long-term effects of group-selection timber harvesting on abundance of forest birds. | relatively few studies have examined the ecological effects of group-selection timber harvesting, and nearly all have been short-term and have lacked experimental manipulations that allow pre- and posttreatment comparisons. we have been documenting the effects of a group-selection timber harvest on bird abundance in a maine forest for 24 years (preharvest, 1983-1987; postharvest, 1988-2006). here we characterized the trends in bird abundance over the first 20 years of the study in the managed an ... | 2007 | 17883487 |
coccidia in passerines from the nevado de toluca national park, mexico. | in this study, we found unsporulated coccidia oocysts in passerines from the nevado de toluca national park, mexico. we captured birds and took samples of their droppings during three field visits. we examined a total of 72 fecal samples and found unsporulated coccidia oocysts in 10 samples from five passerine species: atlapetes pileatus (3), cardelina ruber (1), mniotilta varia (1), oreothlypis celata (2) and regulus calendula (3). this appears to be the first recorded study of unsporulated coc ... | 2014 | 26204037 |
modeling the flocking propensity of passerine birds in two neotropical habitats. | we examined the importance of mixed-species flock abundance, individual bird home range size, foraging height, and foraging patch characteristics in predicting the propensity for five neotropical passerine bird species (slaty antwren, myrmotherula schisticolor; golden-crowned warbler, basileuterus culicivorus; slate-throated redstart, myioborus miniatus; wilson's warbler, wilsonia pusilla; and black-and-white warbler, mniotilta varia) to forage within flocks, rather than solitarily. we used stud ... | 2007 | 17375332 |
factors affecting aural detections of songbirds. | many factors affect the number of birds detected on point count surveys of breeding songbirds. the magnitude and importance of these factors are not well understood. we used a bird song simulation system to quantify the effects of detection distance, singing rate, species differences, and observer differences on detection probabilities of birds detected by ear. we simulated 40 point counts consisting of 10 birds per count for five primary species (black-and-white warbler mniotilta varia, black-t ... | 2007 | 17494409 |
feather mites of the genus trouessartia (acariformes: trouessartiidae) from passerines (aves: passeriformes) in georgia, usa. | ten new species of the feather mite genus trouessartia canestrini, 1899 (analgoidea: trouessartiidae) are described from various passerines of the superfamily passeroidea in georgia: trouessartia americana sp. n. from setophaga americana (linnaeus), t. helmitheros sp. n. from helmitheros vermivorum (gmelin, jf), t. mniotilta sp. n. from mniotilta varia (linnaeus), t. pensylvanica sp. n. from setophaga pensylvanica (linnaeus) (type host) and s. palmarum (gmelin, jf), t. ruticilla sp. n. from s. r ... | 2020 | 33056170 |
connecting the dots: stopover strategies of an intercontinental migratory songbird in the context of the annual cycle. | the phases of the annual cycle for migratory species are inextricably linked. yet, less than five percent of ecological studies examine seasonal interactions. in this study, we utilized stable hydrogen isotopes to geographically link individual black-and-white warblers (mniotilta varia) captured during spring migration with breeding destinations to understand a migrant's stopover strategy in the context of other phases of the annual cycle. we found that stopover strategy is not only a function o ... | 2017 | 28904753 |