enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of salmonella lipopolysaccharide in poultry specimens. | an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for detection of salmonellae was developed and evaluated by using artificially contaminated specimens of poultry feed, feces, litter, or carcass rinsings, and naturally contaminated water samples. specimens containing salmonellae of serogroups b or c2 inhibited the binding of polyvalent anti-o serum to microtiter plate wells coated with lipopolysaccharide of salmonella typhimurium (serogroup b) or salmonella albany (serogroup c2), respectively. treatm ... | 1984 | 6378094 |
the relationships of salmonellae from infected broiler flocks, transport crates or processing plants to contamination of eviscerated carcases. | three flocks raised for broiler or roaster performance tests were studied to determine the incidence and sources of salmonellae during the growing period, transport and processing and to relate these to contamination of processed carcasses. day old chicks in two of the tests, (tests iv and v), were treated with a culture of intestinal anaerobes derived from mature chickens. the incidence of salmonellae during the growing period was too low to permit any conclusions about the efficacy of this cul ... | 1982 | 7127193 |
prevalence and dissemination of salmonella serotypes along the slaughtering process in brazilian small poultry slaughterhouses. | salmonella is the leading cause of human foodborne infections in latin america, and poultry meat is one of the main vehicles. small poultry slaughterhouses (fewer than 200 birds slaughtered per day) represent an important economic activity in certain regions. the slaughtering process in these abattoirs is manual and rudimentary, and frequently the hygienic conditions are poor. this study reports results of a detailed evaluation of the prevalence of salmonella serotypes in carcasses, utensils, an ... | 2000 | 11131902 |
[salmonella genetics; on occasion of 2nd isolation of salmonella albany]. | | 1957 | 13479293 |
critical control points for monitoring salmonellae reduction in thai commercial frozen broiler processing. | since 1998, pathogen reduction regulations for poultry have been enforced through the food safety and inspection service of the u.s. department of agriculture and through hazard analysis critical control point evaluation. this enforcement has focused attention on pathogen control and sanitation in the united states and in other countries, including thailand. the objective of this study was to evaluate reduction in salmonellae achieved by thai commercial exporters of frozen broiler chickens. a to ... | 2004 | 15270505 |
salmonella genotype diversity in nonlactating and lactating dairy cows. | dairy cows may serve as asymptomatic carriers of salmonella. the potential for herd carrier status increases with herd size, and salmonella shedding may be triggered by stresses placed on the animals. the scope of the current study is to determine the effects lactation may have on salmonella genotypic diversity among detected serotypes. fecal samples were collected on two sampling dates from 60 nonlactating and 60 lactating holstein cows. no serotype was predominant over the two collection dates ... | 2004 | 15508643 |
monitoring of the dissemination of salmonella in the chicken frankfurt-sausage production line of a sausage factory in the state of são paulo, brazil. | poultry meat and its derivatives are among the foodstuffs considered by environmental health authorities to present the highest risks to the public. a total of 185 samples were collected in five monthly batches, from different processing stages in a sausage plant that uses mechanically-deboned chicken meat (mdcm), and tested for the presence of salmonella. enrichment was carried out in both kauffman's tetrathionate broth and rappaport-vassiliadis broth and isolation on salmonella-shigella agar a ... | 2004 | 15543409 |
emergence of salmonella enterica serovar potsdam as a major serovar in waterfowl hatcheries and chicken eggs. | salmonellosis is a common food-borne illness in humans caused by salmonella-contaminated poultry and their products. in hatcheries, 110 salmonella isolates were identified, mostly from first enrichment, and few from delayed enrichment. the salmonella prevalence in goose and duck hatcheries was higher when measured by four multiplex pcr methods than by traditional culture (73.8% vs. 44.35%, p < 0.05); 97.3% of 110 isolates were salmonella potsdam of serogroup c1 and other isolates were salmonella ... | 2011 | 21793436 |
genetic relatedness of salmonella serovars isolated from catfish (clarias gariepinus) and tilapia (tilapia mossambica) obtained from wet markets and ponds in penang, malaysia. | a total of 43 salmonella enterica isolates belonging to different serovars (salmonella albany, salmonella agona, salmonella corvallis, salmonella stanley, salmonella typhimurium, salmonella mikawasima, and salmonella bovismorbificans) were isolated from catfish (clarias gariepinus) and tilapia (tilapia mossambica) obtained from nine wet markets and eight ponds in penang, malaysia. thirteen, 19, and 11 isolates were isolated from 9 of 32 catfish, 14 of 32 tilapia, and 11 of 44 water samples, resp ... | 2016 | 27052872 |
distribution and molecular characterization of salmonella enterica hypermutators in retail food in china. | hypermutable pathogens can easily acquire mutation opportunities, as well as antimicrobial resistance, and are tremendous hazards to food safety and public health. in this study, a total of 96 (7.6%) hypermutators were identified from 1,264 salmonella isolates recovered from retail foods. pulsed-field gel electrophoresis analysis indicated that hypermutators were genetically diverse. amino acid substitution of val421phe was detected in muts in one hypermutator and val246ala in 56 other hypermuta ... | 2015 | 26219361 |
quantification, serovars, and antibiotic resistance of salmonella isolated from retail raw chicken meat in vietnam. | the objectives of this study were to quantify salmonella counts on retail raw poultry meat in vietnam and to phenotypically characterize (serovars and antibiotic resistance) the isolates. a total of 300 chicken carcasses were collected from two cities and two provinces in vietnam. salmonella counts on the samples were determined according to the most-probable-number (mpn) method of the u.s. department of agriculture, food safety and inspection service (usda-fsis). a total of 457 isolates were se ... | 2014 | 24405999 |
antimicrobial resistance of 100 salmonella strains isolated from gallus gallus in 4 wilayas of algeria. | this study aims at identifying serotypes and surveying the antimicrobial resistance and plasmid support of resistance of 100 salmonella strains, which were isolated from 96 out of 506 (18.97%) samples taken from different production farms in the wilayas (i.e., algerian states) of tizi-ouzou, bouira, bejaïa, and boumerdes in 2007. the highest percentage of salmonella (48%) was recorded in bouira. thirteen serotypes were identified among the 100 salmonella strains used in this study. the most prev ... | 2012 | 22499877 |
prevalence of salmonella in poultry processing environments in wet markets in penang and perlis, malaysia. | the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of various salmonella serotypes in chickens, carcass contact surfaces as well as environmental samples collected from wet markets and small scale processing plant. | 2017 | 28435190 |