
heavy metals and dna damage in blood cells of insectivore bats in coal mining areas of catarinense coal basin, brazil.we assessed the content of heavy metals in the liver and the dna damage in blood cells of insectivore bats in the catarinense carboniferous basin, southern brazil. three bats species (molossus molossus, tadarida brasiliensis and eptesicus diminutus) were collected in a coal mining area and in a control area. the heavy metal content in bats was detected according to the pixe technique and the dna damage was assessed by the comet assay. the contents of cr, ni, cu and pb in m. molossus and of cu an ...201020655518
first detection of "candidatus rickettsia wissemanii" in ornithodoros hasei (schulze, 1935) (acari: argasidae) from argentina.the aim of this study was to assess the presence of rickettsia in soft ticks (acari: argasidae) collected from insectivorous bats (chiroptera) in santa fe province, argentina. first, a subset of ticks were mounted in hoyer's medium to be determined by morphological characters and then confirmed by sequencing the mitochondrial 16s rrna gene. also ticks were processed by pcr assays using primers cs-78 and cs-323, which amplify a fragment of the rickettsia spp. glta gene. positive ticks were subjec ...202032312647
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