profilicollis novaezelandensis n. sp. (polymorphidae) and two other acanthocephalan parasites from shore birds (haematopodidae and scolopacidae) in new zealand, with records of two species in intertidal crabs (decapoda: grapsidae and ocypodidae). | profilicollis novaezelandensis n. sp. (acanthocephala: polymorphidae) is described from the south island pied oystercatcher haematopus ostralegus finschi martens (haematopodidae) and the intertidal crab hemigrapsus crenulatus (milne edwards) (brachyura: grapsidae) from the south island of new zealand. the new species can be distinguished from all the other species of the genus by a combination of the following characters: long neck (13% of total body length for adults) and a subspherical probosc ... | 2002 | 12023562 |
metabolic profile of long-distance migratory flight and stopover in a shorebird. | migrating birds often complete long non-stop flights during which body energy stores exclusively support energetic demands. the metabolic correlates of such long-distance travel in free-living migrants are as yet poorly studied. bar-tailed godwits, limosa lapponica taymyrensis, undertake a 4500 km flight to their single spring stopover site and thus provide an excellent model in which to determine the energy fuels associated with endurance travel. to this end, we evaluated plasma concentrations ... | 2005 | 15705555 |
mercury concentrations in muscle, brain and bone of western alaskan waterfowl. | total mercury (thg), which includes both inorganic (hg(2+)) and methylmercury (mehg) species, has been reported for seabirds in the north pacific and alaska. for the yup'ik and aleut people of alaska, waterfowl are a small but important seasonal component of the diet, but many alaskan species have not been studied extensively for the presence of mercury. birds are good subjects for examination of mercury concentrations because they feed at different trophic levels, they can be long-lived, and ma ... | 2005 | 16076480 |
seroprevalance and identification of influenza a virus infection from migratory wild waterfowl in china (2004-2005). | outbreaks of a highly pathogenic avian influenza (h5n1) were reported in birds in more than eight asian countries. we sought to identify the origin of this infection, and herein report the results of serological and virological monitoring of migrant wild waterfowl in mainland china. from a total of 493 serum samples, collected from 15 migratory wild waterfowl species for 9 months (from june 2004 to may 2005) in mainland china, we detected only low-level antibodies against influenza subtypes h2, ... | 2006 | 16629983 |
lack of leptin activity in blood samples of adélie penguin and bar-tailed godwit. | unsuccessful attempts to identify the leptin gene in birds are well documented, despite the characterization of its receptor (lepr). since leptin and lepr have poor sequence conservation among vertebrates, we speculated that a functional assay should represent the best way to detect leptin in birds. using a leptin bioassay that is based on activation of the chicken lepr in cultured cells, blood samples from wild birds with extreme seasonal variation in voluntary food intake and fat deposition (a ... | 2010 | 20675300 |
characterization of polymorphic microsatellite dna markers in the black-tailed godwit (limosa limosa: aves). | we isolated and tested 16 microsatellite loci in black-tailed godwits from the netherlands (limosa limosa limosa), and from australasia (subspecies melanuroides). one locus was monomorphic, two loci had null-alleles and one was significantly heterozygote deficient. the remaining 12 polymorphic loci had on average 7.9 alleles (range 5-11) and the mean expected heterozygosity was 0.69. no significant linkage disequilibrium between the loci was observed and all loci were autosomal. fourteen loci we ... | 2009 | 21564924 |
vulnerability of subarctic and arctic breeding birds. | recent research predicts that future climate change will result in substantial biodiversity loss associated with loss of habitat for species. however, the magnitude of the anticipated biodiversity impacts are less well known. studies of species vulnerability to climate change through species distribution models are often limited to assessing the extent of species' exposure to the consequences of climate change to their local environment, neglecting species sensitivity to global change. the likel ... | 2017 | 28052503 |
variation in the innate and acquired arms of the immune system among five shorebird species. | to contribute to an understanding of the evolutionary processes that shape variation in immune responses, we compared several components of the innate and acquired arms of the immune system in five related, but ecologically diverse, migratory shorebirds (ruff philomachus pugnax l., ruddy turnstone arenaria interpres l., bar-tailed godwit limosa lapponica l., sanderling calidris alba pallas and red knot c. canutus l.). we used a hemolysis-hemagglutination assay in free-living shorebirds to assess ... | 2006 | 16391350 |
shorebird community variations indicative of a general perturbation in the mont-saint-michel bay (france). | the mont-saint-michel bay located on the east atlantic flyway is the first site in france for wintering shorebirds, with, on average, 53,000 individuals in january. seven species represent 96% of that community: dunlin (calidris alpina), knot (calidris canutus), oystercatcher (haematopus ostralegus), curlew (numenius arquata), grey plover (pluvialis squatarola), bar-tailed godwit (limosa lapponica) and black-tailed godwit (limosa limosa). the international bird census organised by wetlands inter ... | 2003 | 14558463 |
short-term effects of reclamation of part of seal sands, teesmouth, on wintering waders and shelduck : i. shorebird diets, invertebrate densities, and the impact of predation on the invertebrates. | the invertebrate macrofauna of seal sands, teesmouth, is very limited in species composition. nereis diversicolor has a two-year life cycle; the larger size-class provides the main prey of the birds pluvialis squatarola, numenius arquata and limosa lapponica. hydrobia ulvae is an important food of p. squatarola and calidris canutus. small carcinus maenas occur in late autumn and are taken by the larger shorebirds. small macoma balthica are also taken, but are scarce and not an important bird foo ... | 1979 | 28308862 |
mercury in bar-tailed godwit (limosa lapponica) and lesser knot (calidris canutus): spatially explicit information from non-breeding birds in new zealand. | | 2001 | 11353371 |
inorganic and organic contaminants in alaskan shorebird eggs. | many shorebird populations throughout north america are thought to be declining, with potential causes attributed to habitat loss and fragmentation, reduced prey availability, increased predation, human disturbance, and increased exposure to environmental pollutants. shorebirds may be particularly vulnerable to contaminant exposure throughout their life cycle, as they forage primarily on invertebrates in wetlands, where many contaminants accumulate disproportionately in the sediments. therefore, ... | 2016 | 27059035 |
capsulata edenensis gen. et sp. nov., a new cestode with an unusual type of growth, from limosa lapponica (l.); with systematic notes on the genera southwellia moghe, 1925 and malika woodland, 1929. | | 1959 | 14441376 |
a sport-physiological perspective on bird migration: evidence for flight-induced muscle damage. | exercise-induced muscle damage is a well-described consequence of strenuous exercise, but its potential importance in the evolution of animal activity patterns is unknown. we used plasma creatine kinase (ck) activity as an indicator of muscle damage to investigate whether the high intensity, long-duration flights of two migratory shorebird species cause muscle damage that must be repaired during stopover. in two years of study, plasma ck activity was significantly higher in migrating western san ... | 2001 | 11533118 |
new record of schistorophus cirripedesmi (nematoda: acuariidae) from a bar-tailed godwit, limosa lapponica baueri (charadriformes: scolopacidae) in korea. | in july 2014, a nematode species, schistorophus cirripedesmi rhizhikov and khokhlova, 1964, was recovered from a bar-tailed godwit, limosa lapponica baueri that was stored in a -20˚c freezer in the chungnam wild animal rescue center. the bird was collected in 2012 from the coastal region of pyeongtaek-si (city), gyeonggi-do (province) in the republic of korea, although the exact date is not clear. at necropsy, 9 nematodes were found in the gizzard of the bird. the parasites had 4 horn-like cepha ... | 2016 | 27417093 |
sweet salvation. | a bar-tailed godwit, i thought, feeling rather smug. i was photographing wading birds at the nearby salt marshes, and was very pleased with myself, not only for recognising the creature, but for getting some reasonable pictures. i also saw a flock of migrant geese and some lapwings, so altogether it was a satisfying trip. | 2016 | 27097190 |
phenotype-limited distributions: short-billed birds move away during times that prey bury deeply. | in our seasonal world, animals face a variety of environmental conditions in the course of the year. to cope with such seasonality, animals may be phenotypically flexible, but some phenotypic traits are fixed. if fixed phenotypic traits are functionally linked to resource use, then animals should redistribute in response to seasonally changing resources, leading to a 'phenotype-limited' distribution. here, we examine this possibility for a shorebird, the bar-tailed godwit (limosa lapponica; a lo ... | 2015 | 26543585 |
sex-specific winter distribution in a sexually dimorphic shorebird is explained by resource partitioning. | sexual size dimorphism (ssd) implies correlated differences in energetic requirements and feeding opportunities, such that sexes will face different trade-offs in habitat selection. in seasonal migrants, this could result in a differential spatial distribution across the wintering range. to identify the ecological causes of sexual spatial segregation, we studied a sexually dimorphic shorebird, the bar-tailed godwit limosa lapponica, in which females have a larger body and a longer bill than male ... | 2014 | 25505527 |
field measurements give biased estimates of functional response parameters, but help explain foraging distributions. | mechanistic insights and predictive understanding of the spatial distributions of foragers are typically derived by fitting either field measurements on intake rates and food abundance, or observations from controlled experiments, to functional response models. it has remained unclear, however, whether and why one approach should be favoured above the other, as direct comparative studies are rare. the field measurements required to parameterize either single or multi-species functional response ... | 2015 | 25327649 |
absolute consistency: individual versus population variation in annual-cycle schedules of a long-distance migrant bird. | flexibility in scheduling varies throughout an organism's annual cycle, reflecting relative temporal constraints and fitness consequences among life-history stages. time-selection can act at different scales, either by limiting the range of alternative strategies in the population, or by increasing the precision of individual performance. we tracked individual bar-tailed godwits limosa lapponica baueri for two full years (including direct observation during non-breeding seasons in new zealand an ... | 2013 | 23342168 |
midazolam as an adjunctive therapy for capture myopathy in bar-tailed godwits (limosa lapponica baueri) with prognostic indicators. | capture myopathy is a complication of capture and handling in many species of birds and mammals. muscular necrosis leads to ataxia, paralysis, and pain, whereas metabolic disturbances can result in death. we conducted an opportunistic clinical trial on bar-tailed godwits (limosa lapponica baueri) that developed capture myopathy after a cannon-net capture in new zealand in october 2008. we assessed the beneficial effects of midazolam, a benzodiazepine with the effects of anxiolysis, muscle relaxa ... | 2011 | 22102663 |
coelomic implantation of satellite transmitters in the bar-tailed godwit (limosa lapponica) and the bristle-thighed curlew (numenius tahitiensis) using propofol, bupivacaine, and lidocaine. | intravenous propofol was used as a general anesthetic with a 2:1 (mg:mg) adjunctive mixture of lidocaine and bupivacaine as local anesthetics infiltrated into the surgical sites for implantation of satellite transmitters into the right abdominal air sac of 39 female and 4 male bar-tailed godwits (limosa lapponica baueri and limosa lapponica menzbeiri and 11 female and 12 male bristle-thighed curlews (numenius tahitiensis). the birds were captured on nesting grounds in alaska, usa, and on overwin ... | 2011 | 22946371 |
breeding latitude drives individual schedules in a trans-hemispheric migrant bird. | despite clear benefits of optimal arrival time on breeding grounds, migration schedules may vary with an individual bird's innate quality, non-breeding habitat or breeding destination. here, we show that for the bar-tailed godwit (limosa lapponica baueri), a shorebird that makes the longest known non-stop migratory flights of any bird, timing of migration for individual birds from a non-breeding site in new zealand was strongly correlated with their specific breeding latitudes in alaska, usa, a ... | 2010 | 20842198 |
extreme endurance flights by landbirds crossing the pacific ocean: ecological corridor rather than barrier? | mountain ranges, deserts, ice fields and oceans generally act as barriers to the movement of land-dependent animals, often profoundly shaping migration routes. we used satellite telemetry to track the southward flights of bar-tailed godwits (limosa lapponica baueri), shorebirds whose breeding and non-breeding areas are separated by the vast central pacific ocean. seven females with surgically implanted transmitters flew non-stop 8,117-11,680 km (10153+/-1043 s.d.) directly across the pacific oce ... | 2009 | 18974033 |
structural identification of the beta-hydroxy fatty acid-based diester preen gland waxes of shorebirds. | the intact c33-c52 diester wax esters of the preen gland of the shorebirds limosa lapponica, pluvialis squatarola, and pluvialis fulva were determined, using synthesized standards, to comprise predominantly c12-c16 beta-hydroxy fatty acids esterified with a c8-c18 fatty acid at the beta-hydroxy position and with predominantly c12-c20 fatty alcohols esterified at the carboxyl group. | 2007 | 17960891 |
consistent annual schedules in a migratory shorebird. | many migratory birds start prebreeding moult and premigratory fuelling some months before the breeding season and face severe time constraints, while travelling up to 15,000 km between non-breeding and breeding grounds. shorebirds typically leave southern hemisphere non-breeding areas over a 3-4 week period, but whether they benefit from interannually consistent timing of departure is unknown. here, i show that individual bar-tailed godwits (limosa limosa baueri) from new zealand are highly cons ... | 2006 | 17148277 |
breeding plumage honestly signals likelihood of tapeworm infestation in females of a long-distance migrating shorebird, the bar-tailed godwit. | the indicator mechanism for sexual selection proposed by hamilton and zuk (i.e. that sexually selected ornaments signal parasite resistance) has received rather little observational support, and none in the case of long-distance migrant birds. here we present a test by examining the association between helminth infestations and breeding plumage quality in bar-tailed godwits limosa lapponica taymyrensis during their spring staging period in the wadden sea, the netherlands. after a non-stop flight ... | 2001 | 16351817 |
baseline and stress-induced plasma corticosterone during long-distance migration in the bar-tailed godwit, limosa lapponica. | the specific roles of corticosterone in promotion of avian migration remain unclear even though this glucocorticosteroid is elevated in many migrating bird species. in general, glucocorticosteroids promote metabolic homeostasis and may elicit effects on feeding and locomotion. because the migratory stages of refueling and flight are characterized by distinct behaviors and physiology, the determination of corticosterone levels during each stage should help identify potential processes in which co ... | 2013 | 11880983 |
salmonella enterica serovar hvittingfoss in bar-tailed godwits (limosa lapponica) from roebuck bay, northwestern australia. | salmonella enterica serovar hvittingfoss is an important foodborne serotype of salmonella, being detected in many countries where surveillance is conducted. outbreaks can occur, and there was a recent multistate foodborne outbreak in australia. s hvittingfoss can be found in animal populations, though a definitive animal host has not been established. six species of birds were sampled at roebuck bay, a designated ramsar site in northwestern australia, resulting in 326 cloacal swabs for bacterial ... | 2020 | 32737126 |
ecology of animal migration. | billions of animals are adapted to a travelling life, making regular return migrations between more or less distant living stations on earth by swimming, flying, running or walking (figure 1). extremely long migrations are completed annually by whales between calving areas in warmer waters and feeding areas at higher latitudes in either hemisphere. the longest oceanic migrations among sea turtles and fish are often undertaken by younger immature individuals during a period of several years befor ... | 2018 | 30205072 |
no evidence for an association between clock gene allelic variation and migration timing in a long-distance migratory shorebird (limosa lapponica baueri). | the gene clock is a key part of the core circadian oscillator, and the length of the polyglutamine (poly-q) repeat sequence in clock (clkpolyqcds) has been proposed to be associated with the timing of annual cycle events in birds. we tested whether variation in clkpolyqcds corresponds to variation in migration timing in the bar-tailed godwit (limosa lapponica baueri), a species in which individuals show strong annual consistency in their migration timing despite the new zealand population migrat ... | 2019 | 31659437 |
fuelling conditions at staging sites can mitigate arctic warming effects in a migratory bird. | under climate warming, migratory birds should align reproduction dates with advancing plant and arthropod phenology. to arrive on the breeding grounds earlier, migrants may speed up spring migration by curtailing the time spent en route, possibly at the cost of decreased survival rates. based on a decades-long series of observations along an entire flyway, we show that when refuelling time is limited, variation in food abundance in the spring staging area affects fitness. bar-tailed godwits migr ... | 2018 | 30323300 |