
spiroplasma syrphidicola sp. nov., from a syrphid fly (diptera: syrphidae).spiroplasma sp. strain ea-1(t) (t = type strain) (subgroup viii-1), which was isolated from the syrphid fly eristalis arbustorum, was serologically distinct from other spiroplasma species, groups, and subgroups, the cells of this strain, as revealed by dark-field light microscopy, were short, helical, and motile. an electron microscopic examination revealed wall-less cells delimited by a single membrane. the unusually short cells passed through 220-nm filter pores with no reduction in titer. the ...19968782692
complete genomes of two dipteran-associated spiroplasmas provided insights into the origin, dynamics, and impacts of viral invasion in spiroplasma.spiroplasma is a genus of wall-less, low-gc, gram-positive bacteria with helical morphology. as commensals or pathogens of plants, insects, ticks, or crustaceans, they are closely related with mycoplasmas and form a monophyletic group (spiroplasma-entomoplasmataceae-mycoides) with mycoplasma mycoides and its relatives. in this study, we report the complete genome sequences of spiroplasma chrysopicola and s. syrphidicola from the chrysopicola clade. these species form the sister group to the citr ...201323711669
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