
a stretch of 11 amino acids in the betab-betac loop of the coat protein of grapevine fanleaf virus is essential for transmission by the nematode xiphinema index.grapevine fanleaf virus (gflv) and arabis mosaic virus (armv) from the genus nepovirus, family secoviridae, cause a severe degeneration of grapevines. gflv and armv have a bipartite rna genome and are transmitted specifically by the ectoparasitic nematodes xiphinema index and xiphinema diversicaudatum, respectively. the transmission specificity of both viruses maps to their respective rna2-encoded coat protein (cp). to further delineate the gflv cp determinants of transmission specificity, three ...201020519403
effects of temperature on rate of feeding of the plant parasitic nematodes rotylenchus robustus, xiphinema diversicaudatum, and hemicycliophora conida.rotylenchus robustus, xiphinema diversicaudatum, and hemicycgiophora conida were observed feeding over a range of temperatures on perennial rye-grass (lolium perenne) seedlings grown on agar plates. r. robustus fed between 0.5 and 42.5 c, x. diversicaudatum between 5.0 and 37.0 c and h. conida between 5.0 and 34.0 c. between 10 and 25 c there was a direct relationship between temperature and rate of esophageal bulb contractions. above 25 c the number of esophageal contractions/min did not increa ...198019300695
feeding on different host plants alters the natural abundances of delta (1)(3)c and delta (1)n in longidoridae (nemata).natural abundances of the stable isotope pairs (1)(3)c/(1)(2)c (delta (1)(3)c) and (1)n/(1)n (delta (1)n) have been used previously to study food sources and trophic relationships in soil invertebrates. in this study, delta (1)(3)c and delta (1)n were measured in five species of longidoridae to investigate the effect of transferring nematodes from one plant host to another. longidorus elongatus, paralongidorus maximus, xiphinema diversicaudatum, x. index, and x. vuittenezi were cultured initiall ...199919270871
ultrastructural studies on the nematode xiphinema diversicaudatum: oogenesis and fertilization.oogenesis and fertilization in longidorid nematodes has been examined for the first time at electron microscope level in xiphinema diversicaudatum. oogonia in the germinative zone of the ovary are irregularly shaped and lie adjacent to each other or separated by processes of the epithelial cells of the ovary. developing oocytes pass in single file up to the growth zone and fibrogranular formation occurs around their nucleus. the perinuclear deposits remain until the oocyte is fully grown. oocyte ...199318621238
ultrastructural studies on the nematode xiphinema diversicaudatum: egg shell formation.the ultrastructure of the formation of the egg shell in the longidorid nematode xiphinema diversicaudatum is described. upon fertilization a vitelline membrane, which constitutes the vitelline layer of the egg shell, is formed. the chitinous layer is secreted in the perivitelline space, between the vitelline layer and the egg cell membrane. on completion of the chitinous layer, the material of the lipid layer is extruded from the egg cytoplasm to the outer surface, through finger-like projection ...199318621237
plant parasitic and vector nematodes associated with asiatic and oriental hybrid lilies.a survey for distribution and abundance of plant parasitic nematodes in fields grown to lilium in himachal pradesh, india at four study sites viz. nagrota (at 810 m a.s.l.), palampur (at 1270 m a.s.l.), sunder nagar (at 1400 m a.s.l.) and chail (at 2250 m a.s.l.) was carried out. moderate (101-500/200 ml soil) to high (501-1000/200 ml soil) populations of phytonematodes including the vectors for plant viruses (aphelenchoides avenae, criconemoides spp., hoplolaimus spp., longidorus spp., paratyle ...200615896955
the specific transmission of grapevine fanleaf virus by its nematode vector xiphinema index is solely determined by the viral coat protein.the viral determinants involved in the specific transmission of grapevine fanleaf virus (gflv) by its nematode vector xiphinema index are located within the 513 c-terminal residues of the rna2-encoded polyprotein, that is, the 9 c-terminal amino acids of the movement protein (2bmp) and contiguous 504 amino acids of the coat protein (2ccp) [virology 291 (2001) 161]. to further delineate the viral determinants responsible for the specific spread, the four amino acids that are different within the ...200415003859
involvement of rna2-encoded proteins in the specific transmission of grapevine fanleaf virus by its nematode vector xiphinema index.the nepovirus grapevine fanleaf virus (gflv) is specifically transmitted by the nematode xiphinema index. to identify the rna2-encoded proteins involved in x. index-mediated spread of gflv, chimeric rna2 constructs were engineered by replacing the 2a, 2b(mp), and/or 2c(cp) sequences of gflv with their counterparts in arabis mosaic virus (armv), a closely related nepovirus which is transmitted by xiphinema diversicaudatum but not by x. index. among the recombinant viruses obtained from transcript ...200111878885
atomic force microscopy of plant-parasitic nematodes.a simple method for atomic force microscopy (afm) of nematode cuticle was developed to visualize the external topography of helicotylenchus lobus, meloidogyne javanica, m. incognita, and xiphinema diversicaudatum. endospores of two isolates of the nematode parasite, pasteuria penetrans, adhering to m. incognita and x. diversicaudatum were also visualized and measured by this technique. scanning procedures were applied to specimens killed and dehydrated in air or dehydrated and stored in glycerol ...199519277280
the backbone model of the arabis mosaic virus reveals new insights into functional domains of nepovirus capsid.arabis mosaic virus (armv) and grapevine fanleaf virus (gflv) are two picorna-like viruses from the genus nepovirus, consisting in a bipartite rna genome encapsidated into a 30 nm icosahedral viral particle formed by 60 copies of a single capsid protein (cp). they are responsible for a severe degeneration of grapevines that occurs in most vineyards worldwide. although sharing a high level of sequence identity between their cp, armv is transmitted exclusively by the ectoparasitic nematode xiphine ...201323376736
transmission of arabis mosaic virus by the nematode xiphinema diversicaudatum (micol.). 196113790060
nuclear changes induced by the nematodes xiphinema diversicaudatum and longidorus elongatus in root-tips of perennial ryegrass, lolium perenne.the dna content and size of individual nuclei from galls of perennial ryegrass root-tips induced by x. diversicaudatum and l. elongatus were measured. feeding by x. diversicaudatum increased the dna content of the nuclei by varying amounts. no regular doubling pattern of the dna content was discernible. the dna values varied up to between 32-64c. generally the size of the nuclei was not increased, although some were larger than control nuclei. the modified nuclei probably have an altered metabol ...19827129956
review of pasteuria penetrans: biology, ecology, and biological control potential.pasteuria penetrans is a mycelial, endospore-forming, bacterial parasite that has shown great potential as a biological control agent of root-knot nematodes. considerable progress has been made during the last 10 years in understanding its biology and importance as an agent capable of effectively suppressing root-knot nematodes in field soil. the objective of this review is to summarize the current knowledge of the biology, ecology, and biological control potential of p. penetrans and other past ...199819274225
nuclear changes induced by the nematode xiphinema diversicaudatum in root-tips of strawberry.feeding by the nematode x. diversicaudatum caused a progressive increase in the dna content and size of strawberry nuclei. after four days feeding, nuclei had dna values intermediate between 8c and 16c and had increased in size from a mean of 17 micron2 for control root tips to 49 micron2. multinucleate cells were present after two and four days feeding. there were no ultrastructural differences in the composition of nuclei from control and parasitized root tips, but strawberry nuclei consisted ...19846698806
some effects of oxamyl on the virus-vector nematodes longidorus elongatus and xiphinema diversicaudatum. 19751190570
the virus-vector and damage potential, morphometrics and distribution of paralongidorus maximus.paralongidorus maximus was tested as a vector for 20 viruses. nine were recovered directly from p. maximus, an indication that they had ingested the virus, but there was no correlation between the ingestion and transmission of these viruses. raspberry ringspot (english and scottish strains), arabis mosaic, and strawberry latent ringspot viruses were recovered from the roots of bait plants grown in pots together with virus infected plants and p. rnaximus. under the experimental conditions, these ...197719305578
sites of virus retention in the alimentary tract of the nematode vectors, xiphinema diversicaudatum (micol.) and x. index (thorne and allen). 19705491862
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