[effectiveness of coils and mats for protection against malaria vectors in cameroon]. | the evaluation of the effectiveness of coils and mats on mosquitoes, especially malaria vectors was carried out in the southern cameroon. the study was performed in the nsimalen village from november 1993 to august 1994. two brands of coils: timor and moon tiger containing 0.15% w/w of esbiothrin and two brands of mats: ars mats (containing d-allethrin) and moon tiger (with s biothrin and diethyl-toluamide) were tested. the evaluation was based on night catches on human bait inside houses. a cat ... | 1995 | 7780671 |
malaria vectors and transmission in an area deforested for a new international airport in southern cameroon. | nsimalen, a village in southern cameroon, has been deforested over a surface of 370 hectares for the construction of the new yaounde international airport (cameroon). mosquitoes night catches on human bait were performed over a year in two hamlets of this village, one adjoining the airport and the other situated 3 kilometers off the deforested area. the aim of the survey was to observe malaria vectors and transmission around the airport and to record malaria epidemiological changes resulting fro ... | 1995 | 7794062 |
malaria transmission in a region of savanna-forest mosaic, haut-ogooué, gabon. | during the 2 years 1993 to 1995, an entomological survey was carried out in the savanna-forest area of franceville, gabon, investigating malaria transmission in one suburban district of franceville (akou) and in one rural village (benguia). the biting rates of the anopheles vectors were 10 times higher in the rural zone compared to the suburban zone. anopheles funestus giles was the predominant species in both zones followed by anopheles gambiae s.l. giles. the densities of anopheles nili theoba ... | 1999 | 10342264 |
high malaria transmission intensity in a village close to yaounde, the capital city of cameroon. | a 2-yr longitudinal malaria study was undertaken in a suburb of yaounde, the capital city of cameroon, in the village of simbock, approximately 2 km from the city limits. this study allowed assessment of malaria transmission intensity and dynamics in this region before implementation of pyrethroid impregnated bed nets through the national vector control program. anophelines were captured on human volunteers by pyrethrum spray collections and in resting sites outdoors. malaria vectors were anophe ... | 2002 | 11931035 |
polymorphism in two merozoite surface proteins of plasmodium falciparum isolates from gabon. | plasmodium falciparum antigenic diversity and polymorphism confuses the issue of antimalarial vaccine development. merozoite surface protein (msp)-1 and -2 are two highly polymorphic vaccine candidates. characterisation of their precise polymorphism in endemic regions may facilitate the design of an effective vaccine. | 2003 | 12773207 |
morphological variability in the malaria vector, anopheles moucheti, is not indicative of speciation: evidences from sympatric south cameroon populations. | anopheles moucheti is a major human malaria vector in the vicinity of slow moving rivers in the tropical forests of central africa. morphological variations in natural populations of a. moucheti led to the designation of three morphological forms named a. moucheti moucheti, a. moucheti nigeriensis and a. moucheti bervoetsi. using allozyme markers, we investigated to which extent morphological and/or geographical populations of a. moucheti were genetically differentiated. mosquitoes were collecte ... | 2002 | 12798002 |
unravelling complexities in human malaria transmission dynamics in africa through a comprehensive knowledge of vector populations. | malaria transmission dynamics is highly variable throughout africa: inoculation rates vary from almost null to more than a 1000 infective bites per year, transmission can occur throughout the year or only during a couple of months, and heterogeneities are also observed between years within the same locale. depending on the area, as much as five different anophelines species can transmit parasites to the human population. major vectors are anopheles gambiae, anopheles arabiensis, anopheles funest ... | 2004 | 15225985 |
reduced bio-efficacy of permethrin ec impregnated bednets against an anopheles gambiae strain with oxidase-based pyrethroid tolerance. | insecticide-treated nets (itns) are an integral component of malaria control programmes in africa. how much pyrethroid resistance in malaria vectors will impact on the efficacy of itns is controversial. the purpose of this study was to evaluate knockdown and killing effects of itns on a metabolic-based resistant or tolerant malaria vector strain. | 2004 | 15569394 |
malaria vectors and urbanization in the equatorial forest region of south cameroon. | entomological surveys were carried out in the town of mbalmayo and in the nearby rural village of olama, within the equatorial forest zone of cameroon. mosquitoes were captured when landing on human volunteers and by pyrethrum spray catches. malaria vectors captured were anopheles gambiae giles (m and s forms) and a. moucheti evans in both areas, together with a. funestus giles in mbalmayo. one a. marshallii (theobald) specimen infected by plasmodium falciparum was found in olama. anopheles mouc ... | 2005 | 15780341 |
spatial variability in the density, distribution and vectorial capacity of anopheline species in a high transmission village (equatorial guinea). | malaria transmission varies from one country to another and there are also local differences in time and space. an important variable when explaining the variability in transmission is the breeding behaviour of the different vector species and the availability of breeding sites. the aim of this study was to determine the geographical variability of certain entomological parameters: human biting rate (hbr), sporozoitic index (si) for plasmodium falciparum and entomological inoculation rate (eir). | 2006 | 16556321 |
complexity of the malaria vectorial system in cameroon: contribution of secondary vectors to malaria transmission. | malaria transmission in africa is a dynamic and complex system that is so far superficially understood. further knowledge is required to improve control of the disease. in the present report, we highlight the contribution of the so-called "secondary" malaria vectors to the overall parasite transmission intensity in several sites across cameroon, through a retrospective analysis of surveys from the organisation de coordination pour la lutte contre les endémies en afrique centrale database. in tot ... | 2006 | 17162956 |
population genetic structure of the malaria vector anopheles moucheti in south cameroon forest region. | we used recently developed microsatellite dna markers to explore the population genetic structure of the malaria vector, anopheles moucheti. polymorphism at 10 loci was examined to assess level of genetic differentiation between four a. moucheti populations from south cameroon situated 65-400 km apart. all microsatellite loci were highly polymorphic with a number of distinct alleles per locus ranging from 9 to 17. fst estimates ranging from 0.0094 to 0.0275 (p < 0.001) were recorded. these resul ... | 2007 | 17227668 |
malaria vectors and transmission dynamics in coastal south-western cameroon. | malaria is a major public health problem in cameroon. unlike in the southern forested areas where the epidemiology of malaria has been better studied prior to the implementation of control activities, little is known about the distribution and role of anophelines in malaria transmission in the coastal areas. | 2007 | 17233883 |
the molecular evolution of four anti-malarial immune genes in the anopheles gambiae species complex. | if the insect innate immune system is to be used as a potential blocking step in transmission of malaria, then it will require targeting one or a few genes with highest relevance and ease of manipulation. the problem is to identify and manipulate those of most importance to malaria infection without the risk of decreasing the mosquito's ability to stave off infections by microbes in general. molecular evolution methodologies and concepts can help identify such genes. within the setting of a comp ... | 2008 | 18325105 |
population structure of the malaria vector anopheles moucheti in the equatorial forest region of africa. | anopheles moucheti is a major malaria vector in forested areas of africa. however, despite its important epidemiological role, it remains poorly known and insufficiently studied. here, levels of genetic differentiation were estimated between different a. moucheti populations sampled throughout its distribution range in central africa. | 2008 | 18601716 |
a pre-intervention study of malaria vector abundance in rio muni, equatorial guinea: their role in malaria transmission and the incidence of insecticide resistance alleles. | following the success of the malaria control intervention on the island of bioko, malaria control by the use of indoor residual spraying (irs) and long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (llitn) was extended to rio muni, on the mainland part of equatorial guinea. this manuscript reports on the malaria vectors present and the incidence of insecticide resistant alleles prior to the onset of the programme. | 2008 | 18823554 |
ecogeographic genetic epidemiology. | complex diseases such as cancer and heart disease result from interactions between an individual's genetics and environment, i.e. their human ecology. rates of complex diseases have consistently demonstrated geographic patterns of incidence, or spatial "clusters" of increased incidence relative to the general population. likewise, genetic subpopulations and environmental influences are not evenly distributed across space. merging appropriate methods from genetic epidemiology, ecology and geograp ... | 2009 | 19025788 |
distribution and larval habitat characterization of anopheles moucheti, anopheles nili, and other malaria vectors in river networks of southern cameroon. | despite their importance as malaria vectors, little is known of the bionomic of anopheles nili and anopheles moucheti. larval collections from 24 sites situated along the dense hydrographic network of south cameroon were examined to assess key ecological factors associated with these mosquitoes distribution in river networks. morphological identification of the iii and iv instar larvae by the use of microscopy revealed that 47.6% of the larvae belong to an. nili and 22.6% to an. moucheti. five v ... | 2009 | 19682965 |
population structure analyses and demographic history of the malaria vector anopheles albimanus from the caribbean and the pacific regions of colombia. | anopheles albimanus is an important malaria vector in some areas throughout its distribution in the caribbean and the pacific regions of colombia, covering three biogeographic zones of the neotropical region, maracaibo, magdalena and chocó. | 2009 | 19922672 |
habitat suitability and ecological niche profile of major malaria vectors in cameroon. | suitability of environmental conditions determines a species distribution in space and time. understanding and modelling the ecological niche of mosquito disease vectors can, therefore, be a powerful predictor of the risk of exposure to the pathogens they transmit. in africa, five anophelines are responsible for over 95% of total malaria transmission. however, detailed knowledge of the geographic distribution and ecological requirements of these species is to date still inadequate. | 2009 | 20028559 |
distribution of the main malaria vectors in kenya. | a detailed knowledge of the distribution of the main anopheles malaria vectors in kenya should guide national vector control strategies. however, contemporary spatial distributions of the locally dominant anopheles vectors including anopheles gambiae, anopheles arabiensis, anopheles merus, anopheles funestus, anopheles pharoensis and anopheles nili are lacking. the methods and approaches used to assemble contemporary available data on the present distribution of the dominant malaria vectors in k ... | 2010 | 20202199 |
longitudinal studies of plasmodium falciparum malaria in pregnant women living in a rural cameroonian village with high perennial transmission. | a prospective longitudinal study of plasmodium falciparum in pregnant women was conducted in the rural village of ngali ii, where malaria is hyperendemic and individuals receive ~0.7 infectious mosquito bites/person/day throughout the year. pregnant women (n = 60; 19 primigravidae, 41 multigravidae) were enrolled early in pregnancy (median 14 wk) and were followed monthly, with 38 women followed through term (5.7 ± 1.1 prenatal visits and delivery). the total number of times primigravidae were s ... | 2010 | 21036826 |
the dominant anopheles vectors of human malaria in africa, europe and the middle east: occurrence data, distribution maps and bionomic précis. | abstract: | 2010 | 21129198 |
unexpected anthropophily in the potential secondary malaria vectors anopheles coustani s.l. and anopheles squamosus in macha, zambia. | abstract anopheles coustani s.l. and anopheles squamosus are sub-saharan mosquito species that have been implicated in malaria transmission. although generally believed to be of negligible importance due to their overwhelmingly zoophilic behavior, an. coustani s.l. and an. squamosus made up a large proportion of the anophelines collected by human landing catches during the 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 rainy seasons in macha, zambia. further, polymerase chain reaction-based blood meal identification s ... | 2010 | 21142969 |
diversity, host switching and evolution of plasmodium vivax infecting african great apes. | plasmodium vivax is considered to be absent from central and west africa because of the protective effect of duffy negativity. however, there are reports of persons returning from these areas infected with this parasite and observations suggesting the existence of transmission. among the possible explanations for this apparent paradox, the existence of a zoonotic reservoir has been proposed. may great apes be this reservoir? we analyze the mitochondrial and nuclear genetic diversity of p. vivax ... | 2013 | 23637341 |
diversification of the genus anopheles and a neotropical clade from the late cretaceous. | the anopheles genus is a member of the culicidae family and consists of approximately 460 recognized species. the genus is composed of 7 subgenera with diverse geographical distributions. despite its huge medical importance, a consensus has not been reached on the phylogenetic relationships among anopheles subgenera. we assembled a comprehensive dataset comprising the coi, coii and 5.8s rrna genes and used maximum likelihood and bayesian inference to estimate the phylogeny and divergence times o ... | 2015 | 26244561 |
mutations in the voltage-gated sodium channel gene of anophelines and their association with resistance to pyrethroids - a review. | constant and extensive use of chemical insecticides has created a selection pressure and favored resistance development in many insect species worldwide. one of the most important pyrethroid resistance mechanisms is classified as target site insensitivity, due to conformational changes in the target site that impair a proper binding of the insecticide molecule. the voltage-gated sodium channel (nav) is the target of pyrethroids and ddt insecticides, used to control insects of medical, agricultur ... | 2014 | 25292318 |
a genotypically distinct, melanic variant of anopheles arabiensis in sudan is associated with arid environments. | anopheles arabiensis, an important malaria vector in sudan and other countries in sub-saharan africa, exhibits considerable ecological and behavioural plasticity allowing it to survive in the harsh conditions of arid regions. it has been shown that adult populations of an. arabiensis in the semi-desert habitat of western khartoum state survive through the long dry season in a state of partial aestivation, characterized by limited feeding activity and a degree of arrested ovarian development. ano ... | 2014 | 25496059 |
consolidating tactical planning and implementation frameworks for integrated vector management in uganda. | integrated vector management (ivm) is the recommended approach for controlling some vector-borne diseases (vbd). in the face of current challenges to disease vector control, ivm is vital to achieve national targets set for vbd control. though global efforts, especially for combating malaria, now focus on elimination and eradication, ivm remains useful for uganda which is principally still in the control phase of the malaria continuum. this paper outlines the processes undertaken to consolidate t ... | 2016 | 27074809 |
zoonotic malaria - global overview and research and policy needs. | the four main plasmodium species that cause human malaria, plasmodium falciparum, plasmodium vivax, plasmodium malariae, and plasmodium ovale, are transmitted between humans by mosquito vectors belonging to the genus anopheles. it has recently become evident that plasmodium knowlesi, a parasite that typically infects forest macaque monkeys, can be transmitted by anophelines to cause malaria in humans in southeast asia. plasmodium knowlesi infections are frequently misdiagnosed microscopically as ... | 2014 | 25184118 |
multigene phylogenetics reveals temporal diversification of major african malaria vectors. | the major vectors of malaria in sub-saharan africa belong to subgenus cellia. yet, phylogenetic relationships and temporal diversification among african mosquito species have not been unambiguously determined. knowledge about vector evolutionary history is crucial for correct interpretation of genetic changes identified through comparative genomics analyses. in this study, we estimated a molecular phylogeny using 49 gene sequences for the african malaria vectors an. gambiae, an. funestus, an. ni ... | 2014 | 24705448 |
mosquito vectors of ape malarias: another piece of the puzzle. | | 2016 | 27118843 |
ape malaria transmission and potential for ape-to-human transfers in africa. | recent studies have highlighted the large diversity of malaria parasites infecting african great apes (subgenus laverania) and their strong host specificity. although the existence of genetic incompatibilities preventing the cross-species transfer may explain host specificity, the existence of vectors with a high preference for a determined host represents another possibility. to test this hypothesis, we undertook a 15-mo-long longitudinal entomological survey in two forest regions of gabon, whe ... | 2016 | 27071123 |
haemosporidian parasites of antelopes and other vertebrates from gabon, central africa. | re-examination, using molecular tools, of the diversity of haemosporidian parasites (among which the agents of human malaria are the best known) has generally led to rearrangements of traditional classifications. in this study, we explored the diversity of haemosporidian parasites infecting vertebrate species (particularly mammals, birds and reptiles) living in the forests of gabon (central africa), by analyzing a collection of 492 bushmeat samples. we found that samples from five mammalian spec ... | 2016 | 26863304 |
anopheles moucheti and anopheles vinckei are candidate vectors of ape plasmodium parasites, including plasmodium praefalciparum in gabon. | during the last four years, knowledge about the diversity of plasmodium species in african great apes has considerably increased. several new species were described in chimpanzees and gorillas, and some species that were previously considered as strictly of human interest were found to be infecting african apes. the description in gorillas of p. praefalciparum, the closest relative of p. falciparum which is the main malignant agent of human malaria, definitively changed the way we understand the ... | 2013 | 23437363 |
malaria epidemiological research in the republic of congo. | reliable and comprehensive information on the burden of malaria is critical for guiding national and international efforts in malaria control. the purpose of this review is to provide an overview of published data and available information on malaria resulting from field studies/investigations conducted in the republic of congo (roc) from 1992 to 2015, as baseline for assisting public health authorities and researchers to define future research priorities as well as interventions. | 2016 | 28010728 |
anopheles ziemanni a locally important malaria vector in ndop health district, north west region of cameroon. | malaria transmission in cameroon is mediated by a plethora of vectors that are heterogeneously distributed across the country depending on the biotope. to effectively guide malaria control operations, regular update on the role of local anopheles species is essential. therefore, an entomological survey was conducted between august 2010 and may 2011 to evaluate the role of the local anopheline population in malaria transmission in three villages of the ndop health district in the northwest region ... | 2014 | 24903710 |
genetic diversity and signatures of selection of drug resistance in plasmodium populations from both human and mosquito hosts in continental equatorial guinea. | in plasmodium, the high level of genetic diversity and the interactions established by co-infecting parasite populations within the same host may be a source of selection on pathogen virulence and drug resistance. as different patterns have already been described in humans and mosquitoes, parasite diversity and population structure should be studied in both hosts to properly assess their effects on infection and transmission dynamics. this study aimed to characterize the circulating populations ... | 2013 | 23537170 |
wind direction and proximity to larval sites determines malaria risk in kilifi district in kenya. | studies of the fine-scale spatial epidemiology of malaria consistently identify malaria hotspots, comprising clusters of homesteads at high transmission intensity. these hotspots sustain transmission, and may be targeted by malaria-control programmes. here we describe the spatial relationship between the location of anopheles larval sites and human malaria infection in a cohort study of 642 children, aged 1-10-years-old. our data suggest that proximity to larval sites predict human malaria infec ... | 2012 | 22334077 |
is nigeria winning the battle against malaria? prevalence, risk factors and kap assessment among hausa communities in kano state. | malaria is one of the most severe global public health problems worldwide, particularly in africa, where nigeria has the greatest number of malaria cases. this community-based study was designed to investigate the prevalence and risk factors of malaria and to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (kap) regarding malaria among rural hausa communities in kano state, nigeria. | 2016 | 27392040 |
malaria prevalence in bata district, equatorial guinea: a cross-sectional study. | malaria has traditionally been a leading public health problem in equatorial guinea. after completion, in september 2011, of the integrated set of interventions against malaria launched by the global fund malaria programme in the mainland area, the epidemiological situation of malaria remains unknown. the aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence rate of malaria and associated factors based on the rapid diagnosis test (rdt) in bata district, in order to provide evidence that will reinf ... | 2015 | 26573911 |
urban malaria: understanding its epidemiology, ecology, and transmission across seven diverse icemr network sites. | a major public health question is whether urbanization will transform malaria from a rural to an urban disease. however, differences about definitions of urban settings, urban malaria, and whether malaria control should differ between rural and urban areas complicate both the analysis of available data and the development of intervention strategies. this report examines the approach of the international centers of excellence for malaria research (icemr) to urban malaria in brazil, colombia, indi ... | 2015 | 26259941 |
no evidence for ape plasmodium infections in humans in gabon. | african great apes are naturally infected by a multitude of plasmodium species most of them recently discovered, among which several are closely related to human malaria agents. however, it is still unknown whether these animals can serve as source of infections for humans living in their vicinity. to evaluate this possibility, we analysed the nature of plasmodium infections from a bank of 4281 human blood samples collected in 210 villages of gabon, central africa. among them, 2255 were detected ... | 2015 | 26039338 |
polymorphic chromosomal inversions in anopheles moucheti, a major malaria vector in central africa. | anopheles moucheti evans (diptera: culicidae) is a major vector of malaria in forested areas of central africa. however, few genetic tools are available for this species. the present study represents the first attempt to characterize chromosomes in an. moucheti females collected in cameroon. ovarian nurse cells contained polytene chromosomes, which were suitable for standard cytogenetic applications. the presence of three polymorphic chromosomal inversions in an. moucheti was revealed. two of th ... | 2013 | 24192050 |
the effective population size of malaria mosquitoes: large impact of vector control. | malaria vectors in sub-saharan africa have proven themselves very difficult adversaries in the global struggle against malaria. decades of anti-vector interventions have yielded mixed results--with successful reductions in transmission in some areas and limited impacts in others. these varying successes can be ascribed to a lack of universally effective vector control tools, as well as the development of insecticide resistance in mosquito populations. understanding the impact of vector control o ... | 2012 | 23271973 |
factors contributing to urban malaria transmission in sub-saharan africa: a systematic review. | sub-saharan africa suffers by far the greatest malaria burden worldwide and is currently undergoing a profound demographic change, with a growing proportion of its population moving to urban areas. urbanisation is generally expected to reduce malaria transmission; however the disease still persists in african cities, in some cases at higher levels than in nearby rural areas. objective. this paper aims to collate and analyse risk factors for urban malaria transmission throughout sub-saharan afric ... | 2012 | 23125863 |
abundance and diversity of anopheles species (diptera: culicidae) associated with malaria transmission in human dwellings in rural and urban communities in oyo state, southwestern nigeria. | mosquito samples were collected from rural and urban communities in three selected major towns in southwestern nigeria to determine the impact of urbanization on the diversity and abundance of anopheles species associated with malaria transmission in human habitations. a total of ten anopheles species were identified in the rural communities, while eight anopheles species were identified in the urban communities. out of the ten anopheles species identified, only four species, anopheles gambiae ( ... | 2013 | 23842885 |
extensive genetic diversity among populations of the malaria mosquito anopheles moucheti revealed by population genomics. | malaria vectors are exposed to intense selective pressures due to large-scale intervention programs that are underway in most african countries. one of the current priorities is therefore to clearly assess the adaptive potential of anopheline populations, which is critical to understand and anticipate the response mosquitoes can elicit against such adaptive challenges. the development of genomic resources that will empower robust examinations of evolutionary changes in all vectors including curr ... | 2017 | 27940214 |
molecular differentiation of three closely related members of the mosquito species complex, anopheles moucheti, by mitochondrial and ribosomal dna polymorphism. | distinction between members of the equatorial africa malaria vector anopheles moucheti (evans) s.l. (diptera: culicidae) has been based mainly on doubtful morphological features. to determine the level of genetic differentiation between the three morphological forms of this complex, we investigated molecular polymorphism in the gene encoding for mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase b (cytb) and in the ribosomal internal transcribed spacers (its1 and its2). the three genomic regions revealed sequence ... | 2007 | 17550437 |
[gonotrophic cycle of anopheles moucheti evans 1925, in a region of the south cameroon]. | | 2013 | 13511091 |