecules produced by sequence recombination and deletion of cotton leaf curl multan virus complex].cotton leaf curl disease (clcud) is a major constraint to cotton production, causing great economic losses in pakistan and india. in china, clcud has been discovered in the field of nanning, guangxi. to better understand this disease, we sequenced the virus-associated small dna molecules.201223115967
silencing suppressor activity of a begomovirus dna β encoded protein and its effect on heterologous helper virus replication.dna β satellites are circular single-stranded molecules associated with some monopartite begomoviruses in the family geminiviridae. they co-infect with their helper viruses to induce severe disease in economically important crops. the βc1 protein encoded by dna β is a pathogenicity determinant and has been reported to suppress post-transcriptional gene silencing (ptgs). the βc1 proteins from various dna β molecules show low levels of amino acid sequence conservation. we show here that the βc1 fr ...201222504338
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