
[estimation of modulus of elasticity of eucalyptus pellita wood by near infrared spectroscopy].in the present study, the rapid prediction of wood modulus of elasticity (moe) of eucalyptus pellita by near infrared (nir) spectroscopy is described. fast fourier transform (fft) and conventional mechanical testing methods were used to measure modulus of elasticity of small clear wood samples of eucalyptus pellita. after collecting the near-infrared reflectance spectra of each sample from radial and tangential faces, the nir spectra were preprocessed with the second-derivative methods, and regr ...200919950636
[microfibril angle prediction of eucalyptus pellita wood samples based on radial and tangential section by near infrared spectroscopy].near infrared spectroscopy (nir) technique was applied to predict wood microfibril angle (mfa) of eucalyptus pellita in radial/tangential section. the mfa of small clear increment core samples were measured by x-ray diffractometry. after collecting the near infrared reflectance spectra of each sample, the nir spectra were preprocessed with the second-derivative and the regression models were built for certain spectra. the calibration models were established using at least 159 samples with the pa ...201021105394
[influence factor for prediction of air-dry density of eucalyptus pellita by near infrared spectroscopy].near infrared spectroscopy(nir)technique was applied to compare the influence factors of eucalyptus pellita's air-dry density. air-dry density of eucalypt wood was tested by direct measurement after collecting the near infrared reflectance spectra of samples in different section and with different thickness, moisture content and roughness, the nir spectra were preprocessed with the second-derivative and the regression models were built in certain spectra. the calibration models were established ...201122242492
fungal planet description sheets: 320-370.novel species of fungi described in the present study include the following from malaysia: castanediella eucalypti from eucalyptus pellita, codinaea acacia from acacia mangium, emarcea eucalyptigena from eucalyptus brassiana, myrtapenidiella eucalyptorum from eucalyptus pellita, pilidiella eucalyptigena from eucalyptus brassiana and strelitziana malaysiana from acacia mangium. furthermore, stachybotrys sansevieriicola is described from sansevieria ehrenbergii (tanzania), phacidium grevilleae fro ...201526240451
fungal planet description sheets: 469-557.novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: australia: apiognomonia lasiopetali on lasiopetalum sp., blastacervulus eucalyptorum on eucalyptus adesmophloia, bullanockia australis (incl. bullanockia gen. nov.) on kingia australis, caliciopsis eucalypti on eucalyptus marginata, celerioriella petrophiles on petrophile teretifolia, coleophoma xanthosiae on xanthosia rotundifolia, coniothyrium hakeae on hakea sp., diatrypella banksiae on banksia for ...201628232766
the influence of pre- and post-zygotic barriers on interspecific corymbia hybridization.corymbia species from different sections hybridize readily, with some of increasing economic importance to plantation forestry. this study explores the locations of reproductive barriers between interspecific corymbia hybrids and investigates the reproductive success of a wide taxonomic range of c. torelliana hybrid crosses.201222419764
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