
narcissus late season yellows virus and vallota speciosa virus found infecting domestic and wild populations of narcissus species in australia.isolates of narcissus late season yellows virus (nlsyv) were identified from domestic and wild narcissus populations at incidences of 66 and 49%, respectively. nlsyv was also detected in one plant of clivea miniata. comparisons of nucleotide and amino acid sequences of the coat protein genes of nlsyv isolates showed that they formed three distinct phylogenetic groups, including one not seen before. vallota speciosa virus was detected in one domestic population of narcissus sp. where it infected ...201020480194
evolutionary rates and genetic diversities of mixed potyviruses in narcissus.there is no attempt to evaluate evolutionary rates, timescales and diversities of viruses collected from mixedly infected hosts in nature. plants of the genus narcissus are a monocotyledon and are susceptible to several viruses. in this study, narcissus plants (narcissus tazetta var. chinensis) showing mosaic or striping leaves were collected in japan, and these were investigated for potyvirus infections using potyvirus-specific primers. individual narcissus plants were found frequently to be mi ...201627590715
complete genome analysis of three isolates of narcissus late season yellows virus and two of narcissus yellow stripe virus: three species or one?complete genome sequences of two new isolates of narcissus late season yellows virus (nlsyv) from australia were compared with the other nlsyv genome from china and with two complete genomes of isolates designated narcissus yellow stripe virus (nysv), one from australia and the other from china. on the basis of symptoms on natural and experimental host species, and genome sequence identity, the isolates could either be classified as closely related members of three different species or placed to ...201424385160
complete genome sequence of narcissus late season yellows virus infecting chinese narcissus in china.the complete genome sequence of a chinese narcissus isolate of narcissus late season yellows virus from zhangzhou, china (nlsyv-zz), was determined to be 9,651 nucleotides in length, excluding the 3'-terminal poly (a) tail, by amplification and sequencing of virus rna. the viral genome contains a single long open reading frame of 9,315 nucleotides encoding a polyprotein of 3,105 amino acids. the polyprotein was predicted to be cleaved into ten mature proteins by three viral proteases. complete g ...201222622432
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