
records of ectoparasites on humans and sheep from viking-age deposits in the former western settlement of greenland.during recent archaeological excavations in viking greenland, specimens of the human flea, pulex irritans l., and the body louse, pediculus humanus humanus l., were recovered from several farmsteads. bovicola ovis (schrank) and the sheep ked, melophagus ovinus (l.), also were found in associated deposits. the specimens were dated from about ad 990 to ad 1350. these finds raise questions about the levels of hygiene of the viking farmers and open some interesting medical and biogeographical conund ...19902201769
the prevalence of lice (bovicola ovis) infested sheep flocks in western australia (1987-1993) 19947986194
ingestion of host antibodies by bovicola ovis on sheep.sheep body lice, bovicola ovis, collected from moderately heavy infestations on merino wethers, were assayed by elisa for their content of host-derived specific immunoglobulin (ig). relative concentrations of anti-horse myoglobin antibodies in the lice and in sera from their hosts were used to estimate the total quantities of functional ig (that which remained capable of binding specifically to its antigen) present, giving a mean of 0.21 +/- 0.20 mg/g of lice. an attempt to demonstrate the prese ...19948021103
prevalence of the causes of fleece derangement among sheep flocks in new south investigation of sheep flocks with unknown histories of fleece derangement, selected at random from the main sheep raising areas of new south wales, showed that psorergates ovis was present in 53 of the 177 flocks surveyed and in 162 of the 3495 sheep examined. of the single causes of fleece derangement, the most prevalent was grass seed contamination (15.7%) followed by infestation with sheep body lice, bovicola ovis, (14.7%) and infestation with itch mite (7.8%). the prevalence of fleece de ...19938216084
resistance to synthetic pyrethroids in south australian populations of sheep lice (bovicola ovis).lice were collected from 71 flocks detected as infested at market inspection in 1990 and 1991, from 16 flocks where resistance was suspected and from 31 flocks from kangaroo island. susceptibility to cypermethrin was measured by a treated surface technique and survival of lice at 5 ppm or greater was taken as an indication of resistance. the prevalence of resistance was 34% in louse populations from the market inspection sample, 50% in flocks in which resistance was suspected and 68% in flocks f ...19938476355
survival by sheep body lice (bovicola ovis) after plunge dipping in synthetic pyrethroid lousicides. 19938476359
lice of farm animals in libya.this first report on the lice of farm animals in libya lists a total of fifteen species, as follows: haematopinus quadripertusus and linognathus vituli from cattle, bovicola ovis, linognathus pedalis, l. africanus and l. ovillus from sheep, l. stenopsis, l. africanus and bovicola caprae from goats. poultry harboured lipeurus caponis, l. heterographus, menacanthus stramineus, menopon gallinae, goniocotes gallinae, goniodes gigas and g. dissimilis.19938481530
persistence of the sheep body louse, bovicola ovis, after treatment.lice were found in samples of baled wool from 198 of 464 flocks treated to eliminate an infestation in the period july 1988 to june 1990. in 287 flocks the insecticide was applied as a backline treatment and in 177 flocks a shower dip was used. of these flocks, 41.5% and 44.6%, respectively, were found to be infested at the following shearing. after adjusting for the accuracy of the test, it was estimated that infestation in 2 consecutive 12-month periods occurred in 52.6% of flocks with a real ...19938494525
detection of homocytotropic antibody in lambs infested with the louse, bovicola ovis, using a basophil histamine-release assay.the utility of a basophil histamine-release assay using washed whole blood cells was examined in lambs and was used to determine if homocytotropic antibody with specificity for bovicola ovis was produced in response to infestation with the louse. maximal histamine release in the assay in response to concanavalin a, anti-ovine ige monoclonal antibody and, in sensitized lambs, to b. ovis antigen ranged from 18 to 48%. histamine release from blood cells in response to b. ovis antigen was significan ...19979261968
further evidence that zinc sulphate compromises the efficacy of dipping treatments using diazinon to control sheep lice (bovicola ovis).to compare the wettability and efficacy of diazinon dip wash made with and without the addition of zinc sulphate.19989578767
serum and skin surface antibodies and their associations with sheep biting lice, bovicola ovis, on experimentally infested sheep.the sheep biting louse (bovicola ovis) feeds superficially on the skin of sheep but appears to stimulate an immune response. in this study we examined the association between louse infestation and serum and skin surface antibodies. louse numbers were monitored on experimentally infested polypay and columbia ewes for two years and on their lambs in the second year. serum and skin wash samples were tested for antibodies to soluble extracts of b. ovis, stomoxys calcitrans and musca autumnalis by en ...19989737599
pruritus and dermal response to insect antigens in sheep infested with bovicola ovis.this study examined the relationships among louse density, pruritus and dermal response to insect antigens in sheep infested with bovicola ovis. polypay and columbia ewes were allocated to two groups, infested and naive, and louse densities and pruritus were monitored for 15 months. ten months after the initial infestation, all sheep were tested for hypersensitivity on the midside and ears by intradermal injection of soluble extracts of b. ovis, stomoxys calcitrans and musca autumnalis. the area ...19989559360
seasonal dynamics and variation among sheep in densities of the sheep biting louse, bovicola ovis.cyclic patterns and variations among sheep in numbers of bovicola ovis are described in polypay and columbia ewes that were initially infested with equal numbers of lice and penned indoors continuously for 2 years. bovicola ovis populations were censused at 3-4-week intervals at 69 body sites on each animal. in the second year of the study, the ewes were reinfested and half were mated. louse populations were monitored on the resulting lambs from birth until 25 weeks of age. strong seasonal cycle ...19989512991
the development of cockle, a sheep pelt defect, in relation to size of infestation and time of exposure to bovicola ovis, the sheep-biting louse.groups of ten louse-naive lambs were infested with one, ten or 100 female bovicola ovis and killed 84 days later when an examination of their pelts was made to detect cockle. in a second experiment groups of ten lambs were infested with ten or 100 female b. ovis and groups of lambs were killed every fortnight up to 84 days post-infestation. the pelts were examined in order to detect the earliest time at which cockle could be detected following a louse infestation. cockle is a nodular condition o ...19969017873
settling of insecticide from dip wash mixed with dam water and zinc sulphate and used to control sheep lice (bovicola ovis).insecticidal dipping fluid emulsions, mixed in vitro in dam water containing suspended clay particles and 1% w/v zinc sulphate, were analysed to determine rates of settling of diazinon, cyhalothrin and cypermethrin. fifteen minutes after mixing, the concentration of the insecticides 5 cm below the surface had declined by 72.5%, 72.8% and 89.4%, respectively. on remixing, the concentration of insecticide in suspension was close to or greater than the initial concentration. in 2 trials, lice were ...19958929186
comparison of local and systemic responsiveness of lymphocytes in vitro to bovicola ovis antigen and concanavalin a in b. ovis-infested and naive lambs.the in vitro proliferation assay was used to determine lymphocyte responsiveness to soluble antigen of b. ovis and to concanavalin a (con a) in peripheral blood, spleen and various lymph nodes from b. ovis-infested and naive lambs. from march to july, an assay of monthly blood samples showed generally higher proliferative responses to antigen and con a in b. ovis-infested than naive lambs. the proliferative response of cells from the skin-draining prescapular lymph nodes to b. ovis antigen was s ...19958719963
kinetic disposition of an emulsifiable concentrate formulation of deltamethrin applied to sheep in a plunge-dip and its effect on emulsifiable concentrate formulation of the synthetic pyrethroid insecticide deltamethrin was applied in a plunge dip, 3 weeks after shearing, to a group of 5 merino sheep infested with sheep body lice, bovicola ovis. deltamethrin concentrations on the wool were measured at regular intervals between 1 and 98 days after treatment and were not significantly different (p > 0.05) between sites on the dorsal mid-line, upper or lower flank. levels in the tip of the fleece were significantly greater ...19958719957
the detection of lice (bovicola ovis) in mobs of sheep: a comparison of fleece parting, the lamp test and the table locks test.knowledge of the presence or absence of lice in a flock of sheep enables wool growers to make informed decisions as to the need for insecticidal treatments. however, with inapparent infestations, traditional methods of detection are not sufficiently sensitive and, as a consequence, flocks may be left untreated. conversely, the routine application of insecticide to sheep with no sign of infestation is an unnecessary cost. the sensitivity of 3 procedures for detecting lice was evaluated in 68 mobs ...19968660238
resistance and the control of sheep ectoparasites.for about 100 years australian woolgrowers have used a variety of chemicals to control blowflies, lice and other ectoparasites of sheep. while the chemicals have changed considerably the application technology has not changed very much at all. chemicals registered for use on sheep have paralleled the evolution of synthetic insecticides with the unfortunate consequence of the development of resistance in the australian sheep blowfly, lucilia cuprina, following closely behind. organochlorine (diel ...19958635885
evaluation of non-conventional treatments for control of the biting louse (bovicola ovis) on sheep.a variety of non-conventional treatments was applied to biting louse (bovicola ovis) infested sheep in order to evaluate ways in which farmers could control the louse infestations and still maintain organic production standards. in one trial, louse scores of sheep shorn but kept dry or wetted by water alone or with water plus detergent were compared with unshorn sheep treated similarly. shearing alone accounted for a 35.7-66.3% reduction in mean louse scores. wetting alone either with water or w ...19958541593
temporal relationship between infestation with lice (bovicola ovis schrank) and the development of pruritic behaviour and fleece derangement in sheep.pruritic behaviour and deranged fleece are often used as indicators of sheep louse infestation but the exact relationship between infestation and the observation of signs of pruritus was unclear. two studies were conducted to examine this association. in the first, 24 castrate merino sheep were randomly assigned to six pens in groups of four and the sheep in three pens infested with 10 lice each on the right mid-side. louse numbers were counted, fleece derangement scored and pruritic behaviour a ...200717900811
the prevalence of lice (bovicola ovis) infested sheep flocks in western australia (1987-1993)the proportion of wool bale brands with a positive test for sheep lice in baled wool decreased from 29.5% in 1987/88 to 23.2% in 1990/91 before increasing to 38.2% in 1992/93. changes in the proportion of wool bale brands with a positive test for lice were highly correlated with changes in the wool market price indicator. the increase in the proportion of positive lice tests since 1990/91 was associated with an increase in failures to eradicate lice from flocks. these failures were partly a cons ...19948198510
resistance to benzoylphenyl urea insecticides in australian populations of the sheep body louse.a laboratory bioassay based on the failure of eggs laid by diflubenzuron-treated sheep body lice bovicola ovis (schrank) (phthiraptera; trichodectidae) to produce nymphs is described. the test is capable of detecting benzoylphenyl urea-resistant populations. a susceptible discriminating dose (topical treatment of female lice with 0.10 microg diflubenzuron) suitable for screening suspect resistant populations is suggested but testing of further populations that are naïve to these insect growth re ...200819120960
efficacy against sheep lice (bovicola ovis) and fleece wetting of six shower dip preparations.the relative efficacy of 6 shower dip chemicals most frequently used for the treatment of sheep lice (bovicola ovis) in western australia was examined. groups of 20 sheep infested with lice were treated with products containing either alphamethrin, cyhalothrin, diazinon or diazinon plus piperonyl butoxide and rotenone, formulated as emulsifiable concentrates, and with products containing either coumaphos or magnesium fluorosilicate, formulated as wettable powders. all treatments were applied thr ...19947945099
preliminary investigations into the aetiology and treatment of cockle, a sheep pelt defect.a defect of sheep pelts known as cockle, detectable after depilation, but usually first noted only in the pickled pelt or tanned stage of processing, was studied to establish causal factor(s) and effective treatments. in addition, data on the histology and seasonal prevalence of the disease were obtained. samples collected soon after slaughter from pelts identified at the pickled pelt stage as having cockle, had a superficial dermatitis with infiltration of eosinophils. this may represent an imm ...19957732648
proliferative responses of lymphocytes in bovicola ovis-infested lambs.proliferative responses of peripheral blood and prescapular lymph node lymphocytes from 8 b. ovis-infested and 8 naive lambs to concanavalin a (con a) and soluble antigen of b. ovis were examined in vitro. the numbers of lice and the extent of cockle were also assessed on each lamb. prescapular lymph node lymphocytes from infested lambs showed significantly higher responses to b. ovis antigen than those from naive lambs. only a marginal difference was observed between infested and naive lambs in ...19957657464
evidence for the role of the sheep biting-louse bovicola ovis in producing cockle, a sheep pelt defect.the prevalence and severity of cockle, a sheep pelt defect characterised by raised lumps, was assessed on lambs that were either louse-infested (bovicola ovis) or louse-free at birth. assessments were made on pickled pelts, 10 months after the lambs had entered the trial. lambs kept free of lice did not develop cockle, whereas the defect was common in lambs (about 90%) that were infested with lice. there was a direct correlation between louse scores and cockle, high louse scores being associated ...19957571337
effect of sheep breed and sex on accumulation and depletion of ronnel in fat.when four breeds of sheep were dipped in .25% ronnel for control of sheep-biting lice, bovicola ovis (schrank), the differences in residues in the fat were highly significant for breed, sex, day x breed and day x sex interactions.19807372563
variation among merino sheep in susceptibilty to lice (bovicola ovis) and association with susceptibility to trichostrongylid gastrointestinal parasites.sheep of two bloodlines of merino were artificially infested with equal numbers of lice (bovicola ovis) and the resulting louse populations were monitored over the following 20 months. the sheep were shorn 6 and 17 months after infestation and, for analysis, the louse counts considered in 3 years separated by shearings. nematode faecal egg counts (fecs) were assessed on faecal samples collected on five occasions, three times following natural challenge and twice after artificial challenge with 4 ...200211777614
sensitivity of two-stage sampling to detect sheep biting lice (bovicola ovis) in infested flocks.the sampling distribution of bovicola ovis (schrank) on sheep was examined in two flocks, one with a light and one with a heavy infestation of lice. the derived distributions were used to calculate the sensitivity of detecting lice on individual sheep and in flocks by fleece parting regimes that varied in number of parts per animal and number of sheep per flock, different scenarios of flock sizes, proportion infested and louse density were examined. lice were aggregated among fleece partings in ...200211751010
survival away from sheep and alternative methods of transmission of sheep lice (bovicola ovis).transmission of sheep lice is thought to occur mainly by sheep to sheep contact although the possibility of other sources of infestation is often suggested. this study investigated the period of survival of bovicola ovis after removal from sheep under varying conditions and assessed the likelihood of new infestations arising from contaminated facilities, wool caught on fences and shearers' footwear. in laboratory studies with lice held away from sheep at 4, 20, 25 and 36.5 degrees c, adults and ...200111113551
Lousicidal activity of synthesized silver nanoparticles using Lawsonia inermis leaf aqueous extract against Pediculus humanus capitis and Bovicola ovis.In the present work, we describe inexpensive, nontoxic, unreported and simple procedure for synthesis of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) using leaf aqueous extract of Lawsonia inermis as eco-friendly reducing and capping agent. The aim of the present study was to assess the lousicidal activity of synthesized Ag NPs against human head louse, Pediculus humanus capitis De Geer (Phthiraptera: Pediculidae), and sheep body louse, Bovicola ovis Schrank (Phthiraptera: Trichodectidae). Direct contact metho ...201121993881
ectoparasites of sheep in three agro-ecological zones in central oromia, ethiopia.a cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence and risk factors for ectoparasites infestation in sheep in three agro-ecological zones in central oromia, ethiopia, from october 2009 to april 2010. the study revealed that 637 (48.1%) of the 1325 sheep examined were infested with one or more ectoparasites. the ectoparasites identified were bovicola ovis (27.2%), melophagus ovinus (16.4%), ctenocephalides sp. (2.3%), linognathus africanus (1.2%), linognathus ovillus (0.3%), sarcop ...201223327319
increased control of the sheep biting louse bovicola (damalinia) ovis with deltamethrin formulated in a fractionated wool grease carrier.the synthetic pyrethroid deltamethrin (dm) containing a trace of [(14)c]-dm was formulated with non-oxidised sterol and wax ester fractions (f1) of wool grease and as the commercial preparation 'clout-s'. these were applied as a 'backline' strip to sheep immediately after shearing and the concentration of [(14)c]-dm at meridians adjacent to the application strip and at 1/4 and 3/4 of the dorsal-ventral distance was determined. the f1 formulation resulted in significantly greater lateral spread o ...200010729651
resistance and the control of lice on humans and production animals.phthiraptera (lice) are specialised insects adapted to parasitise many warm-blooded vertebrates, including domestic animals and humans. often, attempts by the host to alleviate the irritation created by lice, causes derangement of the hair/fur coat. unless treated, this derangement may cause economic losses due to hide damage and/or downgrading of wool/hair/fur. in 1981, application of aqueous insecticide solutions (dipping) for the control of sheep body lice (bovicola ovis) was largely supersed ...200010719122
do sheep regulate the size of their mallophagan louse populations?alternatives to chemicals for controlling parasites are required to minimise problems from resistance, residues in animal products and occupational exposure. utilisation of host response to parasites through selection of resistant types or vaccination is an appealing option. to date most studies have been with haematophagous or invasive parasites which directly contact elements of the host immune system. sheep lice (bovicola ovis) feed superficially on the skin of sheep ingesting lipid, scurf, b ...199910480724
prevalence and clustering of louse infestation in queensland sheep flocks.information provided by wool growers in queensland, australia between 1995 and 1997 was used to assess the prevalence and spatial distribution of louse (bovicola ovis) infestation in sheep flocks. the estimated prevalence of louse-infested flocks was 40% (95% confidence interval, 35-46%). although the prevalence of infestation was higher in western regions (41-50%) compared to the south region of queensland (31%), the difference was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). significant (p = 0.02 ...199910348104
spatial distribution and spread of sheep biting lice, bovicola ovis, from point infestations.the spatial distribution of chewing lice (bovicola ovis) on their hosts was examined in polypay and columbia ewes initially artificially infested on the midside or the neck. densities of lice were determined at 69 body sites in eight body regions at approximately monthly intervals for 2 years. in the second year, half of the ewes were mated and lice were counted at 26 body sites on the resulting lambs. polypay ewes had higher densities of lice than columbias at most inspections but there was lit ...199910206105
antigens of the sheep scab mite psoroptes ovis.sheep scab caused by the mite psoroptes ovis (hering) is a highly contagious disease of sheep. as a first step in developing a mite-derived vaccine for controlling the disease, the soluble antigens in mite extracts which induce an immune response in sheep were identified by electrophoretic and immunoblotting techniques. at least 22 proteins were present in p. ovis extracts as revealed by coomassie blue staining. mite-infested sheep serum recognised six antigenic bands in the extracts with approx ...19989805786
histopathological effects of bacillus thuringiensis on the alimentary canal of the sheep louse, bovicola ovis.sequential observations were made of the ultrastructural effects of bacillus thuringiensis (bt) subsp. kurstaki strain wb3s16 on midgut epithelial cells of the sheep biting louse, bovicola ovis, after the lice were fed, ad libitum, a powdered preparation of bt spores, delta-endotoxin crystals, and lysed cellular components. light microscope observations revealed cytopathological changes to the midgut epithelial cells 4 h postfeeding. transmission electron micrographs showed that the microvilli o ...19989647696
infestation with the sheep body louse (bovicola ovis) in merino lines divergently selected for maternal multiple rearing were obtained from a population consisting of 160 merino ewes, as well as 64 male and 75 female progeny of these ewes at the 2-tooth age. the age and sex groups were maintained in separate flocks. the population has been divergently selected from the same base since 1986, either for (high or h line) or against (low or l line) maternal multiple rearing ability. all animals were inspected for sheep lice (bovicola ovis) during september/october 2002 after a wool growth period of at least 4 mon ...200312967053
some currently available insecticides and their comparative efficacy on louse-infested, long-woolled sheep.the comparative efficacy of 13 of the sheep dips currently registered in new zealand was investigated using sheep infested with the louse bovicola ovis and carrying wool which was about 10 cm long at the shoulder. with the exception of one synthetic pyrethroid pour-on formulation, all products were able to effect a significant reduction in louse populations, relative to untreated controls, for 37 days after treatment. only four products proved capable of eradicating lice and preventing their re- ...199216031669
an evaluation of two cypermethrin-based pour-on formulations on sheep infested with the biting louse, bovicola ovis.two synthetic pyrethroid (cypermethrin) based pour-on insecticide formulations, with high cis/trans isomer ratios (80:20) but differing in their respective active ingredient concentrations and solvent component(s), were applied to sheep infested with the biting-louse, bovicola ovis. all treated sheep were penned with louse-infested sheep 9,12 and 15 weeks after the insecticide was applied. the 2% cypermethrin formulation achieved a higher level of control than the 1.25% cypermethrin formulation ...199216031670
detection of dermatophilosis and lice (bovicola ovis) on flayed pelts and cockle on the skin of live lambs.pelts from lambs submitted to an abattoir were obtained at monthly intervals from december to august. one half of each freshly flayed pelt was examined for cockle, lice (bovicolu ovis) and dermatophilosis, and the observations compared with defects attributable to cockle and dermatophilosis in the corresponding pickled half-pelts. formalin-fixed samples from pelts identified as having cockle were examined microscopically. cockle was not detected macroscopically in flayed half-pelts despite being ...199616031912
the comparative ability of some lousicides to reduce cockle in sheep pelts.sheep naturally infested with the biting louse, bovicola ovis were treated with a range of organophosphorus and synthetic pyrethroid dip formulations. the sheep were killed 42 days after treatment and the pelts examined for evidence of cockle, a nodular condition that appears in some sheep as a response to the presence of lice. sheep treated to saturation with dip formulations produced more high quality pelts than did sheep treated with low volume, pour-on or spray-on dips. these differences are ...199616031915
a preliminary investigation into resistance to synthetic pyrethroids by the sheep biting louse (bovicola ovis) in new zealand.increasing reports of failure of synthetic pyrethroids for the control of bovicola ovis on sheep lead to a preliminary investigation into the insecticide resistance status of this pest during 1994. eighteen strains of lice from north and south island flocks experiencing failure of synthetic pyrethroid treatments to control lice were exposed to cypermethrin (high-cis) in a treated surface (contact) bioassay. lice from a group of hermit sheep were chosen as a reference susceptible strain against w ...199716031940
changes in morphology and key cytokine gene expression after intradermal injection of louse (bovicola ovis) antigen in sheep with naturally occurring atopic dermatitis.groups of louse-infested and louse-naïve lambs (n=6 or 7) were used in two experiments to determine the sequential tissue response (macroscopical, microscopical and key cytokine mrna) to intradermal injection of crude louse (bovicola ovis) antigen over a period of 72 or 96 h. histamine diphosphate and phosphate-buffered saline/glycerol (antigen vehicle control) solutions were also injected intradermally in each lamb for comparison. in both experiments, louse-infested lambs showed immediate and l ...200717270203
heritability of resistance to infestation with the body louse, bovicola ovis, in romney sheep bred for differences in resistance or resilience to gastro-intestinal nematode parasites.the inheritance of resistance to louse infestation and the related allergic skin disease, cockle, was examined in romney lambs. the lambs used in the study were the 2001- and 2004-born progeny of four experimental breeding lines ("resistant", "susceptible", "resilient" and "control") developed as part of a long-term study of the genetics of host resistance (maintenance of low faecal egg count (fec) under nematode challenge) or resilience (maintenance of health and productivity under nematode cha ...200717619017
resistance to insect growth regulator insecticides in populations of sheep lice as assessed by a moulting disruption assay.low-volume, backline applications with the benzoylphenyl urea insecticides triflumuron and diflubenzuron represent in excess of 70% of treatments for the control of sheep lice, bovicola ovis (schrank) (phthiraptera: trichodectidae), in australia. reports of reduced effectiveness from 2003 and subsequent controlled treatment trials suggested the emergence of resistance to these compounds in b. ovis populations. a laboratory assay based on the measurement of moulting success in nymphs was develope ...200819120959
cutaneous cytokine gene expression and cellular responses in lambs infested with the louse, bovicola ovis, and following intradermal injection of crude louse antigen.the present study was undertaken to investigate further the immunological responses in the skin of lambs to natural louse infestation and following intradermal allergen challenge. bovicola ovis-infested (n=7) and naïve (n=7) romney lambs received four intradermal injections each of crude louse ag and diluent control solutions on the dorso-lateral chest. from each lamb, skin samples were obtained from untreated skin and, at 4, 24, 48 and 72 h following injection, from one each of the ag- and dilu ...200919157570
identification of an abundant allergen from the sheep louse, bovicola ovis.infestation of sheep with the louse bovicola ovis is common worldwide and leads to an allergic dermatitis referred to as 'scatter cockle'. ige from an infested lamb was used in immunoaffinity chromatography to purify allergens from crude preparations of whole b. ovis and its faeces. sds-page of the affinity-purified eluates from both preparations showed a dominant band with m(r) of 28.5 kda. spleen cells from a mouse immunised with b. ovis faecal antigens were used to produce hybridomas which we ...201020123101
ectoparasites are the major causes of various types of skin lesions in small ruminants in ethiopia.ectoparasites are the major causes of skin lesions in animals. clinical, skin scraping examination, and histopathological studies were conducted to identify and characterize skin lesions in small ruminants caused by ectoparasites. mange mites, lice, sheep keds, and ticks were collected from the skin of affected animals for species identification. skin biopsies were collected from affected part of the skin and fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin for histopathology. of 1,000 sheep and 600 goats ...201020195754
evaluation of catharanthus roseus leaf extract-mediated biosynthesis of titanium dioxide nanoparticles against hippobosca maculata and bovicola ovis.the purpose of the present study was based on assessments of the antiparasitic activities of synthesized titanium dioxide nanoparticles (tio(2) nps) utilizing leaf aqueous extract of catharanthus roseus against the adults of hematophagous fly, hippobosca maculata leach (diptera: hippoboscidae), and sheep-biting louse, bovicola ovis schrank (phthiraptera: trichodectidae). the synthesized tio(2) nps were analyzed by x-ray diffraction (xrd), fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ftir), scanning ...201121987105
hypersensitivity skin testing of lambs infested with the biting louse (bovicola ovis).abstract cockle, a defect of lamb's pelts, has recently been shown to be associated with infestation of lambs with the louse bovicoh ovis. the mechanisms by which infestation with the louse leads to cockle are not known, but immunological hypersensitivity has been suggested. the objectives of our work are to determine if lambs respond immunologically to lice and, if so, whether hypersensitivity occurs. preliminary results are presented here.199422133159
unprecedented conformational flexibility revealed in the ligand-binding domains of the bovicola ovis ecdysone receptor (ecr) and ultraspiracle (usp) subunits.the heterodimeric ligand-binding region of the bovicola ovis ecdysone receptor has been crystallized either in the presence of an ecdysteroid or a synthetic methylene lactam insecticide. two x-ray crystallographic structures, determined at 2.7 å resolution, show that the ligand-binding domains of both subunits of this receptor, like those of other nuclear receptors, can display significant conformational flexibility. thermal melt experiments show that while ponasterone a stabilizes the higher or ...201425004972
dipping and jetting with tea tree (melaleuca alternifolia) oil formulations control lice (bovicola ovis) on sheep.the in vivo pediculicidal effectiveness of 1% and 2% formulations of tea tree (melaleuca alternifolia) oil (tto) against sheep chewing lice (bovicola ovis) was tested in two pen studies. immersion dipping of sheep shorn two weeks before treatment in both 1% and 2% formulations reduced lice to non detectable levels. no lice were found on any of the treated sheep despite careful inspection of at least 40 fleece partings per animal at 2, 6, 12 and 20 weeks after treatment. in the untreated sheep lo ...201222579852
bioactivity of tea tree oil from melaleuca alternifolia against sheep lice (bovicola ovis schrank) in vitro.tea tree oil (tto) from the australian native plant melaleuca alternifolia has wide ranging bio-active properties, including insecticidal and repellent activity against arthropods. furthermore, composition of commercially available australian tto is specified under an international organization for standardization standard (iso 4730), reducing the potential for variable effects often noted with botanical pesticides. the effect of tto, meeting the iso standard for terpinen-4-ol chemotype, was tes ...201222398149
synthesis, binding and bioactivity of gamma-methylene gamma-lactam ecdysone receptor ligands: advantages of qsar models for flexible receptors.nuclear hormone receptors, such as the ecdysone receptor, often display a large amount of induced fit to ligands. the size and shape of the binding pocket in the ecr subunit changes markedly on ligand binding, making modelling methods such as docking extremely challenging. it is, however, possible to generate excellent 3d qsar models for a given type of ligand, suggesting that the receptor adopts a relatively restricted number of binding site configurations or 'attractors'. we describe the synth ...201020619664
in vitro infection of sheep lice (bovicola ovis schrank) by steinernematid and heterorhabditid nematodes.control of sheep lice with conventional pesticides can be compromised by difficulty in contacting lice in the dense water repellent fleeces of sheep, particularly when sheep have not been recently shorn. entomopathogenic nematodes (ens) are motile and are able to actively seek out insect hosts. they have particular advantages for the control of pests in cryptic habitats, such as the fleeces of sheep and avoid many of the problems frequently associated with chemical controls. this study investiga ...201020800970
unstable pyrethroid resistance in sheep body lice bovicola ovis (schrank), (phthiraptera: trichodectidae) and its implications for lice control on sheep.a retrospective study in which the 18years treatment history of a mob of sheep hosting a pyrethroid resistant strain of sheep body lice was compared with the coincidental changes in that strain's response to cypermethrin, provided a unique opportunity to investigate the stability of pyrethroid resistance in this species. resistance levels remained very high (resistance factors (rf)=75-145) for at least five years following the cessation of pyrethroid treatments but within ten years had dropped t ...201122004914
parasiticide resistance in flies, lice and ticks in new zealand and australia: mechanisms, prevalence and prevention.this review outlines the history of parasiticide resistance in the principal ectoparasites of sheep and cattle in new zealand and australia, blowflies, buffalo fly (haematobia irritans exigua), sheep biting louse (bovicola ovis) and cattle ticks, and discusses recent changes in their response to insecticides and acaricides. mechanisms of resistance and evaluation methods are described, with ways in which insecticide resistance can be avoided or ameliorated also discussed. resistance in sheep blo ...201525185062
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