
direct demonstration of antigenic substitution of borrelia burgdorferi ex vivo: exploration of the paradox of the early immune response to outer surface proteins a and c in lyme disease.the outer surface proteins (osps) of borrelia burgdorferi, the etiologic agent of lyme disease, are principle targets of protective immune responses against this organism. whereas most north american strains of b. burgdorferi in culture express an abundant amount of osp a, antibodies to this protein are either absent or only weakly detected in the sera of naturally infected patients or experimentally infected mice. in contrast, osp c, which has variable expression on cultured organisms; elicits ...19968551229
culturing selects for specific genotypes of borrelia burgdorferi in an enzootic cycle in colorado, borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto, the etiologic agent of lyme disease, is maintained in an enzootic cycle between ixodes spinipalpis ticks and neotoma mexicana rats (27). the frequencies of flagellin (fla), 66-kda protein (p66), and outer surface protein a (ospa) alleles were examined in 71 b. burgdorferi isolates from samples from colorado. approximately two-thirds of these samples were isolates from i. spinipalpis ticks that had been cultured in bsk-h medium prior to dna extract ...19979276416
borrelia lonestari infection after a bite by an amblyomma americanum tick.erythematous rashes that are suggestive of early lyme disease have been associated with the bite of amblyomma americanum ticks, particularly in the southern united states. however, borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of lyme disease, has not been cultured from skin biopsy specimens from these patients, and diagnostic serum antibodies usually have not been found. borrelia lonestari sp nov, an uncultured spirochete, has been detected in a. americanum ticks by dna amplification techniques, bu ...200111372036
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