herbaspirillum lusitanum sp. nov., a novel nitrogen-fixing bacterium associated with root nodules of phaseolus vulgaris. | several bacterial strains were isolated from root nodules of phaseolus vulgaris plants grown in a soil from portugal. the strains were gram-negative, aerobic, curved rod-shaped and motile. the isolates were catalase- and oxidase-positive. the tp-rapd (two-primer randomly amplified polymorphic dna) patterns of all strains were identical, suggesting that they belong to the same species. the complete 16s rdna sequence of a representative strain was obtained and phylogenetic analysis based on the ne ... | 2003 | 14657133 |
herbaspirillum hiltneri sp. nov., isolated from surface-sterilized wheat roots. | the genus herbaspirillum of the betaproteobacteria mainly comprises diazotrophic bacteria with a potential for endophytic and systemic colonization of a variety of plants. the plant-associated bacterial isolates n3(t), n5 and n9 were derived from surface-sterilized wheat roots. after phylogenetic analysis of 16s rrna gene sequence data the isolates could be allocated to the genus herbaspirillum, and 99.9 % similarity to the sequence of herbaspirillum lusitanum p6-12(t) was found. a set of 16s rr ... | 2006 | 16738112 |
polyphasic approach for the characterization of rhizobial symbionts effective in fixing n(2) with common bean (phaseolus vulgaris l.). | common bean (phaseolus vulgaris l.) is a legume that has been reported as highly promiscuous in nodulating with a variety of rhizobial strains, often with low effectiveness in fixing nitrogen. the aim of this work was to assess the symbiotic efficiency of rhizobial strains isolated from common bean seeds, nodules of arachis hypogaea, mucuna pruriens, and soils from various brazilian agroecosystems, followed by the characterization of elite strains identified in the first screening. forty-five el ... | 2011 | 22159885 |
draft genome sequence of herbaspirillum lusitanum p6-12, an endophyte isolated from root nodules of phaseolus vulgaris. | herbaspirillum lusitanum strain p6-12 (dsm 17154) is, so far, the only species of herbaspirillum isolated from plant root nodules. here we report a draft genome sequence of this organism. | 2012 | 22815451 |