
cloning, expression of vibrio alginolyticus outer membrane protein-ompu gene and its potential application as vaccine in crimson snapper, lutjanus erythropterus bloch.the outer membrane proteins of the marine aquatic animal pathogen, vibrio alginolyticus, play an important role in the virulence of the bacterium and are potential candidates for vaccine development. in this study, the gene encoding an outer membrane protein-ompu was cloned and expressed in escherichia coli. polyclonal antibodies were raised in rabbits against the purified recombinant ompu, and the reaction of the antibody was confirmed by western blotting using the isolated ompu and the recombi ...201323383977
protection against vibrio alginolyticus in crimson snapper lutjanus erythropterus immunized with a dna vaccine containing the ompw gene.the outer membrane proteins of vibrio alginolyticus play an important role in the virulence of the bacterium and are potential candidates for vaccine development. in the present study, the ompw gene was cloned, expressed and purified. a dna vaccine was constructed by inserting the ompw gene into a pcdna plasmid. crimson snapper lutjanus erythropterus (bloch) were injected intramuscularly with the recombinant plasmid pcdna-ompw. the expression of the dna vaccine was detected in gill, head kidney, ...201324062551
sensory, microbiological and chemical changes in vacuum-packaged blue spotted emperor (lethrinus sp), saddletail snapper (lutjanus malabaricus), crimson snapper (lutjanus erythropterus), barramundi (lates calcarifer) and atlantic salmon (salmo salar) fillets stored at 4°c.quality assessment of finfish fillets during storage is important to be able to predict the shelf life of the fresh product during distribution. microbial, chemical (ph, tma, and tvb-n), and sensory (quality index assessment qia, torry scheme) changes in vacuum-packaged blue-spotted emperor (lethrinus sp), saddletail (lutjanus malabaricus), crimson snapper (lutjanus erythropterus), barramundi (lates calcarifer), and atlantic salmon (salmo salar) fillets stored at 4°c were evaluated for 5 days. m ...201527247777
immune response in lutjanus erythropterus induced by the major outer membrane protein (ompu) of vibrio alginolyticus.the outer membrane proteins (omps) of the marine aquatic animal pathogen vibrio alginolyticus play an important role in the virulence of the bacterium and are potential candidates for vaccine development. in this study, the major 35.6 kda omp of v. alginolyticus was isolated by gel excision from the crude omp fraction from v. alginolyticus. the sequence of the first 27 amino acid residues from the n-terminal end of the protein is atv ykd ggt ell vgg rve frg dfi gsd, which has high homology with ...201020597431
neobenedenia melleni parasite of red snapper, lutjanus erythropterus, with regression statistical analysis between fish length, temperature, and parasitic intensity in infected fish, cultured at jerejak island, penang, malaysia.the fish parasites collected from lutjanus erythropterus fish species showed a correlation with parasitic intensity, fish size, and temperature, and statistical model summary was produced using spss version 20, statistical software. statistical model summary concluded that among the variables which significantly predict the prevalence of neobenedenia melleni parasites are fish length and water temperature, both significant at 1% and 5%. furthermore, the increase in one unit of fish length, holdi ...201627190634
systemic infection of kudoa lutjanus n. sp. (myxozoa: myxosporea) in red snapper lutjanus erythropterus from taiwan.a new species of kudoa lutjanus n. sp. (myxosporea) is described from the brain and internal organs of cultured red snapper lutjanus erythropterus from taiwan. the fish, 260 to 390 g in weight, exhibited anorexia and poor appetite and swam in the surface water during outbreaks. cumulative mortality was about 1% during a period of 3 wk. the red snapper exhibited numerous creamy-white pseudocysts, 0.003 to 0.65 cm (n = 100) in diameter, in the eye, swim bladder, muscle and other internal organs, b ...200516385817
distribution of as, cd, and pb in seafood in southern china and their oral bioavailability in mice.the distribution of the toxic elements as, cd, and pb in nine different types of seafood from shenzhen, china, was investigated by using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (icp-ms). the results revealed that the concentrations of arsenic (as) in fish (lutjanus erythropterus, paralichthys olivaceus) and in bivalve (meretrix meretrix) and cadmium (cd) in scallop (argopecten irradians) exceed the limits established by food safety regulations in china and eu (european union). furthermore, ...201727882492
expression and immunogenicity analysis of accessory colonization factor a from vibrio alginolyticus strain hy9901.the accessory colonization factor a (acfa) of vibrio alginolyticus plays an important role in the efficient colonization of the bacterium and is potential candidates for vaccine development. in present study, the acfa gene was cloned, expressed and purified. western blot analysis revealed protein recognition with the native acfa in different v. alginolyticus strains. to analyze the immunogenicity of the recombinant acfa, lutjanus erythropterus bloch were immunized by intraperitoneal injection, a ...201323261505
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