molecular characterization of tomato-infecting begomoviruses in yunnan, china. | the importance of diseases of tomato caused by begomoviruses is increasing worldwide. here, we report that several begomoviruses are associated with tomato leaf curl disease in yunnan province, china. 14 tomato samples showing leaf curl symptoms were collected in three districts in yunnan, and they fell into four groups according to their reaction with a panel of 16 monoclonal antibodies in tas-elisa. comparison of partial dna-a sequences amplified with degenerate primers confirmed the existence ... | 2004 | 15593415 |
a begomovirus dnabeta-encoded protein binds dna, functions as a suppressor of rna silencing, and targets the cell nucleus. | our previous results demonstrated that the dnabeta satellite (y10beta) associated with tomato yellow leaf curl china virus y10 isolate (tylccnv-y10) is essential for induction of leaf curl symptoms in plants and that transgenic expression of its betac1 gene in nicotiana plants induces virus-like symptoms. in the present study, in vitro dna binding activity of the betac1 proteins of y10beta and dnabeta (y35beta) found in the tobacco curly shoot virus y35 isolate (tbcsv-y35) were studied following ... | 2005 | 16051868 |
a modified viral satellite dna-based gene silencing vector is effective in association with heterologous begomoviruses. | we have previously reported effective gene silencing of a transgene and endogenous plant genes in tobacco and tomato plants using a modified viral satellite dna associated with tomato yellow leaf curl china virus (tylccnv). in this study, we constructed a similar gene silencing vector (dnadeltac12beta) based on the satellite dnabeta associated with tobacco curly shoot virus (tbcsv) by replacing its betac1 gene with a multiple cloning site. strong and stable silencing of cognate genes was achieve ... | 2006 | 16417940 |
vector-virus mutualism accelerates population increase of an invasive whitefly. | the relationships between plant viruses, their herbivore vectors and host plants can be beneficial, neutral, or antagonistic, depending on the species involved. this variation in relationships may affect the process of biological invasion and the displacement of indigenous species by invaders when the invasive and indigenous organisms occur with niche overlap but differ in the interactions. the notorious invasive b biotype of the whitefly complex bemisia tabaci entered china in the late 1990s an ... | 2007 | 17264884 |
tobacco curly shoot virus dnabeta is not necessary for infection but intensifies symptoms in a host-dependent manner. | abstract we demonstrated that only 11 isolates were associated with dnabeta among 39 tobacco curly shoot virus (tbcsv)-infected, field-collected samples. an infectious clone of tbcsv-[y35], an isolate associated with dnabeta, induced severe upward leaf curling in nicotiana benthamiana. in the presence of its cognate dnabeta (tbcsv-[y35] dnabeta), the symptom changed to a downward leaf curl. furthermore, tbcsv-[y35] alone was able to induce severe symptoms in tobacco and tomato plants, although c ... | 2005 | 18944412 |
tomato yellow leaf curl thailand virus-[y72] from yunnan is a monopartite begomovirus associated with dnabeta. | previous studies have shown that isolates of tomato yellow leaf curl thailand virus (tylcthv) originated from thailand are bipartite begomoviruses, while all the seven tylcthv isolates found in china are associated with dnabeta molecules. in this study, infectious clones of tylcthv isolate y72 (tylcthv-[y72]) and its dnabeta were constructed to verify the bipartite or monopartite nature of tylcthv. agroinoculation showed that tylcthv-[y72] alone was able to induce significant symptoms in nicotia ... | 2009 | 19165588 |
efficient virus-induced gene silencing in plants using a modified geminivirus dna1 component. | virus-induced gene silencing (vigs) is currently recognized as a powerful reverse genetics tool for application in functional genomics. dna1, a satellite-like and single-stranded dna molecule associated with begomoviruses (family geminiviridae), has been shown to replicate autonomously but requires the helper virus for its dissemination. we developed a vigs vector based on the dna1 component of tobacco curly shoot virus (tbcsv), a monopartite begomovirus, by inserting a multiple cloning site bet ... | 2009 | 19175519 |
trans-replication of, and competition between, dna beta satellites in plants inoculated with tomato yellow leaf curl china virus and tobacco curly shoot virus. | tomato yellow leaf curl china virus (tylccnv) y10 isolate (y10) and tobacco curly shoot virus (tbcsv) y35 isolate (y35), both obtained from yunnan province, were each found to be associated with a distinct species of satellite dna (dna beta). here, we demonstrate that both y10 dna beta (y10beta) and y35 dna beta (y35beta) were stably trans-replicated by the noncognate begomovirus, although the noncognate dna beta accumulated in plants at a lower level than did the cognate dna beta. in nicotiana ... | 2009 | 19453231 |
genetic determinants of symptoms on viral dna satellites. | begomovirus-dna-beta disease complexes induce different symptom phenotypes in their hosts. to investigate the genetic determinants of the phenotypic differences, nicotiana spp. and tomato plants were inoculated with infectious clones of tobacco curly shoot virus (tbcsv)/tbcsv dna-beta (tbcsb) and tomato yellow leaf curl china virus (tylccnv)/tylccnv dna-beta (tylccnb) pseudorecombinants and showed that tylccnb induced characteristic vein-thickening and enation symptoms, while tbcsb only slightly ... | 2009 | 19542327 |
molecular characterization and experimental host-range of two begomoviruses infecting clerodendrum cyrtophyllum in china. | two begomovirus isolates (yx2-i and yx2-ii) were identified from clerodendrum cyrtophyllum showing yellow mosaic symptoms collected in jiangsu province of china. sequence analysis reveals that yx2-i is a distinct begomovirus species for which the name clerodendrum golden mosaic jiangsu virus (clgmjsv-[cn:yx2:08]) is proposed. yx2-ii is an isolate of bipartite begomovirus clerodendrum golden mosaic china virus (clgmcnv-[cn:yx2:08]). infectious clones of the two viruses were constructed and agroin ... | 2010 | 20532974 |
characterization of alphasatellites associated with monopartite begomovirus/betasatellite complexes in yunnan, china. | alphasatellites are single-stranded molecules that are associated with monopartite begomovirus/betasatellite complexes. | 2010 | 20678232 |
size reversion of a truncated dnabeta associated with tobacco curly shoot virus. | our previous results demonstrated that dnabeta associated with tobacco curly shoot virus (tbcsv) is not necessary for infection but intensifies symptoms in some hosts. to better understand the function of dnabeta in virus infection, a betac1 deleted infectious clone of the tbcsv dnabeta was constructed. agroinoculation showed that the truncated dnabeta (dnadeltac1beta) was trans-replicated by tbcsv in tobacco and petunia hybrida plants. however, pcr and southern blot analysis demonstrated that t ... | 2008 | 17950948 |
a novel recombinant tomato-infecting begomovirus capable of transcomplementing heterologous dna-b components. | the genome of a tomato-infecting begomovirus from ranchi, india, was cloned, sequenced and analysed. the viral genome shared 88.3% sequence identity with an isolate belonging to the species tobacco curly shoot virus (tbcsv), and this virus should therefore be considered a member of a new species, tentatively named tomato leaf curl ranchi virus (tolcrnv). the dna-ß molecule, which had 74.5% sequence identity with tomato leaf curl bangladesh betasatellite (tolcbdb), is named tomato leaf curl ranch ... | 2011 | 21311922 |
molecular characterization of a new begomovirus infecting mirabilis jalapa in northern india. | begomoviruses are whitefly-transmitted single-stranded dna viruses that are responsible for considerable economic losses. a begomovirus, alphasatellite and betasatellite were characterized in a mirabilis jalapa plant exhibiting severe leaf curling and mottling symptoms. the complete viral genome shared highest sequence identity of 87% with pedilanthus leaf curl virus (am712436), reported from pakistan. additionally, the viral genome was 84% identical to that of chilli leaf curl india virus (kx95 ... | 2017 | 28342034 |
antioxidant enzyme responses induced by whiteflies in tobacco plants in defense against aphids: catalase may play a dominant role. | bemisia tabaci meam1 (middle east-asia minor 1) feeding alters antioxidative enzyme activity in some plant species. infestation of b. tabaci nymphs decreases myzus persicae performance on systemic, but not local leaves of tobacco plants. however, it is unclear if b. tabaci nymphs induced antioxidant activities contributing to the aphid resistance. | 2016 | 27788203 |
a novel dna motif contributes to selective replication of a geminivirus-associated betasatellite by a helper virus-encoded replication-related protein. | rolling-circle replication of single-stranded genomes of plant geminiviruses is initiated by sequence-specific dna binding of the viral replication-related protein (rep) to its cognate genome at the replication origin. monopartite begomovirus-associated betasatellites can be trans replicated by both cognate and some noncognate helper viruses, but the molecular basis of replication promiscuity of betasatellites remains uncharacterized. earlier studies showed that when tomato yellow leaf curl chin ... | 2015 | 26656709 |
a recombinant tobacco curly shoot virus causes leaf curl disease in tomato in a north-eastern state of india and has potentiality to trans-replicate a non-cognate betasatellite. | leaf curl disease is a serious constraint in tomato production throughout india. several begomoviruses were reported from different parts of the country; however, identity of begomovirus associated with leaf curl disease in tomato in north-eastern states of india was obscured. in the present study, the complete genome of an isolate (to-ag-1) of begomovirus was generated from a leaf curl sample collected from tripura state. however, no dna-b and betasatellite were detected in the field samples. t ... | 2015 | 25410052 |
[prokaryotic expression and immuno-localization of replication protein gene of tobacco curly shoot virus]. | the replication protein (rep) gene of tobacco curly shoot virus (tbcsv) y35 isolate was obtained from the infected tobacco plants by pcr and cloned into expression vector pgex-4t-1 to generate the recombinant plasmid pgex-y35rep. the recombinant plasmid was introduced into escherichia coli strain bl21(de3) plys s, and tbcsv rep fusion protein was expressed with induction by iptg and some products were soluble. the rep fusion protein was purified with gst-sepharose 4b affinity chromatography and ... | 2004 | 16110952 |
interaction between a nanovirus-like component and the tobacco curly shoot virus/satellite complex. | the biological role of dna1, a nanovirus-like component shown to be associated with the begomovirus/satellite complex, has not yet been identified. here, we demonstrated that dna1 of tobacco curly shoot virus isolate y35 (tbcsv-y35) attenuated leaf-curling symptoms induced by tbcsv-y35 or tbcsv-y35 plus y35 dnabeta in the early stage of symptom development and induced leaf cluster at a later stage of symptom development in nicotiana benthamiana plants. the leaf disc assay demonstrated that tbcsv ... | 2005 | 15645078 |
development and application of an efficient virus-induced gene silencing system in nicotiana tabacum using geminivirus alphasatellite. | virus-induced gene silencing (vigs) is a recently developed technique for characterizing the function of plant genes by gene transcript suppression and is increasingly used to generate transient loss-of-function assays. here we report that the 2mdna1, a geminivirus satellite vector, can induce efficient gene silencing in nicotiana tabacum with tobacco curly shoot virus. we have successfully silenced the ß-glucuronidase (gus) gene in gus transgenic n. tabacum plants and the sulphur desaturase (su ... | 2011 | 21265040 |