
identification of common epitopes on a conserved region of nss proteins among tospoviruses of watermelon silver mottle virus serogroup.abstract the nss protein of watermelon silver mottle virus (wsmov) was expressed by a zucchini yellow mosaic virus (zymv) vector in squash. the expressed nss protein with a histidine tag and an additional nia protease cleavage sequence was isolated by ni(2+)-nta resins as a free-form protein and further eluted after sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for production of rabbit antiserum and mouse monoclonal antibodies (mabs). the rabbit antiserum strongly reacted with the ns ...200618943661
complete nucleotide sequence of capsicum chlorosis virus isolated from phalaenopsis orchid and the prediction of the unexplored genetic information of tospoviruses.phalaenopsis orchids are popular ornamentals all over the world. a tospovirus, capsicum chlorosis virus (cacv-ph) had been identified as the cause of chlorotic ringspots on leaves of phalaenopsis orchids in taiwan. the tripartite genome of cacv-ph was found to contain 3608, 4848 and 8916 nt of s, m and l rnas, respectively. phylogenetic analysis of the nucleocapsid (n) protein confirmed that cacv-ph is a member of the watermelon silver mottle virus (wsmov) serogroup in the genus tospovirus. base ...201021161553
biological and molecular characterization of tospoviruses in thailand.twenty-eight isolates of tospoviruses associated with tomato, pepper, cucurbits, peanut, and physalis plants collected from fields in different regions of thailand were characterized. on the basis of n gene and protein sequence relationships, three tospoviruses were identified, namely watermelon silver mottle virus (wsmov), capsicum chlorosis virus (cacv), and melon yellow spot virus (mysv). clustal analysis of selected n protein sequences showed different isolates of cacv in three distinct clad ...200818188501
the complete nucleotide sequence of a capsicum chlorosis virus isolate from lycopersicum esculentum in thailand.the complete nucleotide sequence of a tospovirus isolated from lycopersicum esculentum in thailand was determined. the l rna comprises of 8912 nt and codes for the rna-dependent rna-polymerase (rdrp) (2877 aa). two orfs are located on the m rna (4823 nt) encoding the non-structural (nsm) protein (308 aa) and the viral glycoprotein precursors (gn/gc) (1121 aa) separated by an intergenic region of 433 nt. orfs coding for the non-structural (nss) and nucleocapsid (n) protein, 439 aa and 275 aa, res ...200616601925
biological and molecular characterization of capsicum chlorosis virus infecting chilli and tomato in india.two isolates of capsicum chlorosis virus (cacv, genus tospovirus) from tomato (cacv-to-ind) and chilli (cacv-ch-pan), collected from haryana and uttar pradesh states of northern india respectively, were compared. a comparison of the amino acid sequences of their n genes revealed more than 96% identity, confirming that the virus isolates in india have a high degree of sequence conservation and are closely related to australian isolates. analysis of the host range of cacv revealed no biological di ...201020443030
first complete genome sequence of a capsicum chlorosis tospovirus isolate from australia with an unusually large s rna intergenic region.the first complete genome sequence of capsicum chlorosis virus (cacv) from australia was determined using a combination of illumina hiseq rna and sanger sequencing technologies. australian cacv had a tripartite genome structure like other cacv isolates. the large (l) rna was 8913 nucleotides (nt) in length and contained a single open reading frame (orf) of 8634 nt encoding a predicted rna-dependent rna polymerase (rdrp) in the viral-complementary (vc) sense. the medium (m) and small (s) rna segm ...201525559672
complete genome sequence of a capsicum chlorosis virus in china and the structural variation and evolutionary origin of its s rna intergenic region.the complete genome sequence of a capsicum chlorosis virus from china (cacv-hainan) was determined. the tripartite genome of cacv-hainan consists of small (s), medium (m), and large (l) rnas of 3629, 4859, and 8912 nucleotides (nt), respectively. the s and m rnas contain intergenic regions (igrs) of 1348 and 462 nt, respectively. strikingly, sequence comparisons among cacv isolates revealed that the s rna igr of cacv-hainan derived from the cacv-qld-3432 australia isolate through deletion of two ...201728664295
first report of amaranthus sp. as a natural host of capsicum chlorosis virus in india.capsicum chlorosis virus (cacv) is emerging as economically important tospovirus, being a recently identified virus its complete host range was still not completely known. virus infected leaves of amaranth plants grown in the vicinity of capsicum fields showing characteristic symptoms of tospoviruses were collected, confirmed by tospovirus group specific antibody for the presence of a tospovirus and then the presence of cacv was confirmed by virus specific antibodies. nucleocapsid protein (np) s ...201425674615
transcriptome analysis of capsicum chlorosis virus-induced hypersensitive resistance response in bell capsicum.capsicum chlorosis virus (cacv) is an emerging pathogen of capsicum, tomato and peanut crops in australia and south-east asia. commercial capsicum cultivars with cacv resistance are not yet available, but cacv resistance identified in capsicum chinense is being introgressed into commercial bell capsicum. however, our knowledge of the molecular mechanisms leading to the resistance response to cacv infection is limited. therefore, transcriptome and expression profiling data provide an important re ...201627398596
development of a multiplex rt-pcr-elisa to identify four distinct species of this study, a multiplex rt-pcr-elisa was developed to detect and differentiate four tospovirus species found in thailand, namely capsicum chlorosis virus (cacv), melon yellow spot virus (mysv), tomato necrotic ringspot virus (tnrv), and watermelon silver mottle virus (wsmov). in this system, nucleocapsid (n) gene fragments of four tospoviruses were simultaneously amplified and labeled with digoxigenin (dig) in a single rt-pcr reaction using a pair of degenerate primers binding to the same con ...201424642237
development of a protocol for the identification of tospoviruses and thrips species in individual thrips.a protocol for identifying tospovirus and thrips species in an individual thrips sample was successfully developed. first, an individual thrips was soaked in an rna stabilization solution to preserve protein and nucleic acids and ground in a carbonate buffer containing 0.2% sodium diethyldithiocarbamate. initially, the thrips extracts were screened for tospovirus infection by dot blot analysis using antibodies to nucleocapsid (n) proteins of tospoviruses. thrips extracts with positive results by ...201526141731
complete genome sequence of mulberry vein banding associated virus, a new tospovirus infecting mulberry.mulberry vein banding associated virus (mvbav) that infects mulberry plants with typical vein banding symptoms had been identified as a tentative species of the genus tospovirus based on the homology of n gene sequence to those of tospoviruses. in this study, the complete sequence of the tripartite rna genome of mvbav was determined and analyzed. the l rna has 8905 nucleotides (nt) and encodes the putative rna-dependent rna polymerase (rdrp) of 2877 aa amino acids (aa) in the viral complementary ...201526291718
detection of viruses directly from the fresh leaves of a phalaenopsis orchid using a microfluidic system.early detection of pathogens is crucial for the effective surveillance of diseases. many efforts have been made to explore methods which can detect these pathogens within a short period of time without requiring a tedious protocol. however, these developed methods have disadvantages such as they are relatively time-consuming or require specialized laboratory facilities. in this work, we have developed an integrated microfluidic system for rapid and automatic detection of viruses by direct analys ...201323751373
an optimized mrfp-based bimolecular fluorescence complementation system for the detection of protein-protein interactions in existing bimolecular fluorescence complementation (bifc) system, based on a monomeric red fluorescent protein (mrfp), has been optimized for the investigation of protein-protein interactions in planta. the expression plasmids, encoding the n-terminal amino acids (aa) 1-168 and the c-terminal aa 169-225 of the mrfp, allow n- or c-terminal fusion of a split mrfp, with the genes of interest. two major improvements over the original vectors have been made. firstly, the coding sequence of a gggsgg ...201121473882
importance and genetic diversity of vegetable-infecting tospoviruses in india.a survey for peanut bud necrosis virus (pbnv), watermelon bud necrosis virus (wbnv), capsicum chlorosis virus (cacv), and iris yellow spot virus (iysv) was conducted between 2002 and 2009 in the major vegetable-growing areas in india. pbnv was documented widely in tomato and chili peppers in 14 states representing southern, north-western, north-eastern, and central regions and wbnv was predominantly detected in watermelons and cucurbits in all except north-eastern regions. in addition, the expan ...201121299415
tomato necrotic ringspot virus, a new tospovirus isolated in thailand.a new tospovirus isolated from naturally infected tomato plants grown in nakhon pathom province (thailand) was characterized. infected plants showed symptoms consisting of necrotic spots, necrotic ringspots and stem necrosis. this virus was detected using general antibodies that could recognize watermelon silver mottle virus (wsmov), capsicum chlorosis virus (cacv) and melon yellow spot virus (mysv). however, it did not react with specific monoclonal antibodies (mabs) to wsmov and cacv or a spec ...201021104282
serological relationship between melon yellow spot virus and watermelon silver mottle virus and differential detection of the two viruses in cucurbits.melon yellow spot virus (mysv), a tentative member of the genus tospovirus, is considered a distinct serotype due to the lack of a serological relationship with other tospoviruses in its nucleocapsid protein (np). recently, a virus isolate collected from diseased watermelon in central taiwan (mysv-tw) was found to react with a rabbit antiserum (ras) prepared against the np of watermelon silver mottle virus (wsmov), and a monoclonal antibody (mab) prepared against the common epitope of the nss pr ...201020480192
ceratothripoides claratris, a new vector of a capsicum chlorosis virus isolate infecting tomato in thailand.abstract ceratothripoides claratris, the predominant thrips species on tomato in thailand, was tested for vector competence and efficiency to transmit capsicum chlorosis virus (cacv) (isolate ait) to tomato. the efficiency of adult-stage transmission was influenced by the larval stage at which virus was acquired. adult c. claratris showed 69% transmission efficiency after acquiring the virus as freshly emerged (<1 h) first-instar larvae. however, when just molted (<1 h) second-instar larvae acqu ...200518943782
intracellular localization, interactions and functions of capsicum chlorosis virus proteins.tospoviruses are among the most devastating viruses of horticultural and field crops. capsicum chlorosis virus (cacv) has emerged as an important pathogen of capsicum and tomato in australia and south-east asia. present knowledge about cacv protein functions in host cells is lacking. we determined intracellular localization and interactions of cacv proteins by live plant cell imaging to gain insight into the associations of viral proteins during infection. proteins were transiently expressed as ...201728443083
molecular characterization of tospoviruses associated with ringspot disease in bell pepper from different districts of himachal pradesh.bell pepper (capsicum annuum l.), an important cash crop for the farmers of himachal pradesh was found to be affected with tospovirus like disease. an extensive survey was conducted in the bell pepper grown areas in the five districts of himachal pradesh to identify and characterize the causative agent. hence, 60 symptomatic bell pepper plants exhibiting characteristics symptoms were collected from solan, sirmaur, hamirpur, kangra and bilaspur districts. out of 60 samples, 53 samples were found ...201627366771
a nano-au/c-mwcnt based label free amperometric immunosensor for the detection of capsicum chlorosis virus in bell pepper.accurate and on time diagnosis of plant viruses is an essential prerequisite for efficient control in field conditions. a number of diagnostic methods have been reported with the required level of sensitivity. here, we propose a label free immunosensor for efficient and sensitive detection of capsicum chlorosis virus (cacv) in bell pepper. antigen was immobilized over the surface of gold nanoparticle/multi-walled carbon nanotube (nano-au/c-mwcnt) screen printed electrodes using 1-ethyl-3-(3-dime ...201728293725
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