
[heterologous antigen in the immunological diagnosis of wucheriasis: setaria equina extract used in the immunoenzyme reaction - elisa]. 19826764517
[observations of setaria equina (nematoda: setariidae) with the optical microscope and scanning electron microscope].adults of s. equina (spirurida, setariidae), 1 male and 2 females, collected from vaginal sac of stallion, were studied by soanning electron microscopy (sem). the amphids, cephalic and cervical papillae, peribuccal ring, fine transverse bands and bosses of the cuticle, as well as caudal papillae were visualized clearly at this examination. the results of the present survey contribute towards the identification of s. equina, improve the definition of the characters which are demonstrated by commo ...19969333751
phylogenetic study of setaria cervi based on mitochondrial cox1 gene sequences.the objective of the present study was to examine the phylogenetic position of setaria cervi based on sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) gene. a fragment of the cox1 gene from two morphologically identified s. cervi collected from red deer (cervus elaphus) from italy were amplified, sequenced, and compared with corresponding sequences of other filarioid nematode species. phylogenetic studies using bayesian analysis revealed s. cervi as monophyletic with other setari ...201121695569
natural incidence of setaria equina (nematoda: filarioidea) from aedes canadensis (diptera: culicidae) in north america. 19846492088
[parasitic helminths of the cecum and colon of equidae in italy].intestinal helminths from coecum and colon were studied in 93 equidae including 40 horses, 36 donkeys and 17 mules. a total of 38 species, 36 nematodes and 2 cestodes, were identified as follows: 1) triodontophorus serratus, 2) triodontophorus brevicauda, 3) strongylus equinus, 4) strongylus edentatus, 5) strongylus vulgaris, 6) cyathostomum tetracanthum, 7) cyathostomum coronatum, 8) cyathostomum labiatum, 9) cyathostomum labratum, 10) cyathostomum alveatum, 11) cyathostomum pateratum, 12) cyat ...19921339978
immunomodulatory effect of diethylcarbamazine citrate plus filarial excretory-secretory product on rat hepatocarcinogenesis.diethylcarbamazine citrate (dec) had a significance in anti-filarial chemotherapy, while excretory-secretory product (es) is released from adult filarial females. the target of the current study was to examine the immunomodulatory effect of dec, setaria equina es or a combination of them on rat hepatocellular carcinoma (hcc) induced by diethylnitrosamine (den). in vitro effect of combined dec and es or es alone on lipopolysaccharide (lps)-stimulated rat peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmcs) ...201525499729
detection for cross-reactive proteins in filarial worm setaria equina, mcf-7 human breast cancer, and huh-7 hepatoma cells.this study aimed to detect the cross-reactive proteins in filarial parasite adult worm setaria equina and two different tumor cell lines (mcf-7 human breast cancer and huh-7 hepatoma cells). this was performed using rabbit anti-s. equina extract (seqe) or dec (diethylcarbamazine citrate) polyclonal igg antibodies by indirect elisa and western blotting. the results indicated cross-reactive bands at 70 and 75 kda in all extracts by anti-dec and seqe antibodies, respectively. in addition, the expre ...201627093573
subconjunctival setariasis due to setaria equina infection; a case report and a literature review.a rare case of human subconjunctival setariasis due to setaria equina infection is reported herein. a 15-years old girl was referred with a 24h history of edema and redness in her left eye. on slit lamp examination, a thread-like cylindrical worm was moving in the subconjunctival area. the worm was extracted, stained and measured 110mm in length 510μm in width. the isolated worm was identified as adult female s. equina based on morphometric criteria. identification of the species of the worm was ...201727794504
prevalence and pathogenesis of some filarial nematodes infecting donkeys in egypt.the primary objective of the present study is to determine the commonness of filarial parasites in donkeys in egypt, identification of the filarial species tainting them and the delivered pathogenic impact connected with the infestation.201627651679
Cross-reaction of antigen preparations from adult and larval stages of the parasite Setaria equina with sera from infected humans with Wuchereria bancrofti.Crude antigenic preparations from Setaria equina were used in ELISA and Western blotting to examine cross-reaction with human sera from areas endemic for bancroftian filariasis. Sera from normal subjects from non-endemic areas were included as negative controls. Cross-reaction was found between S. equina antigens and antibodies in the sera of Wuchereria bancrofti-infected patients, with the highest levels observed between sera of chronic infected patients and Setaria spp. crude female worm surfa ...201121977571
[the case of the nematode setaria equina found in the vaginal sac of the stallion's scrotum].the nematode setaria equina usually reside in body cavities and do not cause clinical symptoms. from time to time, however, these parasites can be located in the scrotum and spermatic cord inflicting pain and edema in these body parts. the aim of the study was to describe the case of the nematode setaria equina found in the vaginal sac of the stallion's scrotum. during the study, thorough examination of 50 isolated testicles of 25 stallions was conducted. the horses were obtained post-slaughter ...201021452525
setaria equina: in vivo effect of diethylcarbamazine citrate on microfilariae in albino rats.although diethylcarbamazine citrate (dec) is successful drug in eliminating human filariasis, yet, its mode of action is still debatable. herein, the effect of dec to treat albino rats infected with the animal filarial parasite setaria equina was tested. microfilarial (mf) counts and sections from liver, lung, kidney as well as spleen were investigated at different time points after treatment by light microscopy. after 45 and 300min of treatment, a significant decrease in blood mf was observed a ...201020599991
gastrointestinal parasites of working donkeys of ethiopia.the general prevalence and population composition of gastrointestinal and pulmonary helminths of working donkeys were studied. for the purpose 2935 working donkeys were coprologically examined for nematode and cestode, and 215 donkeys for trematode infections. seven donkeys that died due to various health problems or were euthanased on a welfare ground were necropsied and the parasites were recovered and identified to the species level. the study was conducted during the periods 1996-1999.coprol ...201019548106
incidental isolation of setaria equina microfilariae in preparations of equine peripheral blood mononuclear the course of a vaccine experiment on horses, microfilariae were observed in cultures of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmcs) isolated from eleven of fifteen study horses. the microfilariae were clearly viable as evidenced by their vigorous movements in the cultures, thus indicating that they had survived the ficoll gradient purification and the cryopreservation method used for retaining the pbmcs. the microfilariae were identified as setaria equina, which is a vector-borne filarial nem ...200919203836
ocular infection of donkeys (equus asinus) with setaria donkeys raised in different locations in egypt were found to have a unilateral eye showing motile white worms in the aqueous humor. the parasites were surgically removed from the anterior chamber of the eye in five out of the seven donkeys, and were cleared, mounted and identified as setaria equina based on light microscopic features. the ocular infection with s. equina reported herein may be the first reported aberrant cases in the egyptian animals.200919015947
prevalence of setaria equina microfilaraemia in horses in hungary.peripheral blood samples were collected randomly from 195 horses in various parts of hungary, and the presence of microfilariae was evaluated by the knott technique. on the basis of morphological identification 18 of the horses (9.2 per cent) were infected with setaria equina, and the infection was confirmed in 10 animals by pcr and sequencing. the level of microfilaraemia was between 1 and 1138 larvae in 2 ml of blood. there was no correlation between the time of sampling or the sex of the anim ...200718083980
setaria equina infection of turkish equines: estimates of prevalence based on necropsy and the detection of microfilaraemia.necropsies on 43 horses, 35 donkeys and two mules slaughtered in ankara, turkey, revealed that 12 (15%) of the equines harboured adult setaria equina. when blood samples were checked for microfilariae, using knott's method and a combination of membrane filtration followed by histochemical staining for acid phosphatase (ap), only three (4%) of the animals were found to be microfilaraemic. when stained for ap, the s. equina microfilariae exhibited diffuse red staining over the entire body, includi ...200312831525
evidence against wolbachia symbiosis in loa loa.background: the majority of filarial nematode species are host to wolbachia bacterial endosymbionts, although a few including acanthocheilonema viteae, onchocerca flexuosa and setaria equina have been shown to be free of infection. comparisons of species with and without symbionts can provide important information on the role of wolbachia symbiosis in the biology of the nematode hosts and the contribution of the bacteria to the development of disease. previous studies by electron microscopy and ...200312816546
the filarial endosymbiont wolbachia sp. is absent from setaria equina.wolbachia sp. was first reported in filarial nematodes over 25 yr ago. today, much research is focused on the role of these bacteria in filarial worm biology. the filarial symbionts are closely related to arthropod symbionts, which are known to modify host reproduction and biology through various mechanisms. similarly, it has been suggested that wolbachia sp. is essential for long-term survival and reproduction of filariae. we report that wolbachia sp. 16s rdna was not found in the equine filari ...200212537121
setaria equina in the uk. 200111688756
efficacy of the avermectins against filarial parasites: a short review.the avermectins are macrocyclic lactones produced by streptomyces avermitilis. one of them has been chemically modified and given the non-proprietary name ivermectin. the compounds have shown efficacy against various stages of filarial parasites. with respect to pre-adult stages in the mammalian host, activity has been observed against dirofilaria immitis in ferrets and dogs, and dipetalonema viteae and litomosoides carinii in jirds (meriones); but activity has not been observed against the deve ...19827051527
efficacy of ivermectin (22,23-dihydroavermectin b1) against adult setaria equina and microfilariae of onchocerca cervicalis in ponies. 19806894003
what is your diagnosis? cbc and blood film from an italian thoroughbred gelding. microfilaremia. 201425168710
[to the interpretation of the development cycle of setaria equina abild., 1789--a horse parasite]. 19665995920
prevalence of setaria equina (nematode: onchocercidae) in southeastern louisiana horses. 19854032153
[finding setaria equina in horses].for the first time findings of setaria equina (abildgaard, 1789) in horses are reported from the german democratic republic. the nematodes, located in the peritoneum, were discovered in the course of autopsy. based on a thorough analysis of the international literature, the paper discusses geographical distribution, morphology, cycle and diagnosis of this nematode as well as clinical symptoms mainly caused by the stages of the larvae.19892782665
effect of diethylcarbamazine citrate and setaria equina excretory-secretory material on rat hepatocellular carcinoma.diethylcarbamazine citrate (dec) has been known for its efficacy to eradicate bancroftian filariasis in egypt and other countries in the world. one of the known effects was to decrease the level of circulating filarial antigen in the patient's serum. the target of this study was to examine the effect of dec, excretory-secretory (es) material from the filarial parasite setaria equina or a combination of both on the status of oxidative stress and pathogenesis of rat hepatocellular carcinoma (hcc) ...201424879096
critical tests with oxibendazole against gastrointestinal parasites of ponies.twenty ponies were allotted to 4 groups of 5 ponies each, and oxibendazole was orally administered at dose levels of 5, 10, 15, and 20 mg/kg. in the 3 groups of ponies given the largest doses, efficacy against 3 species of strongylus was between 92 and 100% and that against small strongylids of the genera cyathostomum, cylicocyclus, cylicodontophorus, and cylicostephanus was more than 99%. all adults and 95 to 100% of larvae of the pinworm oxyuris equi were removed. in the group of ponies given ...19761267243
oxibendazole: critical anthelmintic trials in equids.the efficacy of oxibendazole against gastrointestinal parasites of horses was evaluated by the critical test method. naturally infected ponies of various ages were given single oral doses of 5, 10, or 15 mg-kg of bodyweight. the drug was highly effective against adult large strongylids (strongylus vulgaris, s edentatus, s equins), adult small strongylids (especially species of the genera cylicostephanus, cylicocyclus, cyaathostomum, and triodontophorus), and adult and larval stages of the large ...19751216434
[on setaria spp; (nematoda, , filarioidea, setariidae) from the peritoneal cavity of equine spp.: two new sub-species, setaria equina theilerae from wild zebra of africa, and setaria equina dafaallai from horse and donkey of southern sahara area (author's transl)].1) setaria equina (abildgaard, 1789) is from the horse and donkey of eurasia (and of america and the coastal stripe of north africa). 2) setaria equina theilerae n.sub.sp. is from the zebra of africa. 3) setaria equina defaallai n.sub. sp. is from the horse and the donkey of southern sahara area of the ethiopean region of africa, from the nile valley till to the western coast. 4) crossing between s. equina and s. e. theilerae may be possible, as their host spp. does with the resultant bastard of ...19761020892
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