
development of pneumonia in desert bighorn sheep after exposure to a flock of exotic wild and domestic sheep.from 1986 to 1989, 5 desert bighorn sheep (3 ovis canadensis mexicana and 2 o c nelsoni), ranging in age from 2 to 3 years, were exposed to a flock of exotic wild and domestic sheep to potentially achieve naturally acquired pneumonia. pasteurella multocida was isolated from nasal samples from 4 of 6 sheep randomly sampled from the flock. bighorn sheep were exposed individually and each exposure period was a trial. treatment before and after exposure varied and included combinations of alpha inte ...19912032914
identification and control of psoroptic scabies in bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis mexicana). 19806947292
transmission of psoroptic mites from bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis mexicana) to domestic sheep, cattle and rabbits. 19817198154
psoroptic scabies in bignorn sheep (ovis canadensis mexicana) in new mexico.prior to 1978, no reports were made of scabies lesions or mites recovered from any mexican bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis mexicana) examined in the san andres national wildlife refuge in southern new mexico. in 1978, all of five rams harvested by hunters had live mites of the genus psoroptes and active lesions of scabies in their ears and/or on their bodies. deaths due to scabies were not documented during this outbreak although aerial helicopter surveys conducted in march, june and september, ...19807373729
conductive hearing loss in bighorn january 1993 we simulated a conductive hearing loss in three mexican bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis mexicana) by placing bone wax or saline solution in their ear canals. our objective was to test whether lesions of the external auditory canal caused by psoroptic mites (psoroptes ovis) may lead to conductive hearing loss in bighorn sheep. we assessed the effects of these manipulations using the auditory brainstem response test. placing saline solution in the external auditory canal, which load ...19958583641
hemorrhagic disease in bighorn sheep in arizona.two bighorn sheep from arizona (usa) were submitted for necropsy. one was a rocky mountain bighorn (ovis canadensis canadensis) and the other was a desert bighorn (ovis canadensis mexicana). both had lesions consistent with those of hemorrhagic disease (hd). epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (ehdv) type-2 and bluetongue virus (btv) type-17, respectively, were isolated from the sheep tissues. to our knowledge, hd caused by either ehdv or btv infection has not been documented previously in arizo ...200211838210
infectious disease survey of gemsbok in new mexico.exotic wildlife can introduce new diseases or act as reservoirs of endemic diseases. on white sands missile range, new mexico (usa), significant declines in populations of native ungulates generally correspond to increases in range and population density of the exotic gemsbok (oryx gazella gazella), introduced beginning in 1969. we surveyed gemsbok in 2001 for exposure to a variety of diseases potentially important for native ungulates. high seroprevalence was found for malignant catarrhal fever ...200314733271
potential effects of the united states-mexico border fence on infrastructure along international boundaries threatens to degrade connectivity for wildlife. to explore potential effects of a fence under construction along the u.s.-mexico border on wildlife, we assessed movement behavior of two species with different life histories whose regional persistence may depend on transboundary movements. we used radiotelemetry to assess how vegetation and landscape structure affect flight and natal dispersal behaviors of ferruginous pygmy-owls (glaucidium b ...201019558522
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