
mycoplasma glycophilum, a new species of avian origin.a mycoplasma, designated strain 486, was isolated from the oviduct of an adult chicken. on the basis of its morphological, physical and cultural characteristics the organism was assigned to the class mollicutes, order mycoplasmatales. the guanine plus cytosine content of its dna was estimated to be 27.5 mol%. the organism was inhibited by digitonin and it showed a growth response to sterol, although its minimal requirement was low. it neither showed helical forms nor hydrolysed urea and was henc ...19846726179
infraorbital sinusitis associated with pasteurella multocida in pen-raised ring-necked pheasants.pasteurella multocida, somatic serotype 6, was isolated from the infraorbital sinuses of 8-wk-old ring-necked pheasants with severe sinusitis. in addition, escherichia coli, pasteurella haemolytica-like bacteria, mycoplasma gallinaceum, and mycoplasma glycophilum were also isolated from some of the sinuses. clinical signs appeared 3 days after placement on the grow-out ranch. the sinusitis consisted of severe unilateral or bilateral distention of the sinuses by mucoid to caseous exudate. mortali ...200111417842
isolation and characterization of unusual mycoplasma spp. from captive eurasian griffon (gyps fulvus) in sicily.mycoplasmas have been isolated from birds of prey during clinical examinations, but their significance to the health of raptors is unclear. we report the isolation and characterization of four mycoplasmas found in the upper respiratory tract of four sick eurasian griffon (gyps fulvus) that were housed in a sicilian rehabilitation center at ficuzza, near palermo in sicily, before reintroduction into the wild. these included mycoplasma gallinarum, an unidentified mycoplasma highly similar to mycop ...200818263832
mycoplasmas and respiratory disease in pheasants and partridges.pheasants and partridges with signs of upper respiratory disease were cultured for mycoplasmas and were also examined for mycoplasma gallisepticum and mycoplasma synoviae using commercial polymerase chain reaction (pcr) kits. sixty-two incidents of disease were investigated in pheasants and 12 in partridges. m. gallisepticum was detected by culture in only four and three incidents in pheasants and partridges, respectively, but with pcr a further 15 m. gallisepticum-positive incidents were detect ...200119184924
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