
schlegelella thermodepolymerans gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel thermophilic bacterium that degrades poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-mercaptopropionate).a novel thermophilic bacterium, strain k14t, capable of degrading poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) as well as copolymers containing 3-hydroxybutyrate and 3-mercaptopropionate linked by thioester bonds, was isolated. 16s rdna sequence analysis showed that strain dha-71, a dehydroabietic acid-degrading bacterium, was the nearest phylogenetic neighbour and that both strains should be placed as members of a newly created genus, schlegelella gen. nov., in the rubrivivax subgroup of the beta-proteobacteria. st ...200312892145
caenibacterium thermophilum gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from a thermophilic aerobic digester of municipal sludge.a bacterial strain, n2-680(t) (=dsm 15264(t)=lmg 21760(t)), isolated from a thermophilic aerobic digester of municipal sludge, was characterized with respect to its morphology, physiology and taxonomy. phenotypically, the isolate was a gram-negative rod with a polar flagellum, catalase- and oxidase-positive, containing cytoplasmic inclusions of poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate and had an optimal growth temperature of about 47 degrees c. strain n2-680(t) was unable to reduce nitrate and could use organi ...200313130021
studies on the biodegradability of polythioester copolymers and homopolymers by polyhydroxyalkanoate (pha)-degrading bacteria and pha depolymerases.the biodegradability of microbial polythioesters (ptes), a novel class of biopolymers which were discovered recently and can be produced by polyhydroxyalkanoate (pha)-accumulating bacteria, was studied. using poly(3-hydroxybutyrate- co-3-mercaptopropionate) [poly(3hb- co-3mp)] as sole carbon source for screening, 22 new bacterial strains were isolated and characterized. interestingly, none of the pha-degrading bacteria was able to utilize the homopolymer poly(3mp) as a carbon source for growth o ...200415340783
thermotolerant poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)-degrading bacteria from hot compost and characterization of the phb depolymerase of schlegelella sp. kb1a.eighteen gram-negative thermotolerant poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (phb)-degrading bacterial isolates ( t(max) approximately 60 degrees c) were obtained from compost. isolates produced clearing zones on opaque phb agar, indicating the presence of extracellular phb depolymerases. comparison of physiological characteristics and determination of 16s rrna gene sequences of four selected isolates revealed a close relatedness of three isolates (sa8, sa1, and ka1) to each other and to schlegelella thermodep ...200415340791
caenibacterium thermophilum is a later synonym of schlegelella thermodepolymerans.recently, two strains of schlegelella thermodepolymerans elbanna et al. 2003 and an independently isolated bacterium, caenibacterium thermophilum manaia et al. 2003, were described in parallel as gen. nov., sp. nov. analysis of the 16s rrna genes revealed similarity between c. thermophilum and the two strains of s. thermodepolymerans of 99.8 and 99.6 %, respectively. dna-dna hybridization experiments revealed mean dna reassociation levels of 97-98 % among c. thermophilum and the two strains of s ...200415545413
schlegelella aquatica sp. nov., a novel thermophilic bacterium isolated from a hot spring.a moderately thermophilic bacterial strain designated wcf1(t), isolated from a hot spring located in the tainan area, southern taiwan, was characterized using a polyphasic approach. the cells were gram-negative, non-pigmented, rod-shaped, non-spore-forming and motile. phylogenetic analysis using 16s rrna gene sequences showed that the strain formed a monophyletic branch towards the periphery of the evolutionary radiation occupied by the genus schlegelella; its only close neighbour was the type s ...200617158979
composition of the bacterial biota in slime developed in two machines at a canadian paper mill.during the process of papermaking by pulp and paper plants, a thick and viscous deposits, termed slime, is quickly formed around the paper machines, which can affect the papermaking process. in this study, we explored the composition of the bacterial biota in slime that developed on shower pipes from 2 machines at a canadian paper mill. firstly, the composition was assessed for 12 months by dna profiling with polymerase chain reaction coupled with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. except ...201121326351
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