
permanent genetic resources added to molecular ecology resources database 1 may 2009-31 july 2009.this article documents the addition of 512 microsatellite marker loci and nine pairs of single nucleotide polymorphism (snp) sequencing primers to the molecular ecology resources database. loci were developed for the following species: alcippe morrisonia morrisonia, bashania fangiana, bashania fargesii, chaetodon vagabundus, colletes floralis, coluber constrictor flaviventris, coptotermes gestroi, crotophaga major, cyprinella lutrensis, danaus plexippus, fagus grandifolia, falco tinnunculus, fle ...200921564933
long-term isolation and stability explain high genetic diversity in the eastern himalaya.china's southwest mountainous region in eastern himalaya is a ‘biodiversity hotspot’ of global interest for conservation. yet little is known about what has driven this unique diversity. the dramatic topography of the southwest mountainous region resulting from the tectonic uplift during the late pliocene leads to dramatic ecological stratification, which creates physical barriers to migration and isolates organisms into different subregions and mountain systems. this agrees with the observation ...201424600707
phylogeography of the alcippe morrisonia (aves: timaliidae): long population history beyond late pleistocene glaciations.the role of pleistocene glacial oscillations in current biodiversity and distribution patterns varies with latitude, physical topology and population life history and has long been a topic of discussion. however, there had been little phylogeographical research in south china, where the geophysical complexity is associated with great biodiversity. a bird endemic in southeast asia, the grey-cheeked fulvetta, alcippe morrisonia, has been reported to show deep genetic divergences among its seven su ...200919558699
molecular phylogenetic analysis of the grey-cheeked fulvetta (alcippe morrisonia) of china and indochina: a case of remarkable genetic divergence in a "species".the grey-cheeked fulvetta, alcippe morrisonia, is a polytypic species of quaker babbler (timaliidae) occurring mainly in highlands from burma across southern china to taiwan. to examine gene flow among populations, we sequenced the mitochondrial nd2 gene of 39 individuals of six of the seven subspecies, plus multiple individuals of three outgroup alcippe species. a lack of shared haplotypes and high fst values suggested no gene flow among populations. the nucleotide divergence between geographic ...200717300964
twelve new species of guimaraesiella (phthiraptera: ischnocera: philopteridae) from "babblers" (passeriformes: leiothrichidae, pellorneidae, timaliidae) with a description of a new subgenus and a key to its species.the chewing louse subgenus cicchinella new subgenus is erected and described for species of guimaraesiella eichler, 1949, parasitizing old world babblers (leiothrichidae, pellorneidae, timaliidae). the subgenus is divided into three species groups based on chaetotaxy, head and genitalia of both sexes. two species are redescribed: guimaraesiella (cicchinella) sehri (ansari, 1955) from trochalopteron lineatum lineatum (vigors, 1831) and t. lineatum setafer (hodgson, 1836), and guimaraesiella (cicc ...201930647282
effective pollination of aeschynanthus acuminatus (gesneriaceae) by generalist passerines, in sunbird-absent east asia.aeschynanthus (gesneriaceae), a genus comprising approximately 160 species in subtropical southeast asia, has red, tubular flowers, typical of a sunbird pollination syndrome. a. acuminatus, the species that is distributed extending to the northern edge of the genus, where the specialized nectarivorous sunbirds are absent, possesses reddish-green flowers and a wide-open corolla tube, flowering time shifts from summer to winter and the species achieves high fruiting success. this atypical flower l ...201931772181
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