
[sarcolemmic membrane of various species: data on its enzymatic characterization and chemical composition].a sarcolemmal enriched fraction, f1, was obtained from the skeletal muscle of rabbit (oryctolagus cuniculus l.), hamster (mesocricetus auratus wateth.), chicken (gallus gallus l.), frog (rana ridibunda seoane), young carp (carassius carassius l.) and the marine crab (carcinus maenas l.). in this fraction, 5'-nucleotidase and na+ + k+-atpase (as membrane markers) showed higher specific activities than in the three other fractions separated after centrifugation in a discontinuous sucrose gradient; ...19827146587
retinal ganglion cells in the crucian carp (carassius carassius). ii. overlap, shape and tangential orientation of dendritic trees.ganglion cells were studied in methylene blue stained flat-mounted retinas. three categories of cells are described: small (s) and large (l) ganglion cells in the main ganglion cell layer, and large ganglion cells (ld) with somata more or less displaced into the inner plexiform layer. these ld cells have two to four very thick primary dendrites and are identifiable as ganglion cells by their axons. an analysis of published data reveals that the large ganglion cells of the crucian carp (type l an ...1978346618
[the wormicidal substances of fresh water fishes on clonorchis sinensis: iii. seasonal variation on the wormicidal substances of mucous substances of carassius carassius]the epidermal mucous substances of c. carassius which were extracted by ether were separated into various spots on the silica gel thin layer chromatography and separated into various fractions in the silica gel column chromatography, using petroleum ether (30 %) and chloroform(70 %) as a solvent. the wormicidal effects of the spots and the fractions on the cercaria, the liberating metacercaria and the adult of c. sinensis, were observed by month giving attention to ambient water temperature. 1. ...198012902728
[survey on encysted cercariae of trematodes from fresh-water fishes in mangyeong riverside area]in order to clarify infestation pattern for the encysted larvae of digenetic trematodes from fresh-water fishes, this survey was carried out from march to september, 1983. a total of 380 fishes of 32 species were collected with netting at the three reaches, upper, middle and lower in mangyeong riverside area. after the fishes were dissected into small scraps, they were pressed under cover glass and examined for the presence of those of digenetic trematodes with a microscope. the results obtained ...198312902648
[survey on encysted cercaria of trematodes from fresh-water fishes in tongjin riverside areas in korea]in an attempt to clarify the epidemiological feature of distomiasis in tongjin riverside area, the prevalence of distomiasis in the residents and infection rates of the metacercariae in fresh-water fishes were investigated at the upper, middle and lower reaches of the river from january to april 1984. the results obtained were summarized as follows: out of a total of 931 fresh-water fishes which composed of 33 different species, 611 fishes (65.6 %) of 31 species were found positive with digeneti ...198412891012
[two cases of natural human infection by echinostoma hortense and its second intermediate host in wonju area]two cases of human echinostoma hortense infection and their probable infection source were identified by praziqantel (distocide) treatment of the patients and by examining two kinds of fresh water fish which were eaten raw by them. the result of the research can be summarized as follows: the patients, each aged 31 and 30, were residing in the same house in wonju city, kangwon province. the first case was hospitalized due to epidemic hemorrhagic fever (e.h. fever) and the second case was healthy ...198512888684
group ii metabotropic glutamate receptors regulate the vulnerability to hypoxic brain damage.we examined the expression of metabotropic glutamate (mglu) receptors in species of fish that differ for their vulnerability to anoxic brain damage. although expression of mglu1a and mglu5 receptors was similar in the brain of all species examined, expression of mglu2/3 receptors was substantially higher in the brain of anoxia-tolerant species (i.e., the carp carassius carassius and the goldfish carassius auratus) than in the brain of species that are highly vulnerable to anoxic damage, such as ...200312853420
occurrence of monogenea in italian freshwater fish (po river basin).sixteen monogenean species were found on the skin and gills of 10 different fish species collected from north italian water bodies. cleidodiscus pricei from ictalurus melas; dactylogyrus alatus from alburnus alburnus; d. anchoratus, d. formosus and d. vastator from carassius carassius; d. difformis from scardinius erythrophthalmus; d. rutili from rutilus aula; d. tincae and gyrodactylus gasterostei from tinca tinca; d. ergensi from leuciscus cephalus and telestes muticellus; d. vistulae and para ...200212701382
the induction of an atp-sensitive k(+) current in cardiac myocytes of air- and water-breathing vertebrates.opening of atp-sensitive potassium channels (k(atp)) is an effective cardioprotective mechanism in mammals. the amplitude of the atp-sensitive k(+) current (i(k,atp)) and the opening sensitivity of k(atp) channels are, however, poorly known in ectotherms. as o(2)-sensing mechanisms and reactions to o(2) deficiency differ in aquatic and terrestrial animals, we hypothesised that the response of k(atp) channels to metabolic inhibition would be different between air- and water-breathers. we therefor ...200212355176
lead and copper levels in muscle meat of crucian carp (carassius carassius, l. 1758) from yarseli dam lake, turkey. 200415058665
is aeromonas hydrophila the dominant motile aeromonas species that causes disease outbreaks in aquaculture production in the zhejiang province of china?the significance of aeromonas hydrophila in association with disease outbreaks in aquaculture production in the zhejiang province of china was investigated. bacteriological examination of moribund fish and crabs resulted in 95 bacterial isolates: 88 bacterial isolates from fish and 7 isolates from crabs. pcr and traditional biochemical methods were used for identification of a. hydrophila. out of 69 motile aeromonads, 35 isolates were identified as a. hydrophila by biochemical tests. however, 6 ...200111592699
effects of thermal acclimation on the relaxation system of crucian carp white myotomal muscle.many cyprinid fish are able to compensate for a decrease in ambient temperature by process of physiological adaptation in the function of muscles. in the winter habitat of crucian carp (carassius carassius l.), low temperature is associated with simultaneous oxygen shortage. because of the oxygen deprivation, there is probably little space for compensatory adaptation because positive thermal compensation would increase energy demand and accelerate depletion of glycogen reserves. thus, we assumed ...199910404115
identification and estimation of microcystins in freshwater mussels.accumulation of microcystins mainly produced by cyanobacteria microcystis was investigated for freshwater mussels and fishes collected from a lake where heavy blooms of microcystis occurred every year. the identification of microcystins was performed by hplc equipped with a frit fab mass spectrometer. microcystins lr and rr were identified in the mussels unio douglasiae and anadonta woodiana, whereas no microcystin was identified by the present method in fishes, such as cyprinus carpio, carassiu ...19979086457
alternation of actinosporean and myxosporean phases in the life cycle of zschokkella nova (myxozoa).experimental evidence has been gathered to show that the life cycle of the myxozoan gallbladder parasite zschokkella nova klokacewa, 1914, which infects the fish carassius carassius, has a complex life cycle with alternation of two hosts (fish and oligochaeta) and two developmental phases (myxosporean and actinosporean). the gut epithelium of the oligochaete, tubifex tubifex, exposed experimentally to z. nova, obtained from c. carassius, became infected with organisms resembling actinosporea. th ...19958520578
an epidemiological study of metagonimiasis along the upper reaches of the namhan epidemiological study of metagonimus infection was undertaken along the upper reaches of the namhan river, with special consideration on the species (type) of the worms collected from humans. eggs of metagonimus spp. were detected from 15 (9.7%) of 154 people examined in umsong-gun, and from each infected person (5 cases) 6,015-24,060 worms (mean 13,233) were recovered after treatment with praziquantel (10 mg/kg). eggs were also detected from 37 (48.1%) of 77 people in yongwol-gun, from whom ...19938343462
the distribution and host range of species of the blood fluke sanguinicola in british freshwater fish.the distribution of host range of sanguinicola armata, s. inermis and s. volgensis in british freshwater fish are described. s. inermis has been recorded in carp cyprinus carpio, crucian carp carassius carassius and tench tinca tinca in southern, central and eastern england and in koi carp imported from japan. s. armata has been detected in pike esox lucius and tench and s. volgensis has been found in chub leuciscus cephalus, dace leuciscus leuciscus, perch perca fluviatilis, roach rutilus rutil ...19947706678
clonorchis sinensis: life cycle, intermediate hosts, transmission to man and geographical distribution in korea.the snail host of clonorchis sinensis in korea is referred to as parafossarulus manchouricus, but it has been recorded also as bulimus striatulus japonicus in literature published up to late 1950. the specific name of the snail was corrected such that bulimus striatulus of china, japan, and korea should be incorporated in the species of p. manchouricus. in general, the snail exists in limited areas of the rivers han, kum, mankyung, naktong, and yeongsan, and the infestation of the snail with the ...19846391501
[influence of environmental factors on the infection rates of fishes and shellfishes by trematodes of the opisthorchidae family in the krotovaya lyaga lake].the relationship of the annual trends in the infection of crucians (carassius carassius) (l.) with opisthorchis felineus metacercariae, in that of verkhovkas (leucasplius delineatus) (hackel), and in that of lake minnows (phoxinus percnurus) (l.) with o. felineus and metorchis billis to the environmental factors under natural fluctuations of the level of water and under the man-made effects on the water regime of the reservoir was studied. when the level of water naturally changes, the infection ...200616562750
a comparative study of aldehyde dehydrogenase and alcohol dehydrogenase activities in crucian carp and three other vertebrates: apparent adaptations to ethanol the final step of the pathway producing ethanol in anoxic crucian carp (carassius carassius l.), acetaldehyde is reduced to ethanol by alcohol dehydrogenase. the presence of aldehyde dehydrogenase in the tissues responsible for ethanol production could cause an undesired oxidation of acetaldehyde to acetate coupled with a reduction of nad+ to nadh. moreover, acetaldehyde could competitively inhibit the oxidation of reactive biogenic aldehydes. in the present study, the distribution of aldehyd ...19883220990
[ultrastructure of the renal corpuscle of fresh water fishes].by means of light (semithin slices) and electron microscopes structural organization of the corpuscle and glomerulus of the capsule has been studied in freshwater fishes--carp (cyprinus carpio) and crucian carp (carassius carassius). the diameter of their glomeruli are in the carp from 80.8 +/- 1.4 mcm up to 59.8 +/- 2.4 mcm and in the crucian carp--from 86.4 +/- 1.8 mcm up to 69.25 +/- 0.2 mcm. between these dimensions there are significant differences. components of the external wall of the ca ...19902268195
[an investigation of parasites of goldfish (carassius carassius l., 1758) in kovada lake.]the aim of this study, carried out from 25.03.2003-17.02.2004, was to determine the ectoparasites and endoparasites of goldfish (carassius carassius l., 1758) inhabiting kovada lake. a total of 102 specimens were caught monthly and investigated parasitologically. as a result of the investigation, the ectoparasites, dactylogyrus anchoratus, dactylogyrus minutus, argulus foliceaus and trachellobdella torquata, and the endoparasite contracaecum sp. were found in the goldfish. among these, dactylogy ...200517160823
[polymorphism of the median crochets of dactylogyrus vastator nyb., 1924 (monogenoidea) from the crucian carp, carassius carassius l].there are some variations in the dimensions of anchors depending on the age of the host, localisation and number of parasites. to differentiate such close morphological species as d. vastator and d. crassus it has been suggested to take into account, in addition to taxonomic features, the correlation between the anchor ventroapical length and the bend.1976958727
[the wormicidal substances of fresh water fishes on clonorchis sinensis: i preliminary research on the wormicidal substance from mucous substance of carassius carassius]the present work was to observe the wormicidal effects of the external mucous substance of carassius carassius and pseudorasbora parva on cercaria, metacercaria (liberating) and adult of clonorchis sinensis. the mucous substance which was extracted by ether was separated into various spots on the silica gel thin layer chromatography and separated into various fractions in the silica gel column chromatography, using petroleum ether(30%) and chloroform(70%) as solvent. 1. r(f) 0.952 value of the s ...197912902752
[the effects of parasites on the growth of the crucian carp (carassius carassius l., 1758) inhabiting the kovada lake].the aim of this study carried out between march 2003-february 2004 was to determine the effects of parasites on the growth of the crucian carp (carassius carassius l., 1758) inhabiting the kovada lake. a total of 102 specimens were caught monthly and investigated parasitologically. the age distribution of these fish were found to be between 3-7 years and 54 (52.9%) were infected by the various parasites. investigations of fish that were caught during the same month of the same sex and of the sam ...200717594663
[the wormicidal substance of fresh water fishes on clonorchis sinensis: iv. preliminary research on the wormicidal substance from mucus of cyprinus carpio nudus]as a series of studies on the suitability as a second intermediate host of clonorchis sinensis, the wormicidal effects of mucus from epidermis of cyprinus carpio nudus were observed. the results obtained were summarized as follows: on the silica gel thin layer chromatography with the greenish yellow supernatant in acetone:benzene/10 : 90 as carrier, seven spots were observed in iodine chamber. the spot of rf. 0.225 value among them disclosed the strongest wormicidal effect on the cercaria, the e ...198312902665
determination of some heavy metal levels and oxidative status in carassius carassius l., 1758 from eber this study, the levels of some heavy metals (al, cd, co, cr, cu, fe, li, mn, ni, pb and zn) in muscle, gill, and liver of carassius carassius and in the water samples from eber lake (afyonkarahisar, turkey) have been investigated. additionally, one of the lipid peroxidation markers, malondialdehide (mda) and glutathion (gsh) levels were investigated. all the metal analysis was performed by using icp-aes. according to results obtained, it was observed that heavy metals were accummulated in liv ...200818074234
[infestation of larval trematodes from fresh-water fish and brackish-water fish in river taechong, kyungpook province, korea]a study of infestation patterns for larval trematodes from fresh-water fish and brackish-water fish was carried out during the period from june to october in 1982. they were collected by netting, fishing with rod and line, and using the bait of crushed oil cake in a transparent plastic bowls at the three localities, daebon-dong, kugil-dong, and hoam-dong in the river taechong, kyungpook province, korea. five species of fresh-water fish, the crussian carp, carassius carassius linnaeus, the bullhe ...198312902663
the comparison of heavy metal accumulation ratios of some fish species in enne dame lake (kütahya/turkey).the metal accumulation levels for muscle, skin, gill, liver and intestine tissues of some cyprinidae species (carassius carassius, condrostoma nasus, leuciscus cephalus and alburnus alburnus) in enne dame lake (kütahya/turkey), which is mostly fed by hot spring waters, were investigated. analyses were performed for copper (cu), zinc (zn), manganese (mn), iron (fe), cobalt (co), magnesium (mg), nickel (ni), chrome (cr) and boron (b) using inductively coupled plasma-optic emission spectroscopy (ic ...200918843546
[experimental studies on the second intermediate hosts of clonorchis sinensis: iii. observations on the relationship between clavate cells of epidermis and infectivity of metacercariae of clonorchis sinensis in fresh-water fish]in order to know relationship between the clavate cells of epidermis and infectivity of metacercariae of c. sinensis. histological investigation of epidermis was carried out on the 26 species of fresh-water fish collected from the main rivers in korea. results were summarized as it follows: 1. in general clavate cell had a single nucleus at its center. however it was observed in liobagrus mediadiposalis and pelteobagrus fuluidraco that clavate cell had two nuclei with and independent so-called l ...197412913471
[studies on the metacercariae from fresh water fishes in the kum-ho river]the distribution and the infestation rates of metacercariae in fishes from the kum-ho river were observed from june 1965 to august l967. the results obtained are as follows: 1)the fourteen kinds of metacercariae; exorchis oviformis, metorchis orientalis, cyathocotyle species, metacercaria hasegawai, clonorchis sinensis, metagonimus species, pseudexorchis major, echinochasmus species, centrocestus species, prosorhpynchus species, and four kinds of unidentified species, a, b, c and d were detected ...196812913543
a study of the bacterium associated with an outbreak of oedema amongst goldfish (carassius carassius var. auratus). 196113880922
[studies on the metagonimus fluke in the daecheong reservoir and the upper stream of geum river, korea]the prevalences of the fluke belonging to genus metagonimus have been reported along the upper stream of inhabitants by several workers since 1980, however the taxonomical problems of the fluke was not yet settled. the larval flukes; cercaria and metacercaria as well as their intermediate hosts, and adult were studied in order to identify the metagonimus in the areas. the results obtained are summarized as follows: the snails, semisulcospira globus were collected from the three different localit ...198712886084
[larvicidal action of liquid nitrogen against metacercariae of clonorchis sinensis]the author investigated the larvicidal action of liquid nitrogen against the metacercariae of clonorchis sinensis, with an observation on the freshness and change of taste in the flesh of fishes. the results obtained were as follows: the metacercariae in the flesh of pseudorasbora parva, which were treated with liquid nitrogen (-192c), were not killed within 10 seconds, but completely killed over 30 seconds. in comparison, the metacercariae in the flesh of p. parva kept in a refrigerator (-12c) ...198712886062
[histological studies on carassius carassius auratus l. (pisces, teleostel) after severe infection with trichodina domerguei wallengreen, 1897 (protozoa, euciliata)]. 196213894645
isolation of a rhabdovirus during outbreaks of disease in cyprinid fish species at fishery sites in england.a virus was isolated during disease outbreaks in bream abramis brama, tench tinca tinca, roach rutilis rutilis and crucian carp carassius carassius populations at 6 fishery sites in england in 1999. mortalities at the sites were primarily among recently introduced fish and the predominant fish species affected was bream. the bream stocked at 5 of the 6 english fishery sites were found to have originated from the river bann, northern ireland. most fish presented few consistent external signs of d ...200314735920
determination of heavy metals and metals levels in five fish species from işıklı dam lake and karacaören dam lake (turkey).the concentrations of heavy metals and metals (zn, pb, bi, cd, ni, co, fe, mn, mg, cu, cr, ca, sr, na, li, k) were measured in muscle of five species cyprinus carpio (from işıklı dam), scardinius erythrophthalmus (from işıklı dam), tinca tinca (from işıklı dam), c. carpio (from karacaören dam), carassius carassius (from karacaören dam) caught from işıklı and karacaören. the highest metal was na (466.95 μg/g) in c. carassius, while the lowest levels were fe (0.37 μg/g) and cu (0.37 μg/g) in c. ca ...201121584758
accumulation and loss of lindane in the muscles, liver and brain of some freshwater fish after intoxication with gamacarbatox suspension.experiments were conducted under laboratory conditions on young specimens of carassius carassius l., cyprinus carpio l. and on adult specimens of leucaspius delineatus haeckel. the fish were subjected to a 30-day exposure to gamacarbatox suspension in a dose of 0.5 mg 1-1, containing 10% of lindane as active substance. directly after the experiment on day 30, and then 40 and 50, lindane content was assessed in the muscles, liver and brain using the method of gas chromatography with an electron c ...200212533964
fish population size, and not density, as the determining factor of parasite infection: a case study.the diversity and abundance of parasites vary widely among populations of the same host species. these infection parameters are, to some extent, determined by characteristics of the host population or of its habitat. recent studies have supported predictions derived from epidemiological models regarding the influence of host population density: parasite abundance and parasite species richness are expected to increase with increasing host population density, at least for directly transmitted para ...200415074879
temperature acclimation modifies na+ current in fish cardiac myocytes.the present study was designed to test the hypothesis that temperature acclimation modifies sarcolemmal na+ current (ina) of the fish cardiac myocytes differently depending on the animal's lifestyle in the cold. two eurythermal fish species with different physiological strategies for surviving in the cold, a cold-dormant crucian carp (carassius carassius l.) and a cold-active rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss), were used in acclimation experiments. the ina of carp and trout were also compared w ...200415235011
cell proliferation and gill morphology in anoxic crucian dna replication/cell proliferation in vertebrates possible during anoxia? the oxygen dependence of ribonucleotide reductase (rnr) could lead to a stop in dna synthesis, thereby making anoxic dna replication impossible. we have studied this question in an anoxia-tolerant vertebrate, the crucian carp (carassius carassius), by examining 5'-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine incorporation and proliferating cell nuclear antigen levels in the gills, intestinal crypts, and liver. we exposed crucian carp to 1 and ...200515919732
metagonimus miyatai sp. nov. (digenea: heterophyidae), a new intestinal trematode transmitted by freshwater fishes in japan and korea.metagonimus miyatai n. sp. (digenea: heterophyidae) is described based on adult flukes collected from experimental dogs and hamsters fed with metacercariae encysted in the sweetfish, plecoglossus altivelis, dace, tribolodon hakonensis and t. taczanowskii, common fat-minnow, morocco steindachneri, pale chub, zacco platypus, and dark chub, zacco temmincki, and on those collected from naturally infected humans. the new species was morphologically compared with m. yokogawai and m. takahashii obtaine ...19979446902
parasite assemblages of crucian carp (carassius carassius)--is depauperate composition explained by lack of parasite exchange, extreme environmental conditions or host unsuitability?recent studies on parasite communities have considered the factors which contribute to variability in parasite infections among populations of one host species. this paper examined parasite assemblages of crucian carp (carassius carassius) in a natural set-up of two distinctive environments inhabited by the same host species and differing in respect to composition of other fish species: ponds, where extreme conditions prevent other fish species from occurring and lakes, where crucian carp coexis ...200516145944
infracommunity level aggregation in the monogenean communities of crucian carp (carassius carassius).aggregation is one of the distinctive features in parasite-host relationships, which has generally been studied at the level of host communities. parasite aggregation at the infracommunity level may nevertheless be important for intraspecific interactions such as parasite mating success and opportunities for cross-fertilization. in the present paper, we studied the infracommunity aggregation of 3 highly abundant dactylogyrus (monogenea) species occurring on the gills of crucian carp (carassius c ...200516178358
temperature and ca2+ dependence of [3h]ryanodine binding in the burbot (lota lota l.) heart.opening and closing of the cardiac ryanodine (ry) receptor (ryr) are coordinated by the free intracellular ca2+ concentration, thus making the ca2+ binding properties of the ryr important for excitation-contraction coupling. unlike mammalian cardiac ryrs, which lose their normal function at low temperatures, ryrs of ectothermic vertebrates remain operative at 2-4 degrees c, as indicated by ry sensitivity of contractile force. to investigate the mechanisms of low temperature adaptation of ectothe ...200616179490
[intestinal flukes of genus metagonimus and their second intermediate hosts in kangwon-do].this study investigate the epidemiological feature of metagonimus infection in kangwon-do (province). the average infection rate of the surveyed inhabitants was 7.8% (83 positives out of 1, 067 examinees) by stool examination; male, 11.4% and female, 3.2%, respectively. the egg positive rate in residents in the som river area was 7.3%, that of the chuchon river area 6.3%, the pyongchang river area 12.8%, the tong river area 3.8%, the hongchon river area 9.8%, and the ohsip stream area of samchok ...19938297890
crucian carp (carassius carassius) vtg monoclonal antibody: development and application.the vitellogenin (vtg) in fish has been used as an important biomarker for monitoring endocrine disrupting compounds (edcs). this paper reports the development of a new monoclonal antibody (mcab) against the vtg of crucian carp (carassius carassius). the mcab has a molecular weight of 149.4 kda (heavy chain: 53.1 kda; light chain: 21.6 kda), and double diffusion indicated that it belongs to the igg1 subclass. the titer is 10(5)-10(6) and the affinity constant (k(aff)) is 7.0 x 10(8)l/mol, showin ...200716469380
methylmercury, total mercury and total selenium in four common freshwater fish species from ya-er lake, china.snakehead fish (ophiocephalus argus cantor), silver carp (hypophthalmichthys molitrtix), crucian carp (carassius carassius), and common carp (cyprinus carpio) are four common freshwater fish species in china. in this study, the level of methylmercury (mehg), total mercury (t-hg), and total selenium (t-se) in muscle samples of these four fish species from ya-er lake, china, were analyzed using atomic fluorescence spectrometry coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography, and inductively co ...200616752127
[lernaea cyprinacea (copepoda, lernaeidae) from crucian carp carassius carassius from the dlinnoje lake in the middle stream of the vychegda river].till 1996 the vychegda river's flood lakes at the territory of the biological station of the syktyvkar university were overflowed every spring by water so that fishing took place from time to time. in 1996 a low flood level and intensive fishing resulted in the change of the infection rate of crucians by lernaea, as well as in the change of the size and sex ratios of the crucian population in the dlinnoje lake. thus, the size pattern of the crucian population became simpler, and it led to the ch ...200616755723
[the wormicidal substances of fresh water fishes on clonorchis sinensis: ii. preliminary research on the wormicidal substances from mucous substances of various fresh water fishes]the present work which was investigated in july 1979, was to observe the wormicidal effects of the external mucous substances of 9 species of fresh water fishes (cyprinus carpio, parasilurus asotus, anguilla japonica, ophicephalus argus, carassius carassius; golden crusian carp, misgurnus anguillicaudatus, zacco platypus, pseudorasbora parva and carassius carassius; crusian carp) on cercaria, liberated metacercaria and adult of clonorchis sinensis. the mucous substances extracted by ether from t ...198012902746
molecular identification of two strains of third-stage larvae of contracaecum rudolphii sensu lato (nematoda: anisakidae) from fish in poland.contracaecum sp. larvae (l3) from fish were identified using nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed spacers its-1 and its-2 of the ribosomal dna. the nematode larvae originated from fish in a freshwater situation (crucian carp carassius carassius, from selment wielki lake in mazury, northeastern poland) and a brackish-water region (caspian round goby neogobius melanostomus from the baltic sea, gdafisk bay at the polish coast). two strains (contracaecum rudolphii a and b) of contracaecu ...200717918390
expression of genes involved in excitatory neurotransmission in anoxic crucian carp (carassius carassius) brain.the crucian carp, carassius carassius, survives months without oxygen. during anoxia it needs to keep energy expenditure low, particularly in the brain, with its high rate of atp use related to neuronal activity. this could be accomplished by reducing neuronal excitability through altered expression of genes involved in excitatory neurotransmission. through cloning and the use of a recently developed real-time rt-pcr approach, with an external rna control for normalization, we investigated the e ...200818593861
bioaccumulative characteristics of hexabromocyclododecanes in freshwater species from an electronic waste recycling area in china.hexabromocyclododecanes (hbcds) are now emerging ubiquitous contaminants due to their wide usage, persistence and toxicities. to investigate the bioaccumulative characteristics of hbcds, sediments, winkle (littorina littorea), crucian carp (carassius carassius) and loach (misgurnus anguillicaudatus) were collected from two streams near an e-waste dismantling site in china, and hbcd exposure test was then conducted on chinese rare minnow. the concentration of hbcds was 14 ng g(-1) dry weight in s ...200919616822
susceptibility of koi x crucian carp and koi x goldfish hybrids to koi herpesvirus (khv) and the development of khv disease (khvd).hybrids of koi, cyprinus carpio x crucian carp, carassius carassius and koi x goldfish, carassius auratus, proved to be susceptible to koi herpesvirus (khv, syn. cyhv-3) and developed khv disease (khvd). while hybrids of koi x goldfish were partly resistant to mortality following infection by immersion, most koi x crucian carp hybrids died after bath infection. khv dna was detected in dead fish but also in all surviving animals by different polymerase chain reactions (pcrs). according to these r ...201020102462
thiaminase activity of crucian carp carassius carassius injected with a bacterial fish pathogen, aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida.dietary thiaminase i is a cause of thiamine deficiency in animals. the physiological significance of thiaminase in the organisms containing this enzyme is not known, nor are the factors causing variation in their thiaminase activity. tests were performed to evaluate the effect a pathogen might have on thiaminase activity in fish, when analyzed both with a cosubstrate added (cata tests) and no cosubstrate added (ncata tests). pyridine is known as a cosubstrate specific for thiaminase i activity t ...200920218496
socializing makes thick-skinned individuals: on the density of epidermal alarm substance cells in cyprinid fish, the crucian carp (carassius carassius).in cyprinid fish, density of epidermal club cells (i.e. alarm substance cells) has been found to vary between lakes with different predator fauna. because predators can be labelled with chemical cues from prey, we questioned if club cell density could be controlled indirectly by predators releasing prey cues. in particular, we suspected a possible feedback mechanism between chemical alarm signals and their cellular source. we raised crucian carp singly and in groups of four. for both rearing typ ...201020582591
single unit responses to skin odorants from conspecifics and heterospecifics in the olfactory bulb of crucian carp carassius carassius.injured fish skin leaks alarm substances that induce the fright reaction upon olfactory detection. the skin also contains a multitude of other odorants traditionally related to other behaviors, but to what extent they are detected upon injury is unknown. we have performed single unit recordings in the olfactory bulb (ob) of crucian carp while exposing the olfactory epithelium to skin extracts from conspecifics and three other species of the carp family, common carp, tench and bream. the aims wer ...200818978216
variability of responses in the crucian carp carassius carassius from two ukrainian ponds determined by multi-marker approach.the aim of this study was to evaluate the health status of the comparatively tolerant fish carassius carassius over three seasons in an area characterized by spontaneous human activities. sites near the springs of a river (site z) and downstream of a river (site b) in western ukraine were selected. according to the centroid grouping analysis, the biochemical and morphological indices allowed the fish to be distinguished according to season more than to site. the level of nuclear abnormalities wa ...201020832861
visualizing a set of olfactory sensory neurons responding to a bile the present study, we exposed the olfactory epithelia of crucian carp, carassius carassius, and brown trout, salmo trutta, to dextran coupled with alexa dyes together with odorants. dye uptake was severely reduced after pre-exposure to nocodazole, an inhibitor of microtubule polymerization that impairs endocytosis, supporting the hypothesis that odour-activated olfactory receptor molecules undergo endocytosis. application of the bile acid taurolithocholate, a potent and specific odorant for f ...201121147971
non-dioxin-like pcbs in ten different fish species from the danube river in serbia.this work has been developed to examine the level of non-dioxin-like (ndl) pcbs (28, 52, 101, 138, 153 and 180) in (a) ten different freshwater fish species from the danube river, (b) two sampling points: up and downstream of the industrial zone of the city of pancevo (ecological hot spot in serbia) and (c) two time points i.e., in 2001 and 2006. obtained results would serve to analyse spatial, temporal and congener profile characteristics of ndl pcbs cumulated in fish tissues due to environment ...201021161586
streptococcus agalactiae, an emerging pathogen for cultured ya-fish, schizothorax prenanti, in china.streptococcus agalactiae (group b streptococcus) has emerged as an important pathogen that affects humans and animals, including aquatic species. s. agalactiae infections are becoming an increasing problem in aquaculture and have been reported worldwide in a variety of fish species, especially those living in warm water. recently, a very serious infectious disease of unknown aetiology broke out in ya-fish (schizothorax prenanti) farms in sichuan province. a gram-positive, chain-forming coccus wa ...201122146014
[effect of ddt on hepatocytes in ictalurus sp. and carassius carassius].during fifteen days low dosages of ddt on two different lc50-teleost fishes (ictalarus sp. and carassius carassius) were studied. treatment with ddt, after three days, induces in carassius hepatocytes a loss of glycogen granules, an increase of ergastoplasm, a mitochondrial swelling and wide cytoplasmic vacuoles. in ictalurus there is no glycogen loss, but an increase of ergastoplasm and a great increase of lipidic inclusions are observed.20092751877
ruffed cells in the olfactory bulb of freshwater teleosts. i. golgi impregnation.the olfactory bulbs of barbus meridionalis, carassius carassius, chondrostoma polylepis, cyprinus carpio, tinca tinca and salmo gairdneri were examined by two variants of the golgi technique. we report, for the first time, the existence of ruffed cells in these species. this neuronal type shows a characteristic morphology and location. overall, these cells exhibit a generalised pattern, although there are qualitative and quantitative variations between the various species studied.20123503042
the fine structure of the olfactory tract in the teleost carassius carassius l. 20154894060
draft genome sequence of aeromonas salmonicida subsp. achromogenes as03, an atypical strain isolated from crucian carp (carassius carassius) in the republic of korea.we present the draft genome sequence of aeromonas salmonicida subsp. achromogenes strain as03, an atypical a. salmonicida strain that causes erythrodermatitis in crucian carp (carassius carassius). this is the first genome sequence report of a. salmonicida subsp. achromogenes, one of the four subspecies of atypical a. salmonicida.201324092786
detection of cyprinid herpesvirus 2 in association with an aeromonas sobria infection of carassius carassius (l.), in italy.sixteen specimens of female crucian carp, carassius carassius (l.), during the breeding season, were investigated for post-mortem and full diagnostic examination during a mortality outbreak in a tributary stream of the arno river in tuscany in 2011. necropsy highlighted the presence of a swollen anus and widespread haemorrhages in the body, fins, gills and eyes. haemorrhages in internal organs and spleen granulomas were also observed. bacteria isolated from the brain, kidney and spleen of affect ...201323488630
characterization and virulence potential of phenotypically diverse aeromonas veronii isolates recovered from moribund freshwater ornamental fishes of kerala, the present study, we investigated the involvement of aeromonas spp. in eliciting disease outbreaks in freshwater ornamental fishes across the state of kerala, india. we investigated three incidences of disease, in which the moribund fishes exhibited clinical signs such as haemorrhagic septicemia (in gouramy, trichogaster sp.), dropsy (in oscar, astronotus ocellatus) and tail rot/fin rot (in gold fish, carassius carassius). pure cultures (n = 20 from each fish; 60 in total) of aeromonas spp. ...201322903451
interspecific and intraspecific interactions in the monogenean communities of fish: a question of study scale?monogenean communities of fish have generally been considered non-interactive as negative interspecific interactions have rarely been reported. most of the earlier studies on monogenean communities, however, have been conducted not only in systems with relatively low parasite abundances but, more importantly, at study scales where microhabitat-level interactions between the parasites are easily overlooked. we examined the communities of 3 abundant dactylogyrus (monogenea) species on the gills of ...200717428351
comparison of the uptake of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organochlorine pesticides by semipermeable membrane devices and caged fish (carassius carassius) in taihu lake, china.uptake of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) and organochlorine pesticides (ocps) by triolein-containing semipermeable membrane devices (spmds) and by crucian carp (carassius carassius) was studied in taihu lake, a shallow, freshwater lake in china. crucian carp and spmds were deployed side by side for 32 d. the first-order uptake rate constants of individual pahs and ocps for the two matrices were calculated and compared to relate the amounts of chemicals accumulated by the matrices to dis ...200717571693
permanent genetic resources added to molecular ecology resources database 1 december 2012-31 january 2013.this article documents the addition of 268 microsatellite marker loci to the molecular ecology resources database. loci were developed for the following species: alburnoides bipunctatus, chamaerops humilis, chlidonias hybrida, cyperus papyrus, fusarium graminearum, loxigilla barbadensis, macrobrachium rosenbergii, odontesthes bonariensis, pelteobagrus vachelli, posidonia oceanica, potamotrygon motoro, rhamdia quelen, sarotherodon melanotheron heudelotii, sibiraea angustata, takifugu rubripes, ta ...201323521844
effect of temperature on hypoxia tolerance and its underlying biochemical mechanism in two juvenile cyprinids exhibiting distinct hypoxia is increasingly important to investigate the effect of temperature on hypoxia tolerance in fish species, as worldwide hypoxia worsens with increases in global warming. we selected the hypoxia-tolerant crucian carp (carassius carassius) and the hypoxia-sensitive chinese bream (parabramis pekinensis) as model fish and investigated their hypoxia tolerance based on the critical oxygen tension of the routine metabolic rate (m˙o2rout) (pcrit), aquatic surface respiration (asrcrit) and loss of equil ...201524853206
temperature alters the respiratory surface area of crucian carp carassius carassius and goldfish carassius auratus.we have previously found that the gills of crucian carp carassius carassius living in normoxic (aerated) water lack protruding lamellae, the primary site of o(2) uptake in fish, and that exposing them to hypoxia increases the respiratory surface area of the gills approximately 7.5-fold. we here examine whether this morphological change is triggered by temperature. we acclimated crucian carp to 10, 15, 20 and 25 degrees c for 1 month, and investigated gill morphology, oxygen consumption and the c ...200515767311
interspecific differences in hypoxia-induced gill remodeling in carp.the gills of many fish, but in particular those of crucian carp (carassius carassius) and goldfish (carassius auratus), are capable of extensive remodeling in response to changes in oxygen (o2), temperature, and exercise. in this study, we investigated the interspecific variation in hypoxia-induced gill modeling and hypoxia tolerance in 10 closely related groups of cyprinids (nine species, with two strains of cyprinus carpio). there was significant variation in hypoxia tolerance, measured as the ...201624241069
metals in edible fish from vistula river and dead vistula river channel, baltic sea.metals including al, ba, ca, cd, co, cr, cu, fe, hg, k, mg, mn, na, ni, pb, sr and zn were determined in muscle tissue of 12 fish species by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (icp-aes) and cold vapour-atomic absorption spectroscopy (cv-aas). fish were collected from vistula river at lower course and dead vistula river channel in south of baltic sea in poland. the fish species examined include round goby (neogobius melanostomus), crucian carp (carassius carassius), bull-rout ...201222428891
a fine structural review on the spermatozoa of cyprinidae with attention to their phylogenetic implications.the fine structural organization and dimensions of spermatozoa from species of 4 subfamilies of the cyprinidae (barbus barbus, carassius carassius, cyprinus carpio carpio, cyprinus carpio haematopterus, abramis brama, alburnoides bipunctatus, alburnus alburnus, chalcalburnus chalcoides mento, chondrostoma nasus, hypophthalmichthys molitrix, leuciscus cephalus, phoxinus phoxinus, rutilus rutilus, rutilus meidingerii, scardinius erythrophthalmus, vimba vimba and ctenopharyngodon idella) are compar ...200919688692
patterns of brain morphology in mid-european cyprinidae (pisces, teleostei): a quantitative histological study.the present study considers patterns of brain morphology in 14 common species of mid-european cyprinidae. sixteen areas per brain were measured on serial cryostat sections by computer-aided planimetry. the volumes of these areas were expressed as % of the total brain volume. these brain centres (ranked according to falling values of the coefficient of variation vr, of the interspecific mean) are: lobus facialis, l. vagus, central acustic area, crista cerebellaris, bulbus olfactorius, eminentia g ...19883418119
the biotransformation of three 14c-labelled phenolic compounds in twelve species of freshwater fish.1. the urinary and biliary excretion of 14c-labelled m-cresol, 1-naphthol and o-chlorophenol were investigated in 12 species of freshwater fish (bitterling, rhodeus sericeus amarus; bream, abramis brama; crucian carp, carassius carassius; goldfish, carassius auratus; gudgeon, gobio gobio; guppy, poecilia reticulata; minnow, phoximus phoximus; perch, perca fluviatilis; roach, rutilus rutilus; rudd, scardinius erythropthalmus; three-spined stickleback, gasterosteus aculeatus; tench, tinca tinca) w ...19836880238
temperature dependence of memory in fish.the influence of temperature on the retention period of a pattern discrimination task (cross versus triangle) was examined on carassius carassius, cichlasoma nigrofasciatum and phoximus phoximus. after training at optimal temperature conditions the experimental subjects were kept at a 10 degree c lowered temperature, whereas for control subjects there was no temperature change. tests, carried out every two weeks, showed a significant increase of retention for carassius c. and cichlasoma n.; phox ...1979543331
organochlorine residues in european eel (anguilla anguilla), crucian carp (carassius carassius) and catfish (ictalurus nebulosus) from vaccarès lagoon (french national nature reserve of camargue) - effects on some physiological parameters.european eels (anguilla anguilla), crucian carps (carassius carassius) and catfish (ictalurus nebulosus) were collected in three coastal locations of the vaccarès lagoon (french national nature reserve of camargue). the purpose of this paper is to report results of the first biomonitoring investigation in fish living in this protected coastal wetland. residues of organochlorine (oc) contaminants (i.e. sigmapcbs, gammahch, hcb, dieldrin, pp'-dde) were determined in hepatic and muscular tissues, i ...200010794830
a retinopetal nucleus in the preoptic area in a teleost, navodon modestus.following horseradish peroxidase (hrp) applications to the optic nerve of a teleost (navodon modestus), a retinopetal nucleus was identified in the contralateral preoptic area. the nucleus was composed of small (7-10 microns) round cells. centrifugal fibers from the nucleus were traced to the inner nuclear layer of the ipsilateral retina by both orthograde hrp and fink-heimer methods. the cells in the nucleus showed no neurosecretion. the retinopetal nucleus or neurons could not be found in cara ...19816170383
physical changes in specimens of five species of cyprinidae preserved in ethanol and frozen.preservation in 30% ethanol and freezing to a temperature of -20 ± 2° c is an appropriate method for measurement of fish eggs, larvae and juveniles. egg diameter of the common carp cyprinus carpio increased insignificantly by 1·32% after preservation compared with live size. the total length (lt ) of 1 day post-hatching (dph) larvae as well as the standard length (ls) of 16 dph larvae of c. carpio increased significantly (2·95 and 1·50%, respectively) after preservation. egg diameter as well as ...201425041177
chemometric approach to evaluate element distribution in muscle, liver and fish bone of roach (rutilus rutilus), silver bream (blicca bjoerkna) and crucian carp (carassius carassius) from swarzędzkie lake (poland) using icp-ms and fias-cvaas techniques.the content of elements in fish tissues and organs from swarzędzkie lake was investigated in order to evaluate the possible risk associated with their consumption by animals as well as humans. samples of muscle, liver and fish bone of three fish species; roach (rutilus rutilus), silver bream (blicca bjoerkna) and crucian carp (carassius carassius) were collected from seine catches undertaken as part of the biomanipulation of swarzędzkie lake. element concentration (al, as, cd, co, cr, cu, hg, ni ...201627439756
male primer endocrine responses to preovulatory female cyprinids under natural conditions in sweden.this study investigated two related aspects of male-female reproductive interactions in the family cyprinidae: (1) whether ovulating female rudd scardinius erythrophthalmus (subfamily leuciscinae) induce endocrine and gonadal priming responses in conspecific males, a phenomenon which has been described only in species from the subfamily cyprininae such as goldfish, carassius auratus, crucian carp carassius carassius and common carp, cyprinus carpio and (2) whether the stimuli mediating these res ...201222220895
galanin-like immunoreactivity in the brain of teleosts: distribution and relation to substance p, vasotocin, and isotocin in the atlantic salmon (salmo salar).the presence of galanin-like substances and their relation to substance p-, vasotocin-, and isotocin-immunoreactive neurons and fibers in the brain of teleosts was investigated with immunohistochemical methods. two specific antisera against synthetic porcine galanin (gal) revealed cell bodies and fibers in the brain of four different teleost species (salmo salar, carassius carassius, gasterosteus aculeatus, and anguilla anguilla). in all four species the main location of galanin immunoreactivity ...19801713923
[molecular cloning and expression patterns of two tumor necrosis factor al pha genes in crucian carp (carassius carassius)].tumor necrosis factor (tnf) is a potent inflammatory cytokine produced during inflammation. in this study, two crucian carp tnf-alpha genes, tnfalpha-1 and tnfalpha-2 were cloned and sequenced. the tnfalpha-1 was 720 bp and-consisted of a 699 bp opening reading frame encoding 232 amino acids and tnfalpha-2 was 793 bp and contained an open reading frame of 687 bp which encoded 228 amino acids. the genomic structure of both genes consists of4 exons and 3 introns similar to other known tnf-alpha ge ...201525916118
reversible brain swelling in crucian carp (carassius carassius) and goldfish (carassius auratus) in response to high external ammonia and anoxia.increased internal ammonia (hyperammonemia) and ischemic/anoxic insults are known to result in a cascade of deleterious events that can culminate in potentially fatal brain swelling in mammals. it is less clear, however, if the brains of fishes respond to ammonia in a similar manner. the present study demonstrated that the crucian carp (carassius carassius) was not only able to endure high environmental ammonia exposure (hea; 2 to 22 mmol l(-1)) but that they experienced 30% increases in brain w ...201525582543
new detection of cyprinid herpesvirus 2 in mass mortality event of carassius carassius (l.), in italy. 201627307189
epidemiology of fishborne trematodiasis in borne trematodes are an important cause of morbidity in kazakhstan. the number of human cases of opisthorchiidosis (infection with parasites of the family opisthorchiidae) reached a peak of 2521 recorded cases (17 cases per 100,000) in 2002 with a gradual decline to 1225 cases (7.4 cases per 100,000) in 2011. most human cases are found in the north and north east part of kazakhstan in areas drained by the irtysh river and it tributaries. a further focus is found in the north west in the ura ...201424943190
cdna cloning of glucose-6-phosphate isomerase from crucian carp (carassius carassius) and expression of the active region as myofibril-bound serine proteinase inhibitor in escherichia coli.glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (gpi) (ec can act as a myofibril-bound serine proteinase (mbsp) inhibitor (mbspi) in fish. in order to better understand the biological information of the gpi and its functional domain for inhibiting mbsp, the cdna of gpi was cloned from crucian carp (carassius carassius) with rt-pcr, nested-pcr and 3'-race. the result of sequencing showed that the gpi cdna had an open reading frame of 1662bp encoding 553 amino acid residues. after constructing and comparin ...201423774640
plasticity of respiratory structures--adaptive remodeling of fish gills induced by ambient oxygen and temperature.while a large surface area combined with short diffusion distances make fish gills well suited for gas exchange, these properties leads to costly water and ion fluxes and exposure to toxic substances and pathogens. thus, gill morphology is likely to be a compromise between opposing demands. it has become clear that some fishes have the ability to modify gill structure in response to environmental parameters such as oxygen levels and temperature. maybe the most dramatic example of gill plasticity ...200616540380
retrobulbar connective tissue in tsh-induced exophthalmos in the crucian carp (carassius carassius l.). 20144230853
effects of prolonged anoxia on electrical activity of the heart in crucian carp (carassius carassius).the effects of sustained anoxia on cardiac electrical excitability were examined in the anoxia-tolerant crucian carp (carassius carassius). the electrocardiogram (ecg) and expression of excitation-contraction coupling genes were studied in fish acclimatised to normoxia in summer (+18°c) or winter (+2°c), and in winter fish after 1, 3 and 6 weeks of anoxia. anoxia induced a sustained bradycardia from a heart rate of 10.3±0.77 beats min(-1) to 4.1±0.29 beats min(-1) (p<0.05) after 5 weeks, and hea ...201727872214
quantitative detection of trace malachite green in aquiculture water samples by extractive electrospray ionization mass spectrometry.exposure to malachite green (mg) may pose great health risks to humans; thus, it is of prime importance to develop fast and robust methods to quantitatively screen the presence of malachite green in water. herein the application of extractive electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (eesi-ms) has been extended to the trace detection of mg within lake water and aquiculture water, due to the intensive use of mg as a biocide in fisheries. this method has the advantage of obviating offline liquid-l ...201627529262
a systematic investigation into the environmental fate of microcystins and the potential risk: study in lake taihu.a systematic investigation was conducted in lake taihu in autumn of 2013 and 2014, in order to understand the environmental fate of microcystins (mcs) and evaluate the health risk from mcs. samples of water, algal cells, macrophytes, shrimps and fish were taken to detect mcs by hplc-ms/ms after solid phase extraction. widespread mc contamination in water, algal cells, macrophytes, shrimps and fish was found in lake taihu. the ubiquitous presence of mcs in water, algal cells and biota was found i ...201627271667
deltamethrin is toxic to the fish (crucian carp, carassius carassius) heart.pyrethroids are extensively used for the control of insect pests and disease vectors. pyrethroids are regarded safe due to their selective toxicity: they are effective against insects but relatively harmless to mammals and birds. unfortunately, pyrethroids are very toxic to fishes. the high toxicity of pyrethroids to fishes is only partly explained by slow metabolic elimination of pyrethroids, suggesting that some molecular targets in vital organs of the fish body are sensitive to pyrethroids. t ...201627017879
comparing radseq and microsatellites to infer complex phylogeographic patterns, an empirical perspective in the crucian carp, carassius carassius, l.the conservation of threatened species must be underpinned by phylogeographic knowledge. this need is epitomized by the freshwater fish carassius carassius, which is in decline across much of its european range. restriction site-associated dna sequencing (radseq) is increasingly used for such applications; however, radseq is expensive, and limitations on sample number must be weighed against the benefit of large numbers of markers. this trade-off has previously been examined using simulation stu ...201626971882
lowering temperature is the trigger for glycogen build-up and winter fasting in crucian carp (carassius carassius).seasonal changes in physiology of vertebrate animals are triggered by environmental cues including temperature, day-length and oxygen availability. crucian carp (carassius carassius) tolerate prolonged anoxia in winter by using several physiological adaptations that are seasonally activated. this study examines which environmental cues are required to trigger physiological adjustments for winter dormancy in crucian carp. to this end, crucian carp were exposed to changing environmental factors un ...201626853873
effect of copper on growth, digestive and antioxidant enzyme activities of juvenile qihe crucian carp, carassius carassius, during exposure and recovery.the toxicity of copper (cu) on growth and activities of digestive and antioxidant enzymes in the hepatopancreas and intestine of juvenile qihe crucian carp carassius carassius was evaluated. the fish were exposed in different cu solutions for 20 days, and the 0.60 mg/l group was then transferred to clean water to initiate a 20-day recovery period after cu exposure. results showed that all enzyme activities decreased significantly at high-concentration (0.30 and 0.60 mg/l) and long-time (20 days) ...201626781633
neurobehavioral alterations plus transcriptional changes of the heat shock protein 90 and hypoxia inducible factor-1α in the crucian carp exposed to copper.the various physiological alterations caused by copper (cu) exposure in fish have attracted great interests toward neuronal strategies against cu toxicity. here, neurobehavioral activities (including anxiety-like behaviors) and transcriptional levels of heat shock protein (hsp)90 and hypoxia inducible factor-1alpha (hif-1α) were evaluated in the crucian carp (carassius carassius) treated with nominal sub-lethal higher (1.45mg/l) and lower (0.30mg/l) concentrations of cucl2. both concentrations a ...201626684263
tissue distribution and whole body burden of the chlorinated polyfluoroalkyl ether sulfonic acid f-53b in crucian carp (carassius carassius): evidence for a highly bioaccumulative contaminant of emerging concern.following the global actions to phase out perfluoroctanesulfonic acid (pfos) a large number of alternative per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, with poorly defined hazard properties, are being used in increasing quantities. here, we report on the first detection of the chlorinated polyfluoroalkyl ether sulfonic acid f-53b in biological samples and determine the tissue distribution and whole body bioaccumulation factors (bafwhole body) in crucian carp (carassius carassius). analysis of fish sampl ...201526560673
does turbidity induced by carassius carassius limit phytoplankton growth? a mesocosm is well established that benthivorous fish in shallow lakes can create turbid conditions that influence phytoplankton growth both positively, as a result of elevated nutrient concentration in the water column, and negatively, due to increased attenuation of light. the net effect depends upon the degree of turbidity induced by the benthivores. stocked carassius carassius dominate the benthivorous fish fauna in many nutrient-rich chinese subtropical and tropical shallow lakes, but the role of t ...201728000069
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