
mung bean nuclease i. physical, chemical, and catalytic properties.a simplified purification procedure for mung bean nuclease has been developed yielding a stable enzyme that is homogeneous in regards to shape and size. the nuclease is a glycoprotein consisting of 29% carbohydrate by weight. it has a molecular weight of 39 000 as determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. the enzyme contains 1 sulfhydryl group and 3 disulfide bonds per molecule. it has a high content (12.6 mol %) of aromatic residues. approximate ...19769973
mung bean nuclease i. terminally directed hydrolysis of native dna.under conditions which favor the duplex structure of dna, mung bean nuclease catalyzes a limited number of double-strand cleavages (probably less than 50) in the interior of native t7 dna. however, under conditions which are not as favorable to a tight helical structure, the large duplex polymers previously produced are completely degraded from their termini with a continuous accumulation of mono-, di-, and trinucleotides. the terminally directed activity is an intrinsic property of the enzyme m ...19769974
the effect of calcium on the respiratory responses of mung bean mitochondria.purified mung bean hypocotyl mitochondria were examined for their capacity to carry out respiration-dependent accumulation of calcium. the addition of 0.1-1.0 mm calcium to mung bean mitochondria supplemented with succinate gave no stimulation of state 4 respiration even in the presence of inorganic phosphate and the ionophoretic antibiotic a-23187. even at high calcium concentrations, no transient changes in the respiratory activity occurred and subsequent addition of adp initiated a further st ...197718169
studies on nucleotidases in plants. isolation and properties of the monomeric form of the crystalline and homogeneous mung bean nucleotide pyrophosphatase. 197721078
kinetic mechanism of gamma glutamyl transferase reaction catalyzed by the mung bean (phaseolus aureus) glutamine synthetase. 197722484
regulation of the activity of mung bean (phaseolus aureus) glutamine synthetase by amino acids and nucleotides. 197939513
fate of a "maturation-specific" messenger rna during early germination of mung-bean seeds [proceedings]. 197992270
studies on nucleotidases in plants. dimerization of the crystalline mung bean nucleotide pyrophosphatase by 5'-adenosine monophosphate and the properties of the dimerized enzyme. 1975166613
biosynthesis and structure of glycosyl diglycerides, steryl glucosides, and acylated steryl glucosides.a particulate enzyme fraction from mycobacterim smegmatis catalyzed the transfer of -14c-glucose from the udp--14c-glucose into neutral glycolipids. the two major radioactive components were purified by column chromatography on o-diethylamino ethyl cellulose (acetate) and thin layer chromatography on silica gel in several solvents. the first product yielded a water-soluble component upon saponification, which had a hexoseglycerol ratio of 1:1 with all of the hexose being identified as glucose. ...1975167261
[metabolism of nicotinic acid in plant cell suspension cultures, iii: formation and metabolism of trigonelline (author's transl)].cell suspension cultures of phaseolus aureus, glycinemax., cicer arietinum and chenopodium rubrum convert nicotinic acid and nicotinamide into n-methyl nicotinic acid (trigonelline). application of [carboxyl-14c]- and [n-methyl-14c]nicotinic acid to cell cultures demonstrated that 1) the nicotinic acid moiety of trigonelline is funnelled into the pyridine nucleotide cycle, 2) trigonelline is demethylated partly oxidatively, but predominantly non-oxidatively, transferring the methyl carbon atom t ...1976185134
a complex epr signal in mung bean mitochondria and its possible relation to the alternate pathway. 1976186056
the effects of bathophenanthroline, bathophenanthrolinesulphonate and 2-thenoyltrifluoroacetone on mung-bean mitochondria and submitochondrial particles.the effects of bathophenanthroline, bathophenanthrolinesulphonate and 2-thenoyltrifluoroacetone on mung-bean mitochondria and submitochondrial particles were investigated. a variety of inhibitory effects on the oxidations of nadh, succinate and malate were observed. the results are discussed in relation to sites of inhibition and their relation to the effects on mammalian mitochondria.1977192210
epr studies of higher plant mitochondria. i ubisemiquinone and its relation to alternative respiratory epr investigation of the region of the higher plant respiratory chain involving ubiquinone and center s-3 of succinate dehydrogenase is reported. at temperatures close to those of liquid helium, first derivative spectra corresponding to center s-3 (gmax = 2.017) and a signal split around g = 2.00 (major features of peaks and troughs at g values of 2.045, 2.03, 1.985, 1.97 and 1.96) were observed in mung bean (phaseolus aureus), arum maculatum spadix, sauromatum guttatum spadix and tulip bulb ...1977202304
accessibility of some regions of dna in chromatin (chicken erythrocytes) to single strand-specific nucleases.the susceptibility of the dna in chromatin to single strand-specific nucleases was examined using nuclease p1, mung bean nuclease, and venom phosphodiesterase. a stage in the reaction exists where the size range of the solubilized products is similar for each of the three nucleases and is nearly independent of incubation time. during this stage, the chromatin fragments sediment in the range of 30 to 100 s and contain duplex dna ranging from 1 to 10 million daltons. starting with chromatin deplet ...1979222764
evidence for the existence of a novel enzyme system. myo-inositol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase in phaseolus aureus.a novel enzyme system, myo-inositol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase, has been isolated from germinating mung bean seeds. the dehydrogenation and cleavage of myo-inositol 1-phosphate by this enzyme leads to the synthesis of a pentose phosphate which appears to be ribulose 5-phosphate. the ph optimum of the enzyme is 8.6; nad+ is required as coenzyme and no other nucleotides can replace nad+. mono- or divalent cations are not essential for the enzyme activity. stoichiometry of the reaction suggests tha ...1979225311
exchange integral for a variety of tetranuclear ferredoxins.the temperature dependence of epr spectra of oxidized [4fe-4s](-1,-2) ferredoxins (previously designated hipip) and a reduced [4fe-4s](-2,-3) ferredoxin have been analyzed so as to determine the energy of a low-lying excited electronic state. the values obtained were: center s-3 from beef heart, 44 cm-1; center s-3 from mung bean, 53 cm-1; the [4fe-4s](-1,-2) ferredoxin from thermus thermophilus, 78 cm-1; center n-2 of nadh ubiquinone reductase, 83 cm-1. increasing axial distortion in the epr sp ...1979226131
characterization of iron-sulphur centres of plant mitochondria by microwave power saturation.the electron spin relaxation of iron-sulphur centres and ubisemiquinones of plant mitochondria was studied by microwave power saturation of the respective epr signals. in the microwave power saturation technique, the experimental saturation data were fitted by a least-squares procedure to a saturation function which is characterized by the power for half-saturation (p1/2) and the inhomogeneity parameter (b). since the theoretical saturation curves were based on a one-electron spin system, it bec ...1979226132
regulation of aromatic amino acid biosynthesis in higher plants. properties of an aromatic amino acid-insensitive chorismate mutase (cm-2) from mung bean. 1975242272
action of single-strand specific nucleases on model dna heteroduplexes of defined size and sequence.the sensitivity of the model dnas containing da-dg and dtg-dg heteroduplex regions of defined length to s1 and mung bean single-strand specific nucleases was tested by polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic analysis of the distribution of product oligonucleotides. single-base mismatch heteroduplexes were extremely resistant to these nucleases, although low levels of cleavage at the heteroduplex nucleotide were observed at high nuclease concentrations. the nuclease sensitivity of da-dtg heteroduplex ...1977301043
metabolic factors and the utilization of phosphorus by plants.the overall process of entry and transport of phosphate by plants has been separated into its component parts. rapid esterification is involved but a small proportion of the total transport may occur by a non-metabolic route. mannose alters the metabolism of phosphate in roots of cereals and thereby reduces the transport to the shoot by as much as 99% whereas dicotyledonous species are much less sensitive. the sequestration of phosphate as mannose 6-phosphate is reversible in some species depend ...1977357118
localization of vicilin peptidohydrolase in the cotyledons of mung bean seedlings by immunofluorescence microscopy.vicilin peptidohydrolase, the protease that hydrolyzes the reserve proteins in the cotyledons of mung bean (vigna radiata) seedlings, has been localized intracellularly by immunofluorescence microscopy using monospecific antibodies against the enzyme and rhodamine-coupled goat-anti-rabbit immunoglobulin g's. the enzyme can first be visualized after 3 days of seedling growth and is associated with small foci within the cytoplasm of the storage parenchyma cells farthest from the vascular bundles. ...1978359572
application of higher derivative techniques to analysis of high-resolution thermal denaturation profiles of reassociated repetitive dna.we have analyzed high-resolution denaturation profiles of reassociated repetitive dna sequences by using a combination of higher derivative analysis and curve-fitting techniques. procedures originally used for resolution of components in complex absorption spectra were found to be applicable to high-resolution analysis of melting profiles of reassociated repetitive dna sequences from pea dna. under conditions that eliminate the base composition effect on thermal stability (2.4 m tetraethylammoni ...1978366608
effects of dibromothymoquinone on mung bean mitochondrial electron transfer and membrane fluidity.the effects of the quinone analog dibromothymoquinone on electron transfer in isolated mung bean mitochondria are described. both the main, cyanide-sensitive and the alternate, cyanide-insensitive pathways are inhibited by dibromothymoquinone but in markedly different fashions. half-maximal inhibition appeared at 40 microm and 20 microm dibromothymoquinone for the cyanide-sensitive and alternate pathways, respectively. with succinate as the electron donor, dibromothymoquinone inhibited the alter ...1979465489
deoxyribonucleic acid sequence organization in the mung bean genome. 1979497181
studies on nucleotidases in plants: fluorescence and kinetic properties of nucleotide pyrophosphatase from mung bean (phaseolus aureus) seedlings. 1979507851
influence of mung bean severe mosaic virus infection on growth, nodulation, nodular physiology and nitrogen fixation of mung bean. 1979554308
studies on mosaic diseases of mung bean. 1977616012
[amino acid makeup and biological value of the proteins from the seeds and sprouts of mung bean (phaseolus aureus l.)]. 1978664555
[amino acid composition of phaseolus aureus l. seeds and seedlings].the amino acid composition of seeds and 10-day seedlings of mung bean (phaseolus aureus l.) as well as that of proteins of ph. aureus seedlings was measured. the seedlings were grown under different conditions of nitrogen nutrition in the light and in the dark. ph. aureus seeds showed a high content of some essential amino acids. as compared with seeds, the seedlings had higher concentrations of aspartic acid and isoleucine and lower concentrations of glutamic acid, lysine and histidine. protein ...1978674120
gene-sized pieces produced by digestion of linear duplex dna with mung bean nuclease. 1978687580
cyanide-insensitive oxidation of ascorbate + nnn'n'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine mixture by mung-bean (phaseolus aureus) mitochondria. an energy-linked function.freshly prepared washed or purified mung-bean (phaseolus aureus) mitochondria utilize oxygen with ascorbate/tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine mixture as electron donor in the presence of kcn. atp control of the oxygen uptake can be observed with very fresh mitochondria. the electron flow, which is inhibited by antimycin a, salicylhydroxamic acid or octylguanidine, takes place by reversed electron transport through phosphorylation site ii and thence to oxygen through the cyanide-insensitive pathway. ...1978728100
a freeze-etching and replication study of wall deposition in elongating plant cells.the architecture of the expanding wall of mung bean hypocotyl (phaseolus aureus) and collenchyma of celery (apium graveolens) was examined using freeze-etching without any cryoprotectant, and surface-replication of frozen-ground and air-dried specimens. the polylamellated organization of the wall was seen. freeze-etching clearly visualized, within one single fracture plans, the intermediate strata in which the microfibril orientation gradually changes between the main transverse and longitudinal ...1978753595
inverted repeat sequences in the drosophila genome.the properties of inverted repeat (foldback) sequences in drosophila melanogaster dna have been studied by hap chromatography and electron microscope methods. electron microscope observations show that there is a broad distribution of lengths of the duplex regions of the inverted repeats from very short to greater than 15 kb, with number and weight average values of 1.35 kb and 5.0 kb respectively. about 20% of the inverted repeats are separated by a single-strand spacer with lengths too short t ...1975806348
purification and characterization of vicilin peptidohydrolase, the major endopeptidase in the cotyledons of mung-bean seedlings. 1977891531
energy conservation in isolated mung-bean (phaseolus aureus l.) mitochondria in the presence of cyanide [proceedings]. 1977923970
ultrastructural localization of acid phosphatase activity in root tips by the p-(acetoxymercuric) aniline diazotate reagent and a comparison with a gomori procedure.the localization of acid phosphatase was studied in root tip cells of pea and mung bean by use of a heavy metal azo-dye technique. diazotized p-(acetoxymercuric) aniline in a post-coupling procedure, using naphthol as-bi phosphate as substrate, yielded a fine particulate reaction product within vacuoles, intercellular spaces, multivesicular bodies and at various sites throughout the cytoplasm of pea root cells and differentiating mung bean protoxylem cells. an ultrastructural comparison with a m ...1977925095
uridine diphosphate 2-deoxyglucose. chemical synthesis, enzymic oxidation and epimerization.the paper describes chemical synthesis of uridine diphosphate 2-deocyglucose (udpdglc) through reaction of uridine 5'-phosphomorpholidate with 2-deoxy-a-d-glucopyranosyl phosphate. the prepared analog of uridine diphosphate glucose (udpglc) served as a substrate for calf liver udpglc dehydrogenases (ec, the reaction product was identified as nucleotide deoxyhexuronic acid derivative. the apparent km for udpdglc was found to be 60 times that of udpglc, and the relative v value for the a ...19751091296
specific hydrolysis of the cohesive ends of bacteriophage lambda dna by three single strand-specific nucleases.procedures have been worked out for aspergillus nuclease s1 and mung been nuclease to quantitatively cleave off both of the 12-nucleotide long, single-stranded cohesive ends of lambdadna. this cleavage is indicated by the almost complete elimination of the repair incorporation of radioactive nucleotides by dna polymerase into the digested dna. with s1 nuclease, cleavage was complete at 10 degrees as well as at 30 degrees. under the conditions for quantitative cleavage of the single-stranded regi ...19751141222
cytochrome components of plant microsomes.the electron transport components of the microsomal fraction of cauliflower buds and mung bean hypocotyls were investigated using split-beam and dual wavelength spectrophotometry under a variety of reducing conditions. cauliflower microsomes were found to contain an ascorbate-reducible component, termed cytochrome b-559.5 [e'0 = +135 +/- 20 mv; lambdamax (reduced minus oxidised) = 559.5, 527 and 429 nm at 23 degrees c], cytochrome b5 [e'0 = -20 +/- 20 mv; lambdamax (reduced minus oxidised) = 556 ...19751201750
observations with cytochemistry and ultracryotomy on the fine structure of the expanding walls in actively elongating plant cells.ultracryotomy with negative staining and cytochemistry (periodic acid - thiocarbohydrazide - silver proteinate test for polysaccharides, in conjunction with mild extractions) were used to study the architecture of the cell wall and its modifications during expansion. those techniques were applied to the study in situ of the walls of actively elongating parenchyma of mung bean (phaseolus aureus), and pea (pisum sativum) root and of collenchyma of celery (apium graveolens) petioles. these compleme ...19751202041
glycoprotein biosynthesis in plants. formation of lipid-linked oligosaccharides of mannose and n-acetylglucosamine by mung bean seedlings. 19761230005
effect of chloride ions on the kinetic parameters of the potato tuber and mung bean pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase.the affinity constant ka of ppi-pfk for fru 2,6-p2 is equal to 1.56 nm for the potato enzyme and to 6.67 nm for that of the mung bean in the absence of chloride ions. these results are notably lower than the currently reported 5.5 nm and 30, 50 nm respectively. it is shown that the chloride ion is a competitive inhibitor of fru 2,6-p2 for both enzymes. the inhibition constant ki is equal to 15.6 mm for potato ppi-pfk up to 40 mm chloride. for the mung bean enzyme, the ki is 19.0 mm up to 30 mm c ...19921319151
reconstitution of transport function of vacuolar h(+)-translocating inorganic pyrophosphatase.a procedure for reconstitution of the transport function of the vacuolar h(+)-translocating inorganic pyrophosphatase (h(+)-ppase; ec prepared from etiolated hypocotyls of vigna radiata (mung bean) is described. the method entails sequential extraction of isolated vacuolar membrane (tonoplast) vesicles with deoxycholate and chaps (3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)-dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate), combination of chaps-solubilized protein with phospholipid-cholesterol mixtures, dialysis, and gl ...19921328246
high correlation between lipid peroxide radical and tumor-promoter effect: suppression of tumor promotion in the epstein-barr virus/b-lymphocyte system and scavenging of alkyl peroxide radicals by various vegetable extracts.we examined the ability of hot-water extracts of 66 vegetables and plants to suppress tumor promotion, as well as to scavenge lipid peroxide radicals in vitro. to assess the effect against tumor promotion (transformation) in vitro, we used the phorbol myristate acetate/epstein-barr virus/b-lymphocyte system. to assess the lipid radical-scavenging effect, the luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence method using the tert-butyl hydroperoxide/heme system was used, which generates more alkyl peroxide radi ...19921331005
evidence for orthologous seed weight genes in cowpea and mung bean based on rflp mapping.a well saturated genomic map is a necessity for a breeding program based on marker assisted selection. to this end, we are developing genomic maps for cowpea (vigna unguiculata 2n = 22) and mung bean (vigna radiata 2n = 22) based on restriction fragment length polymorphism (rflp) markers. using these maps, we have located major quantitative trait loci (qtls) for seed weight in both species. two unlinked genomic regions in cowpea contained qtls accounting for 52.7% of the variation for seed weigh ...19921361476
scrapie-associated tubulofilamentous particles in human creutzfeldt-jakob disease.scrapie-associated fibrils (saf) were demonstrated by a simple negative staining method for electron microscopy from fresh and frozen brains with naturally occurring human creutzfeldt-jakob disease (cjd). the findings confirm that saf occur as an internal part of a larger three-layer particle. the two outer coats of saf can be disrupted by detergent alone or can be digested in two stages by a combination of proteolytic enzymes and subsequent treatment with dnase and mung bean nuclease. examinati ...19921363619
characterization of proteins released from legume seeds in hot water.when immersed in water at 50-60 degrees, mature soybean seeds release a large amount of protein. the major protein released was basic 7s globulin (bg), which is present in the cotyledons of soybean seeds. the released bg consisted of the 27,000 and 16,000 subunits which were linked by disulphide bonding and glycosylated. the released bg exhibited an identical structure with the mature bg which was synthesized in the normal developing seeds. proteins like bg were also found to be released into ho ...19921368037
digestibility of proteins and starch (in vitro) of amphidiploids (black gram x mung bean) as affected by domestic processing and cooking.the effects of different domestic processing and cooking methods on starch digestibility (in vitro) and protein digestibility (in vitro) of four strains of amphidiploids (black gram x mung bean) were investigated. an increase of 35 to 48% and 22 to 25% was observed in starch digestibility and protein digestibility, respectively, when the seed of amphidiploids were soaked for 18 h. cooking (both of unsoaked and soaked seeds) and germination improved significantly the starch digestibility and prot ...19921374184
inhibition of tonoplast atpase from etiolated mung bean seedlings by fluorescein 5'-isothiocyanate.fluorescein 5'-isothiocyanate (fitc) was used to modify the lysine residue in the active site of tonoplast h(+)-atpase from etiolated mung-bean (vigna radiata l.) seedlings. fitc caused marked inactivation of the enzyme activities of both membrane-bound and soluble atpase and its associated h+ translocation. the sds/page pattern revealed that the fitc-binding site was in the large (a) subunit of atpase. inhibition could be substantially prevented by its physiological substrate atp, pyrophosphate ...19921386733
identification and characterization of a full-length cdna encoding for an auxin-induced 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase from etiolated mung bean hypocotyl segments and expression of its mrna in response to indole-3-acetic acid.1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (acc) synthase (ec is the key regulatory enzyme in the ethylene biosynthetic pathway. the identification and characterization of a full-length cdna (paim-1) 1941 bp in length for indole-3-acetic acid (iaa)-induced acc synthase is described in this paper. the paim-1 clone has an 87 bp leader and a 402 bp trailing sequence. the open reading frame is 1452 bp long encoding for a 54.6 kda polypeptide (484 amino acids) which has a calculated isoelectric poin ...19921421146
structural and functional analysis of two different nodd genes in bradyrhizobium japonicum usda110.bradyrhizobium japonicum has two closely linked homologs of the nodulation regulatory gene, nodd; these homologs are located upstream of and in divergent orientation to the nodyabcsuij gene cluster. we report here the nucleotide sequence and mutational analyses of both nodd copies. the predicted nodd1 and nodd2 proteins shared 62% identical amino acid residues at corresponding positions and exhibited different degrees of homology with nodd proteins of other bradyrhizobium, azorhizobium, and rhiz ...19921421512
mung bean nuclease exhibits an exon-excision activity upon the plasmodium falciparum sera gene. 19921474998
protein quality of developed home made weaning foods.home made weaning foods developed from locally available foods like bajra, barley, green gram (vigna radiata l.), amaranth grain (amaranthus sp.) and jaggery using household technologies like roasting and malting had a per ranging from 2.04 to 2.13, bv 79.56 to 80.68, npu 66.75 to 67.86, npr 2.13 to 2.76 and pre 34.18 to 44.18. the values were comparable to that of cerelac--a commercial weaning food.19921502125
variable intron content of the nadh dehydrogenase subunit 4 gene of plant mitochondria.the gene nad4, encoding subunit four of the mitochondrial nadh dehydrogenase complex i, has been isolated and characterized from turnip, brassica campestris. the 8 kb turnip nad4 gene contains four exons, which potentially encode a nad4 polypeptide of 495 amino acids, and three large group ii introns. northern analysis identifies an abundant 2 kb transcript that most likely serves as the nad4 mrna, while several larger transcripts (putative splicing intermediates) are also detected. analysis of ...19921525869
two cat expression vectors for cloning and generation of 3'- and 5'-deletion mutants.the construction of two versatile cat vectors, pgk0cat and pgka10cat, is reported. these vectors possess multiple cloning sites derived from the bluescript pks(+) plasmid that allow the cloning of diverse dna fragments. from a single cloned insert, i.e., a putative promoter element, one can use the exonuclease iii (exoiii) and s1 or mung-bean nuclease method to generate sequential deletion mutants of the 3' and 5' region. linker-scanning and internal deletion mutants can thus be created by using ...19921544565
the pf332 gene of plasmodium falciparum codes for a giant protein that is translocated from the parasite to the membrane of infected erythrocytes.we studied the gene structure of the plasmodium falciparum antigen 332 (ag332). the gene size was estimated to be approx. 20 kb based on the large size of both the transcript found in mature asexual blood stage parasites and mung bean nuclease fragment generated from genomic dna. sequence analysis of genomic and cdna clones representing different regions of the pf332 locus showed that the gene product contains a large number of highly degenerated glutamic acid (glu)-rich repeats (32% glu). the g ...19921544579
identification and characterization of three putative genes for 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase from etiolated mung bean hypocotyl segments.the polymerase chain reaction (pcr) was used to produce 3 putative clones for acc synthase from etiolated mung bean (vigna radiata rwilcz cv. berken) hypocotyls. this was accomplished by utilizing genomic dna from mung bean and degenerate primers made from information derived from highly conserved regions of acc synthase from different plant tissues. the total length of pmac-1, pmac-2 and pmac-3 are 308, 321, and 326 bp, respectively, all of which code for 68 amino acids. the introns for pmac-1, ...19921558953
d-mannonolactam amidrazone. a new mannosidase inhibitor that also inhibits the endoplasmic reticulum or cytoplasmic alpha-mannosidase.the amidrazone of d-mannonolactam (see compound 5, fig. 1) was synthesized chemically as a mimic of the mannopyranosyl cation and tested as a potential inhibitor of mannosidases. in this study compound 5 is shown to be a more general mannosidase inhibitor than other currently known compounds and exhibits properties not previously observed with any other mannosidase inhibitors. thus d-mannonolactam amidrazone not only inhibits the golgi mannosidase i (ic50 = 4 microm) and mannosidase ii (ic50 = 9 ...19921569086
characterization of the human gene encoding adp-ribosylation factor 1, a guanine nucleotide-binding activator of cholera toxin.mammalian adp-ribosylation factors (arfs), approximately 20-kda guanine nucleotide-binding proteins that stimulate cholera toxin adp-ribosyltransferase activity, were grouped into three classes based on deduced amino acid sequence. human arf 1, a class i arf, is identical with its bovine counterpart, has a distinctive pattern of tissue and developmental expression, and is encoded by a approximately 1.9-kilobase mrna. arf 1 cdnas were isolated from a human fibroblast cdna library; one arose via a ...19921577740
the two main rdna size classes of ascaris lumbricoides: comparison of transcription termination and spacer organization.structural and functional analyses were carried out to compare transcription termination and intergenic spacer organization between the two heterogeneous ribosomal dna size classes of ascaris lumbricoides. by performing mung bean nuclease mapping in vivo, we localized the 3' end of the mature 26s rrna to the same position in both forms. this site coincides with the in vivo and in vitro transcription termination site of the 40s-precursor rrna from both rdna size classes. we demonstrate that the 3 ...19921620592
polypeptide composition of bacterial cyclic diguanylic acid-dependent cellulose synthase and the occurrence of immunologically crossreacting proteins in higher comprehend the catalytic and regulatory mechanism of the cyclic diguanylic acid (c-di-gmp)-dependent cellulose synthase of acetobacter xylinum and its relatedness to similar enzymes in other organisms, the structure of this enzyme was analyzed at the polypeptide level. the enzyme, purified 350-fold by enzyme-product entrapment, contains three major peptides (90, 67, and 54 kda), which, based on direct photoaffinity and immunochemical labeling and amino acid sequence analysis, are constituents ...19911647035
a novel gene-fusing vector: construction of a 5'-ggmcc-specific chimeric methyltransferase, m.bspri/m.bsuri.a vector was designed to allow predetermined and precise fusion between two cloned genes by constructing a cassette with two unique class-iis restriction sites, 5'-acctgc-3' (bspmi) and 5'-ccggatg-3' (foki overlapping with mspi), arranged back-to-back in a divergent manner and inserted at the hincii site of a multiple cloning site (mcs) in plasmid puc18 or analogous vehicle. two dna fragments or genes to be precisely fused are cloned into the mcs parts located on each side of the cassette contai ...19911647357
a detailed analysis of duplications appearing during early, high multiplicity infections with polyoma virus.serial undiluted passage of polyoma virus derived from transfection of mouse fibroblasts with well defined wild-type genomes results in the appearance of a very heterogeneous population of defective virus particles. many of these variants show duplications which not only contain the cis-acting region minimally required for efficient replication, but also other regions. a detailed analysis of the duplication patterns appearing in high multiplicity infections is presented. we performed heteroduple ...19911651987
dimeric structure of h(+)-translocating pyrophosphatase from pumpkin vacuolar membranes.vacuolar membrane h(+)-translocating pyrophosphatase (h(+)-ppase) was purified from pumpkin seedlings. its enzymatic properties including molecular size of constituting polypeptide (75 kda) were very similar to those of mung bean h(+)-ppase [(1989) j. biol. chem. 264, 20068-20073]. the native, functional molecular size of the pumpkin h(+)-ppase was estimated to be 135-139 kda from gel permeation hplc of the purified enzyme in the presence of detergent and from radiation inactivation of the enzym ...19911655530
a vacuolar atpase and pyrophosphatase in acetabularia acetabulum.vacuole-rich fractions were isolated from acetabularia acetabulum by ficoll step gradient centrifugation. the tonoplast-rich vesicles showed atp-dependent and pyrophosphate-dependent h(+)-transport activities. atp-dependent h(+)-transport and atpase activity were both inhibited by the addition of a specific inhibitor of vacuolar atpase, bafilomycin b1. a 66 kda polypeptide present in the preparation cross-reacted with the anti-igg fractions against the alpha and beta subunits of halobacterium ha ...19911661154
immunological cross-reactivity between proton-pumping inorganic pyrophosphatases of widely phylogenic separated species.immunological cross-reactivity among three types of inorganic pyrophosphatases, that is, the proton pumping inorganic pyrophosphate synthase (h(+)-ppi synthase) and the soluble inorganic pyrophosphatase, both from rhodospirillum rubrum, and the vacuolar membrane inorganic pyrophosphatase (h(+)-ppase) from mung bean (vigna radiata), were examined by means of immunoblot analyses. antibodies raised against the mung bean h(+)-ppase cross-reacted with the h(+)-ppi synthase from r. rubrum but not with ...19911662506
evidence of ssdna in tubulofilamentous particles: their relationship to scrapie-associated fibrils.abnormal tubulofilamentous particles were identified by electron microscopy using a simple touch negative staining technique from brains of mice infected with four strains of the scrapie agent. treatment by three proteolytic enzymes and subsequent treatment with dnase and mung bean nuclease of grids prepared from the infected animals confirmed previous observations that the tubulofilamentous particles observed in scrapie-effected brains are complex structures. the core of the tubulofilamentous p ...19911674941
stimulation of nucleic acid and protein synthesis in mungbean (vigna radiata l.) seeds by uv irradiation.the effect of a range of ultraviolet (uv) irradiation doses on nucleic acid and protein synthesis has been studied during seed germination and seedling growth in mungbean (vigna radiata l). the treatment of seeds with low dose irradiation were stimulative for the synthesis of these molecules.19911718283
transcriptional analysis and promoter mapping of the fdxa gene which encodes the 7fe ferredoxin (fdii) of rhodobacter capsulatus.the structural gene (fdxa) coding for ferredoxin ii (fdii) of the photosynthetic bacterium rhodobacter capsulatus has been previously cloned and sequenced. transcription of the fdxa gene was studied by mrna analyses and by use of plasmid-borne fdxa::lacz translational fusions. the transcription start site was mapped 23 bp upstream of the initiation codon, as deduced from analysis of mrna by mung bean nuclease protection and primer extension experiments. a motif resembling the canonical sequence ...19921736101
isolation and characterization of the human gene for adp-ribosylation factor 3, a 20-kda guanine nucleotide-binding protein activator of cholera toxin.adp-ribosylation factors (arfs) are approximately 20-kda guanine nucleotide-binding proteins that stimulate the adp-ribosyltransferase activity of cholera toxin in vitro. five different human arfs have been identified by cdna cloning. northern analysis using arf 3-specific oligonucleotides identified two mrnas of 3.7 and 1.2 kilobases (kb). we report here the complete nucleotide sequence of the 3.7-kb arf 3 mrna derived from three overlapping cdnas isolated from human hippocampus and fetal brain ...19911744102
isolation and characterization of a naturally occurring inhibitor from mung bean (vigna radiata) seedlings for serine hydroxymethyltransferase.a naturally occurring inhibitor of serine hydroxymethyltransferase (ec in mung bean seedlings extracts was purified by ammonium sulphate precipitation, phenyl-sepharose chromatography followed by heating to release the inhibitor bound to the protein. the inhibitor had an absorption maximum at 200 nm, was not precipitated by trichloroacetic acid, was dialysable and resistant to inactivation by heating at 98 degrees c for 4 hr, protease and ribonuclease digestion; but was acid labile. the ...19911752627
characterization of 2s seed storage protein of brassica campestris and its antigenic homology with seed proteins of other cruciferae.the low molecular weight seed storage protein of brassica campestris has been isolated and its amino acid composition determined. antibody raised against this low molecular weight protein has been used to compare the antigenic similarity between the low molecular weight storage proteins of different cruciferae seeds by immunoprecipitation and western blotting. these studies revealed the existence of antigenically homologous proteins of identical molecular weights in seeds of other cruciferae but ...19911805785
transformation and regeneration of mung bean (vigna radiata).the procedure relied on a protocol in which shoot organogenesis was induced on cotyledons of mung bean genotypes selected for susceptibility to agrobacterium seems to work reproducibly if not efficiently. approximately 4-5% of the shoots produced on the kanamycin selected cotyledons are transgenic based on assays on kanamycin resistance and gus activity. this demonstrated that transformation and regeneration in mung bean are possible. however, raising the transformed plants in field condition is ...19911812081
production of tsr factor by rhizobium meliloti.the root exudates of alfalfa (medicago sativa) and mungbean (vigna radiata) induced the tsr (thick and short roots) factor production in rhizobium meliloti. the factor caused a 30-40% reduction of root length in alfalfa seedlings. pea root exudate had no tsr induction activity. the flavonoid naringenin could replace the roots in inducing tsr production. naringenin-induced tsr factor caused 70% shortening of main roots. the tsr inducing property of naringenin was specific since quercetin and syri ...19911823653
beta-furfuryl-beta-glucoside. an endogenous activator of higher plant udp-glucose: (1----3)-beta-glucan synthase.we have recently established the existence of endogenous activators of higher plant udp-glucose: (1----3)-beta-glucan synthase (callaghan, t., ross, p., weinberger-ohana, p., and benziman, m. (1988) plant physiol. 86, 1099-1103). here we report the purification and chemical analysis of the most abundant and specific compound, termed activator i, isolated from vigna radiata. this compound was extensively purified by a multistep procedure which yielded 0.1 mg of purified activator/g of fresh tissu ...19911830307
h(+)-translocating inorganic pyrophosphatase of plant vacuoles. inhibition by ca2+, stabilization by mg2+ and immunological comparison with other inorganic pyrophosphatases.the effects of divalent cations, especially ca2+ and mg2+, on the proton-translocating inorganic pyrophosphatase purified from mung bean vacuoles were investigated to compare the enzyme with other pyrophosphatases. the pyrophosphatase was irreversibly inactivated by incubation in the absence of mg2+. the removal of mg2+ from the enzyme increased susceptibility to proteolysis by trypsin. vacuolar pyrophosphatase required free mg2+ as an essential cofactor (k0.5 = 42 microm). binding of mg2+ stabi ...19911848180
myo-inositol pentakisphosphates. structure, biological occurrence and phosphorylation to myo-inositol hexakisphosphate.1. standard and high-performance anion-exchange-chromatographic techniques have been used to purify myo-[3h]inositol pentakisphosphates from various myo-[3h]inositol-prelabelled cells. slime mould (dictyostelium discoideum) contained 8 microm-myo-[3h]inositol 1,3,4,5,6-pentakisphosphate, 16 microm-myo-[3h]inositol 1,2,3,4,6-pentakisphosphate and 36 microm-d-myo-[3h]inositol 1,2,4,5,6-pentakisphosphate [calculated intracellular concentrations; stephens & irvine (1990) nature (london) 346, 580-583 ...19911850990
development, acceptability and nutritional value of weaning mixtures.low cost weaning mixtures were prepared by mixing (i) malted pearl millet (penicitum typhidium l), roasted amaranth (amaranthus sp.); roasted green gram (vigna radiata); jaggery and (ii) malted barley (dehusked barley); roasted amaranth grain; roasted green gram; jaggery in proportion 60:20:40:45 wt/wt and were nutritionally evaluated. both the blends had a nutrient composition within the range prescribed by the indian standard institute (isi) for processed weaning foods. the processing of grain ...19911852724
cloning and expression of genomic dna sequences coding for putative erythrocyte membrane-associated antigens of plasmodium falciparum.genomic dna fragments of plasmodium falciparum generated by mung bean nuclease digestion were cloned in the lambda expression vector lambda jk2. the resulting library was screened with a rabbit antiserum raised against purified membranes of p. falciparum-infected erythrocytes and with a serum pool from immune humans from an endemic area of liberia. positive clones were rescreened with a series of human and monkey sera. twelve selected clones were analysed in detail. four of them corresponded to ...19911896607
the synthesis and characterization of uridine 5'-(beta-l-rhamnopyranosyl diphosphate) and its role in the enzymic synthesis of rutin.uridine 5'-(beta-l-rhamnopyranosyl diphosphate) was synthesized by the condensation of uridine 5'-diphenylpyrophosphate and beta-l-rhamnopyranosyl phosphate. that sugar 1-phosphate was made via the phosphitylation of the hemiacetal hydroxyl group of 2,3,4-tetra-o-acetyl-beta-l-rhamnopyranose. an enzyme preparation from the primary leaves of mung bean (phaseolus aureus) was shown to catalyze the transfer of l-rhamnose from udp-beta-l-rhamnose to the flavonol d-glucoside isoquercitrin to form ruti ...19911898019
prosomes (proteasomes) of higher plants.from different plant tissues such as tobacco (nicotiana rustica), potato (solanum tuberosum), and mung bean (phaseolus radiatus), ring- or cylinder-shaped particles called prosomes were isolated by either sucrose gradient centrifugation or fast protein liquid chromatography (fplc). these particles have a diameter of 12 to 14 nm and a length of 16 to 18 nm. they migrate under conditions of nondenaturing gel electrophoresis as one distinct band. sedimentation coefficient and buoyant density in cs2 ...19911915409
evaluation of deoxygenated oligosaccharide acceptor analogs as specific inhibitors of glycosyltransferases.the glycosyltransferases controlling the biosynthesis of cell-surface complex carbohydrates transfer glycosyl residues from sugar nucleotides to specific hydroxyl groups of acceptor oligosaccharides. these enzymes represent prime targets for the design of glycosylation inhibitors with the potential to specifically alter the structures of cell-surface glycoconjugates. with the aim of producing such inhibitors, synthetic oligosaccharide substrates were prepared for eight different glycosyltransfer ...19911917926
proposed secondary structure of eukaryotic u14 snrna.u14 snrna is a small nuclear rna that plays a role in the processing of eukaryotic ribosomal rna. we have investigated the folded structure of this snrna species using comparative analysis of evolutionarily diverse u14 snrna primary sequences coupled with nuclease digestion analysis of mouse u14 snrna. covariant nucleotide analysis of aligned mouse, rat, human, and yeast u14 snrna primary sequences suggested a basic folding pattern in which the 5' and 3' termini of all u14 snrnas were base-paire ...19911923756
subrepeats of rdna intergenic spacer present as prominent independent satellite dna in vigna radiata but not in vigna angularis.subrepeats located in the rdna intergenic spacer are also present as independently occurring, tandemly arranged satellite dna clusters in the genome of vigna radiata (mung bean). these 174-bp satellite repeats are identified as non-rdna repeats by the presence of an alui site. in the closely related vigna angularis (adzuki bean), 174-bp repeats characterized by an alui site occur in the rdna with high sequence homology to the v. radiata rdna subrepeats. a part of the 174-bp element that shows hi ...19912022324
dna hairpin loops in solution. correlation between primary structure, thermostability and reactivity with single-strand-specific nuclease from mung bean.hairpin structures formed by seven dna inverted repeats have been studied by page, uv(cd)-spectroscopy and nuclease cleavage. the hairpins consisted of (cg)3 stems and loops of 2, 3 and 4 residues. thermal stabilities (tm) have been determined in low and high ionic strength buffers, where the hairpins were structured in the b- and z-dna form respectively. the thermodynamic parameters of hairpin formation have been obtained by a two-state analysis of the hairpin-coil transitions. it is found that ...19912027758
mung bean nuclease cleavage pattern at a polypurine.polypyrimidine sequence upstream from the mouse metallothionein-i gene.mung bean nuclease, an enzyme specific for single-stranded dna, was used to probe a non-b dna structure present in the mouse metallothionein-i gene. the region sensitive to the enzyme was constituted by a 128 base-pair long polypurine.polypyrimidine sequence located at 1.2-kb from the start of transcription. a detailed analysis of the mung bean nuclease cleavage pattern revealed that: (i) under conditions of supercoiling and low ph a triplex structure was formed, (ii) the triplex was flanked by ...19912027772
a putative rna virus in babesia bovis.babesia bovis is an intraerythrocytic protozoan that causes bovine babesiosis. agarose gel electrophoresis of nucleic acids extracted from two isolates of b. bovis reveals, besides bulk dna, an ethidium bromide-stainable band at about 5.5 kb. further characterization of the latter with dnase i, rnase and mung bean nuclease suggested it to be a double-stranded rna. sonicated parasites were fractionated in a cscl buoyant density gradient. a sample containing the 5.5-kb rna was analysed under an el ...19912052034
molecular organization of the human cathepsin d gene.a 16-kb fragment of human dna containing the cathepsin d (catd) gene was isolated. nucleotide sequencing, primer extension, protection from mung bean nuclease, and promoter activity assays were used to characterize the gene. the transcribed portion of the gene is about 11,000 bp and is organized into 9 exons analogous with the human pepsinogen a gene. human pepsinogen a and catd proteins have 42% sequence identity, while the two cdnas are 55.7% identical. the positions of the splice junctions ar ...19912069717
selenium as a novel regulator of porphyrin biosynthesis in germinating seedlings of mung bean (phaseolus vulgaris).5-aminolevulinic acid, porphyrin and chlorophyll contents as well the activities of 5-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase and pbg deaminase were studied in selenium treated mung bean seedlings. selenium had no effect on 5-aminolevulinic acid synthetic ability but inhibited 5-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase and pbg deaminase activities. further, it was observed that selenium induced accumulation of protoporphyrin-ix and mg-protoporphyrin ester and decreased chlorophyll levels in both light and dark-g ...19902076102
steady-state kinetic properties of phosphoglycerate kinase of mung beans.steady-state kinetics of the action of mung bean phosphoglycerate kinase have been investigated using 3-phosphoglycerate and atp as substrates in the presence of mg2+ ions. keeping a constant and high mg2+ concentration and varying the concentration of one of the substrates (atp or 3-phosphoglycerates) at several fixed concentrations of the other substrate (3-phosphoglycerate or atp), the km values of mg.atp2- and 3-phosphoglycerate were found to be 0.42 and 0.60 mm, respectively. these values a ...19902079337
internal transcribed spacer 1 of the yeast precursor ribosomal rna. higher order structure and common structural motifs.the higher order structure of the first internal transcribed spacer between the 18s and the 5.8s rrna sequences in the saccharomyces cerevisiae precursor ribosomal rna has been investigated. sites of potential base pairing in the rna region have been determined by using a combination of enzymatic and chemical structure sensitive probes. data generated have been used to evaluate secondary structure models predicted by minimum free energy calculations. several alternative suboptimal structures wer ...19902116901
purification and properties of arylmannosidases from mung bean seedlings and soybean cells.two arylmannosidases (signified as a and b) were purified to homogeneity from soluble and microsomal fractions of mung bean seedlings. arylmannosidase a from the microsomes appeared the same on native gels and on sds gels as soluble arylmannosidase a, the same was true for arylmannosidase b. sedimentation velocity studies indicated that both enzymes were homogeneous, and that arylmannosidase a had a molecular mass of 237 kd while b had a molecular mass of 243 kd. arylmannosidase a showed two maj ...19902136383
subunit composition of vacuolar membrane h(+)-atpase from mung bean.the vacuolar h(+)-atpase from mung bean hypocotyls was solubilized from the membrane with lysophosphatidycholine and purified by qae-toyopearl column chromatography. the purified atpase was active only in the presence of exogenous phospholipid and was inhibited by nitrate, dicyclohexyl carbodiimide and triton x-100, but not by vanadate or azide. dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified atpase yielded ten polypeptides of molecular masses of 68 kda, 57 kda, 44 kda, 43 kda ...19902137412
purification to homogeneity and properties of mannosidase ii from mung bean seedlings.mannosidase ii was purified from mung bean seedlings to apparent homogeneity by using a combination of techniques including deae-cellulose and hydroxyapatite chromatography, gel filtration, lectin affinity chromatography, and preparative gel electrophoresis. the release of radioactive mannose from glcnac[3h]man5glcnac was linear with time and protein concentration with the purified protein, did not show any metal ion requirement, and had a ph optimum of 6.0. the purified enzyme showed a single b ...19902139344
hypersensitive mung bean nuclease cleavage sites in plasmodium knowlesi dna.nucleotide sequences of plasmodium knowlesi dna that are cleaved by mung bean nuclease (mbn) at low enzyme concentration (0.2 units enzyme per micrograms dna) are listed. they are tandemly repeated purine/pyrimidine (rpy) stretches of dna with (apt) dimers predominating. most cut sites are within almost 100% rpy tracts. the enzyme cleaves at many points within the rpy stretch and usually hydrolyzes the 5'-apt-3' linkage. these alternating rpy target sites are flanked by homopurine and homopyrimi ...19902140809
kifunensine, a potent inhibitor of the glycoprotein processing mannosidase i.kifunensine, produced by the actinomycete kitasatosporia kifunense 9482, is an alkaloid that corresponds to a cyclic oxamide derivative of 1-amino mannojirimycin. this compound was reported to be a weak inhibitor of jack bean alpha-mannosidase (ic50 of 1.2 x 10(-4) m) (kayakiri, h., takese, s., shibata, t., okamoto, m., terano, h., hashimoto, m., tada, t., and koda, s. (1989) j. org. chem. 54, 4015-4016). we also found that kifunensine was a poor inhibitor of jack bean and mung bean aryl-alpha-m ...19902144287
activation of mammalian phosphofructokinases by ribose 1,5-bisphosphate.ribose 1,5-bisphosphate (rib-1,5-p2), a newly discovered activator of rat brain phosphofructokinase, forms rapidly during the initiation of glycolytic flux and disappears within 20 s (ogushi, s., lawson, j.w. r., dobson, g.p., veech, r.l., and uyeda, k. (1990) j. biol. chem. 265, 10943-10949). activation of various mammalian phosphofructokinases and plant pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinases by rib-1,5-p2 was investigated. the order of decreasing potency for activation of rabbit muscle p ...19902146265
differential proteolysis of the subunits of pyrophosphate-dependent 6-phosphofructo-1-phosphotransferase.antibodies against the alpha (mr 67,000) and beta (mr 60,000) subunits of wheat seedling fru-2,6-p2-stimulated pyrophosphate-dependent 6-phosphofructo-1-phosphotransferase (pfp) were used to probe the subunit structures of several partially purified plant pfps after tryptic digestion. antisera to the alpha and beta subunits of wheat seedling pfp cross-reacted with the corresponding alpha and beta subunits of pfp preparations from wheat germ, potato tubers, and lettuce leaves. with the mung bean ...19902153677
influence of media composition on the production of delta-endotoxin by bacillus thuringiensis var. thuringiensis.powders of edible leguminous seeds, greengram (vigna radiata) or soybean (glycine max), were used as the major protein source with different combinations of soluble starch and/or cane sugar molasses as the major carbohydrate source for the production of delta-endotoxin by bacillus thuringiensis var. thuringiensis serotype 1 in submerged fermentation. the primary product (lyophilized with 6 g of lactose) yield was 8.7 to 9.1 g/liter from media with dehusked greengram powder and 9.7 to 10.3 g/lite ...19902156939
physical mapping and molecular cloning of mung bean yellow mosaic virus dna.viral single-stranded dna of mung bean yellow mosaic virus (mymv) was converted to the double-stranded state in vitro, and physical mapping was carried out. the genome of mymv was found to consist of two major components (designated as dna 1 and dna 2). in addition, some minor components were detected. molecular cloning of the major components was carried out, using in vitro double-stranded dna and replicative intermediate dnas. dna 1 is about 2.72 and dna 2 about 2.67 kilobase pairs. no similar ...19902159956
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 1301