toxoplasmosis as a suspected cause of abortion in a greenland muskox (ovibos moshatus wardi). | toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites were seen in the placenta of a late-term aborted greenland muskox (ovibos moschatus wardi) fetus in a captive herd at the san francisco zoo. the organism stained with anti-t. gondii polyclonal rabbit serum but not with anti-neospora caninum serum. the dam had a toxoplasma titer of > or =1:3,200 at the time of abortion and in each of the previous 3 yr (modified agglutination test). the muskox is a new host record for t. gondii. | 2000 | 10982143 |
muskox lungworm (umingmakstrongylus pallikuukensis) does not establish in experimentally exposed thinhorn sheep (ovis dalli). | muskoxen (ovibos moschlatus moschatus) on the northwestern mainland of nunavut and northwest territories, canada, are infected with the protostrongylid lungworm, umingmaksrongylus pallikuuhkensis. the geographic range of this muskox population is expanding to the south and west, and it is anticipated that these animals will eventually become sympatric with dall's sheep (ovis dalli dalli) in the mackenzie and richardson mountains. to address the concern of wildlife managers that u. pallikulkensis ... | 2004 | 15362818 |
discovery and description of the "davtiani" morphotype for teladorsagia boreoarcticus (trichostrongyloidea: ostertagiinae) abomasal parasites in muskoxen, ovibos moschatus and caribou, rangifer tarandus from the north american arctic: implications for parasite faunal diversity. | abstract collections to explore helminth diversity among free-ranging ungulates in the north american arctic revealed the occurrence of a third male, or "davtiani," morphotype for teladorsagia boreoarcticus. designated as t. boreoarcticus forma (f.) minor b, the males occurred with t. boreoarcticus f. major and t. borearcticus f. minor a in endemic populations of muskoxen (o. m. wardi) and barrenground caribou (r. tarandus groenlandicus) on victoria island, nunavut, canada and in muskoxen an ... | 2011 | 21942428 |
sentinels in a climatic outpost: endoparasites in the introduced muskox (ovibos moschatus wardi) population of dovrefjell, norway. | we assessed the occurrence of endoparasite eggs, cysts, oocysts and larvae in the muskox population of dovrefjell, norway, during june and august 2012. this population originates from 13 calves translocated from eastern greenland during the 1950s. a total of 167 faecal samples were collected, of which 49% came from identified individuals: 165 were examined by the baermann and 95 by mcmaster techniques and 167 by immunofluorescence antibody test (ifat). lungworm larvae recovered in the baermanns ... | 2014 | 25161914 |
divergent parasite faunas in adjacent populations of west greenland caribou: natural and anthropogenic influences on diversity. | gastrointestinal parasite diversity was characterised for two adjacent populations of west greenland caribou (rangifer tarandus groenlandicus) through examinations of abomasa and small intestines collected from adult and subadult females during late winter. three trichostrongyline (trichostrongylina: nematoda) species were identified from the abomasa, although none were recovered from the small intestines, with faunal composition differing between the caribou populations. in caribou from kangerl ... | 2013 | 24533335 |