
concanavalin a responsiveness and interleukin 2 production in the snake spalerosophis diadema.thymocytes and splenocytes (sc) of adult snakes, spalerosophis diadema, responded to concanavalin a (con a) in vitro by strong proliferation during the spring and autumn seasons. con a-mediated mitogenesis was, however, abrogated in summer and winter. conditioned medium (cm) collected from snake sc cultures stimulated with con a in spring or autumn could enhance the con a summer and winter responses and support the proliferation of splenic lymphoblasts. gel filtration of native cm on sephadex g- ...20113496266
surface markers of lymphocytes in the snake, spalerosophis diadema. i. investigation of lymphocyte surface markers.a specific antiserum was raised in rabbits against thymocytes from snakes, spalerosophis diadema, and was absorbed repeatedly with snake erythrocytes and kidney cells. in complement-dependent cytotoxicity assays, the absorbed anti-thymocyte serum (ats) was, at any given dilution, cytotoxic to sp. diadema thymocytes > peripheral blood lymphocytes (pbl) > spleen cells and could be titrated to a plateau defining a population of about 98% of thymocytes, 80% of pbl and 72% of spleen cells. antiserum ...19807000688
sarcocystis acanthocolubri sp. n. infecting three lizard species of the genus acanthodactylus and the problem of host specificity. light and electron microscopic the present investigation, macroscopic sarcocysts of sarcocystis acanthocolubri were observed in muscles of 42 (4.3%) out of 975 acanthodactylus sp. lizards collected from different geographical areas in egypt. the infection rate was 6.4% in acanthodactylus boskianus, 2.1% in acanthodactylus sculentus, and 5% in acanthodactylus paradalis. the highest infection rate was recorded in the lizards captured from baltem (10% in a. boskianus and 8% in a. paradalis). the infection rate was usually hig ...201221710348
endodyogony and cyst formation of sarcocystis gongyli (trinci 1911) from the skink chalcides ocellatus.the heteroxenous life cycle of s. gongyli comprising both the skink chalcides ocellatus (intermediate host) and the snake spalerosophis diadema, herewith the process of cyst formation was followed by means of light and electron microscopy after experimental infection. following migration of the merozoites to muscle fibres, they changed into globular metrocytes, meanwhile a parasitophorous vacuole enclosing them. as development proceeded the wall of the parasitophorous vacuole is thickened in the ...19911908496
lymphoid tissues of the snake, spalerosophis diadema, in the different seasons. 1979437239
molecular characterisation of hepatozoon aegypti bashtar, boulos & mehlhorn, 1984 parasitising the blood of spalerosophis diadema (serpentes: colubridae).hepatozoon aegypti bashtar, boulos & mehlhorn, 1984 was first described from the blood of the diadem snake (spalerosophis diadema) in egypt. during an investigation of the diversity of reptilian haemogregarines in saudi arabia, seven diadem snakes (100% of the sample) were found to be highly parasitised by h. aegypti, with an average parasitaemia of 37% per 500 counted erythrocytes. a complete characterisation of this species with morphometrics and 18s rdna sequence data is therefore presented h ...201830022290
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