
plants used traditionally to treat malaria in brazil: the archives of flora medicinal.the archives of flora medicinal, an ancient pharmaceutical laboratory that supported ethnomedical research in brazil for more than 30 years, were searched for plants with antimalarial use. forty plant species indicated to treat malaria were described by dr. j. monteiro da silva (flora medicinal leader) and his co-workers. eight species, bathysa cuspidata, cosmos sulphureus, cecropia hololeuca, erisma calcaratum, gomphrena arborescens, musa paradisiaca, ocotea odorifera, and pradosia lactescens, ...200717472740
investigation of genotoxic and antigenotoxic activities of melampodium divaricatum in salmonella typhimurium.melampodium divaricatum is a member of the asteraceae and in brazil is known as false-calendula, its flowers being used in anti-inflammatory preparations, substituting the true calendula or marigold (calendula officinalis l.). the flower extract was investigated for mutagenic and antimutagenic effect in the salmonella/microsome assay. the tested extract was not mutagenic in the strains ta100, ta98, ta97a and ta102 and decreased the mutagenicity of aflatoxin b1, benzo(a)pyrene and daunomycin. chl ...200616182509
ethnobotanical survey of the medicinal flora used by the caribs of ethnobotanical survey was conducted among the carib population of guatemala in 1988-1989. in general terms, the sample surveyed possessed a relatively good standard of living. results indicated that health services were utilized by the population, and that domestic medicine, mainly plants (96.9%) was used by 15% of the population. one hundred and nineteen plants used for medicinal purposes were collected, of which 102 (85.7%) could be identified; a list of these together with the information ...19911795521
composition and activity against oral pathogens of the essential oil of melampodium divaricatum (rich.) dc.the chemical composition of the essential oil isolated from the aerial parts of melampodium divaricatum (rich.) dc. (asteraceae) was characterized by gc-fid and gc/ms analyses. (e)-caryophyllene (56.0%), germacrene d (12.7%), and bicyclogermacrene (9.2%) were identified as the major oil components. the antimicrobial activity of the oil against seven standard strains of oral pathogens from the american type culture collection (atcc) was evaluated by determining minimum inhibitory concentrations ( ...201424634073
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